Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 914: "·Halfway Command"

Hate and sin, but not hate the perpetrators. I must understand the various faults inherited by the mortal who are flesh and blood; the non-cooperation movement does not promote hatred. The real non-cooperation is different confluence, not cooperation with evil, but not isolation from evildoers.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

After staying in the Thundercloud base for less than three hours, Bai Feng left the base with the 20,000 sets of new weapons and equipment recently produced by the equipment manufacturing center; at the same time, the 13,000 city defense army in the former Besançon province , Is slowly entering the Thundercloud base.

According to the agreement between Bai Feng and Marquis Besançon, the 13,000 City Defense Forces that Marquis Besançon had to dissolve on the spot due to the restrictions of the City Defense Forces of the Imperial Army will be taken by Bai Feng to help Marquis Besançon hide in the Eastern Empire.

When the time is right for the future, the White Summit will use this elite city defense army as its main force to form a dedicated army for the Marquis of Besançon; of course, Marquis Besançon does not know these now, he only Knowing that Bai Feng is helping him hide his soldiers.

This 13,000 Besançon provincial provincial defense army general, Bai Feng was planning to hand it over to Hess for temporary management before coming to the Thundercloud base; only after he arrived at the Thundercloud base, Bai Feng discovered that he commanded 20,000 Leiyun garrison guards Paresi is more suitable for managing this city defense force than Hess.

No way, who made Hess need to do too much? All matters in Thundercloud Base require Hess to handle, and the formation of the Thundercloud Knights is indispensable to Hess, even Hess has to worry about the orderly development of Thundercloud Township outside the mountains and forests.

When Bai Feng left the Leiyun base, he also solemnly confessed to Paresi; from now on, whether it is the distribution of weapons and equipment or the daily training, this city defense army unit will be with Leiyun The garrison was consistent.

Because the weapons and equipment originally used by this city defense force were all inferior and inferior in quality; so the equipment production center’s output of weapons and equipment for the next month and a half will be used to arm this city defense force to improve their Fighting power.

Before leaving to catch up with the army, the curious Bai Feng deliberately took a look at the town of Leiyun outside the forest; but found that this was a large town with a population of more than 5,000, not only a lot of old and weak women and children, but also strong and strong The young and strong are also in the minority.

After several inquiries, Bai Feng learned that it turned out that the town of Leiyun not only had family members of artisans, but also some nearby people who had come here to bring their family members to settle down in Leiyun Town. .

The so-called come here is that the Sofia Chamber of Commerce in Leiyun Township sells various shops at extremely low prices, which makes the people nearby greedy. It is important to know that for ordinary people with low incomes, the cost of living is lower. Is the beginning of a better life.

For these ordinary people who came here, Hess was a laissez-faire, and the snare net, which was integrated with the Sofia Chamber of Commerce, conducted a secret investigation; after confirming that these people were innocent, they did not prevent their relocation.

Leiyun Town, with a total population of more than 5,000, is no different from a small city except for the city walls. In view of this, Baifeng, which has never built a regular city, is rarely born here. The idea of ​​building a thundercloud city.

With the strong financial resources of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce as a support, it is not difficult to build Leiyun Town into Leiyun City; however, the process of building a city is quite long, even if it is fast, it will take a year and a half. time.

In the province of Broyansong where Thundercloud is located, it is the capital of the Eastern Metropolitan Government; if Prince Pross deliberately obstructs, then the construction cycle of Thundercloud City will inevitably be extended indefinitely, or even the possibility of not being built All.

This means that the construction of Thundercloud City should also be a requirement to join in the power distribution negotiations between Baifeng and Prince Prosper; for this upcoming power distribution negotiation, it has long been known that Prince Fengs bottom line is full of Confidence.

After quickly catching up with the army, Bai Feng, under the guard of the guard camp, slowly moved in the direction of the Brossong County; one day and a half later, Bai Feng, the prime minister of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, will arrive. Broyansong County!

There is a saying that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and this time is no exception; when Bai Feng's army is about half a day away from Broyansong County, a subordinate cavalry sent by the Prince of Pros, with the order of the Prince Find Bai Feng.

After a knight wearing a purple armor was brought to Bai Feng by Steve, he immediately issued a command with respect and respect: "His Lord Duke of Yulin, he will lead Demps, the purple clothing guard of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. Come to the latest order of His Royal Highness."

Bai Feng, who had heard of Ziyiwei for a long time, did not expect that this ordinary person in front of him was actually the commander of Ziyiwei. He asked Demps while receiving the order transmitted by Steve: "Dumps Commander, how has Ziyiwei developed recently?"

"This..." Demps, who didn't know how to answer, said after a little hesitation: "My Excellency the Duke, when I left the imperial capital, I had 2,500 soldiers in Ziyiwei. Now the number of soldiers has increased to five. thousand."

"Five thousand soldiers, exactly the same size as the Imperial Duke's Guard." Bai Fengwen said with a slight smile: "I heard that our Highness Pross built a Duke's mansion for me in Broyansong County. This is to want to lead the army. Do you want to stay in Broyansong?"

"This..." Demps, a cold sweat across his forehead quietly, really didn't know how to answer.

Seeing the appearance of Dumbles who dare not answer, Bai Feng did not continue to embarrass him, but opened the order sent by Prince Prosperously; in fact, this was a very simple and clear order .

The content of the order is very simple. Prince Pross, who lives in Broyansong, feels that it is crowded to have seven of his legions stationed outside Broyansong. To avoid Baifeng’s corps being stationed without a place, Bai Feng only He led his guard to Broyansong County.

In all fairness, this is an order that shows more weakness than orders; if Prince Pross did not fear the army of Bai Feng's army, then why should he let Bai Feng stay in the army and only lead a small number of guards to go to cloth? What about Luoyangsong County?

What are the crowded stations outside Broyansong? When Bai Feng led hundreds of thousands of troops stationed near Broyongsong County, why was it not crowded at all? As far as the 140,000 soldiers of the seven legions of the Prince of Prosperous District, are they packed out of Broyansong?

Bai Feng, who dismissed his heart, opened his face with a blank expression to Temples: "Commander Temples, you go back and sue His Royal Highness; my army will be stationed on the spot, I only Lead your own guard camp to Broyansong."

"Your Excellency, your reply, I will arrange other subordinate cavalry to return to His Royal Highness." After hearing Bai Feng's reply, Dempus, who was more respectful, recommended himself: "And I will stay for You lead the way."

"I have stayed in the province of Broyongsong for much longer than you. What route do you need to take?" Bai Feng, who was more disdainful about the performance of Prince Pross, apparently agreed to take care of everyone's face and said: "It's fine , Lead the way ahead."

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