Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 921: "·Military Advantage"

Newspapers are a great force, but just as wild torrents can destroy Tian Lu and crops, an uncontrolled pen can also destroy them. If control comes from outside, it is more harmful than no control. Only internal supervision can be beneficial.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Bai Feng, who has limited time and energy, is unlikely to give his life to every Oriental noble who is loyal to himself; all his arrangements and deployments are communicated to the scattered provinces of Broyansong and Grenoble through the snare net and the Sofia Chamber of Commerce. The upstarts of the provinces and towns.

After making this arrangement, Bai Feng spent several days in Broyansong County and discussed with Prince Prosper how to deal with the other three princes, especially the precautions after the future power of Prince William and Harry Measures.

Prince William with the full support of the Imperial Army and Prince Harry with the full support of the Imperial Finance, and sitting in the four northwestern and three southwestern provinces without the trauma of war, their future development is bound to be rapid, even terrible!

Nothing to see, Prince William has just led his army to the province of Calais to formally form the Northwest Metropolitan Government. Six Northwestern Legions have been formed with the support of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Prince Harry also arrived in Lusong Province at the forefoot, and his hind legs are rich in financial resources Four southwestern legions were formed.

Compared with the ambitious enhancement of the strength of these two princes, Prince Pross spent 30 million gold coins to build the Dudu Palace, so that it fell to the practice of borrowing money from Bai Feng to build three new Eastern legions. No difference.

Fortunately, Bai Feng, who is more financially powerful than Prince Harry, took out 50 million gold coins to give to Prince Pros conditionally, and also took out 50 million gold coins for the restoration and development of eastern provinces. The development is not inferior to those of the two governors.

In order to avoid a situation in which the strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is weaker than that of the other Metropolitan Governments, Bai Feng and Prince Proposal decided unanimously that the number of regular troops in the Eastern Metropolitan Government is at least more than that of the second largest military governor An army of less than one hundred thousand!

For example, the Metropolitan Government with the largest number of standing legions is the Eastern Metropolitan Government of the Prince of Pros and the Northern Metropolitan Government of the Royal Prince Philip; the Northern Metropolitan Government of the temporarily unable to expand the army now has sixteen standing corps, a total of three 120,000 regular army.

In comparison, Prince William’s Northwest Metropolitan Government has only twelve standing regiments and six Northwest Corps, with a total strength of 300,000; Prince Harry’s Southwest Metropolitan Government has only seven standing regiments and four Southwest Corps, with a total strength of 180,000.

The provincial defense forces and special regiments under the rule of the metropolitan government are not counted in the scope of the regular army; because the eastern metropolitan government and the northern metropolitan government are the two metropolitan defense governments with the most urban defense forces, and the eastern metropolitan government The government is also the governor's office with the most special legions.

All the current special corps of the empire together, there are only seven in total, namely: Prince Philip’s Phantom Corps, Prince Harry’s Dragon Slayer, Prince Pross’ Bluebird Legion, Baifeng’s Blast Legion, Lance Corps, Jagged Legion, Cavalry Corps.

The Eastern Metropolitan Government, where both the City Defense Army and the Special Legion are dominant, naturally does not need to compare with other weaker Metropolitan Governments in this respect; in this way, maintaining the absolute superiority of the regular army has become the Eastern Metropolitan Government’s military strength. The core link of advantage.

The number of standing legions in the Eastern Metropolitan Government is sixteen, and the number of Eastern Corps is five. Even with the three Eastern Legions under construction, the total strength is only 400,000, which is not more than that of the Northern Metropolitan Government. The minimum requirements of 100,000 troops.

In view of this, Prince Pross proposed to form two more Eastern legions to meet the minimum requirements jointly agreed by the two; however, such a blind expansion of the number of Eastern legions is obviously irrational and will not cure the symptoms.

Although Bai Feng did not agree with Prince Pross’s proposal, Prince Pross himself felt that this approach was effective; because the formation of each Eastern Legion cost only hundreds of thousands of gold coins, he had enough gold coins to form One after another the Eastern Legion.

In this regard, Bai Feng, who pays more attention to the quality of the army, is opposed; in Bai Feng's view, instead of wasting gold coins to form a weak Eastern Combat Army, it is better to spend as much limited gold coins on the existing standing army as possible. The size of the standing legion.

Upon hearing that Bai Feng was interested in expanding the size of the standing legion, Prince Pross, who was not well versed in military matters, immediately came to interest; since Prince Pross was interested in listening to his opinions, Bai Feng would naturally not refuse to take his own ideas. One by one.

It turned out that Bai Feng’s method was to assign a standing wing to each standing corps of the Eastern Metropolitan Government by adding a nominal reserve to the existing standing corps; this large reserve wing, full of soldiers The number will reach an astonishing five thousand!

In this way, the strength of each standing legion of the Eastern Metropolitan Government will be increased from 20,000 soldiers to 25,000 soldiers, with an expansion of one quarter; according to this standard, the total of the 16 standing legions of the Eastern Metropolitan Government The strength will increase from 320,000 to 400,000!

Compared with the method that the Prince of Pros can spend up to 600,000 gold coins to achieve the standard, Bai Feng's standing army expansion plan requires at least millions of gold coins; however, these two very different schemes have formed The effect is also vastly different.

If implemented in accordance with the plan put forward by Prince Prosper, the number of Eastern legions in the Eastern Metropolitan Government will increase in the future, but the growth of the overall military strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government will be slower and slower; Will bring many complicated problems.

Recruiting tens of thousands of young and strong soldiers to form an army will greatly increase the military expenditure of the Eastern Governorate on the one hand, and will also affect the recovery and development speed of the eastern provinces; in the long run, only the eastern provinces will go away The more you enter the army, the slower you will develop.

If implemented according to the plan proposed by Bai Feng, the pressure of one-time capital investment will be much greater, and the early development speed of the eastern provinces will also be dragged down; but the benefits are also very obvious, the overall military strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government will be greater. Come stronger.

In the end, whether to form more Eastern legions or to expand the existing standing legions, after weighing the pros and cons, Prince Pross finally chose to implement the expansion plan proposed by Bai Feng; however, the implementation of this plan was divided into two by the Prince. Sections.

The so-called two parts, that is, the four standing legions directly under the Prince of Pros, are recruited and expanded by the Prince of Pros in the provinces of Broyansson and Grenoble; the twelve standing legions under Bai Feng’s command, led by Bai Feng in Bangladesh The three provinces of Dan, Lyon and Toulon recruited and expanded their own troops.

Undoubtedly, this is exactly the result that Bai Feng wanted. He did not intervene in the expansion of the army of the Prince of Pros. The nine standing legions of his own family could not allow the Prince to dabble in. This is the two to maintain harmony. The basic premise of the coexistence relationship.

As for the three legions under the command of Erik Erik, there is no current status of the war, so Bai Feng has no suitable reason to take over these three legions; therefore, Bai Feng just ordered him to make an order with his own army. Lead the army to the province of Mendan.

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