Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 933: "·Urban Development"

People cannot accept injustice, regardless of whether the other party is Hitler or others; we must strive to let people see this injustice and are willing to die for it.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Return to Baifeng in Rome two days in advance, the first day is spent in the busy, the second day is also spent in the busy; the difference from the first day is that the second day is the last day of August This evening, Bai Feng needs to do more than the previous day.

Because many things have to be done after midnight, Bai Feng called Luquez and Vipsani, who were busier than him, to the governor’s mansion after dinner; compared to the cold system, Bai Feng still likes to listen to Luques, etc. Personal report.

Of course, this is only one reason why Bai Feng called Luquez and Vipsani tonight. On the other hand, the system's description of the situation in the city of Rome is too sketchy. For the specific details, Bai Feng still has to Learned from the mouth of Lucius and Vipsani.


Hearing the voices of Lucius and Vipsani, carefully looking at the development status of the various towns under the Roman city, Bai Feng, raised his head to smile and waved at the respectful two people: "You can just find a chair and sit down, wait I'll talk about what I have in hand."

Let's just wait for Luquez and Vepsani to react, Bai Feng turned his head down and looked at what was in his hands; Lucius and Vepsani, who had long been accustomed to all this, did not really find a chair to sit down. Instead, they sat under Bai Feng from left to right.

This is the current status of the development of the Roman cities and towns that was handed over to Baifeng by Weipsani yesterday. Before that, Baifeng was too busy to see it. Until tonight, Baifeng had time to take a closer look; the data inside is comparable to the system. The data is much more detailed.

For example, the small town of Tasiia among the 18 towns, as a town named after the original tribe of the father and son of Gamilios, the current total population of this town has reached a staggering 200,000, of which the number of young people is As much as forty thousand!

More than one-fifth of the young and middle-aged people who do not join the army are already a very high proportion of a barbarian town with almost all soldiers; this is enough to show that the population composition of the small town of Tasia is becoming more and more reasonable.

Compared with the increasingly reasonable population composition, what really attracts Bai Feng’s attention is the development of industry and agriculture in the town of Tasia; after a year and a half of accumulation, the farmland cultivated in the town of Tasia, the food that can be harvested every time it matures Enough to feed 150,000 people.

This means that the food production of the two-year cooked food in the small town of Tarsia, while feeding the 200,000 barbarians in the town, can also sell one-third of the food to the governor’s house; of course, I am used to eating Barbarians who don’t wear clothes or wear warm days don’t do this.

Most of the people in the small towns of Tasia will store more food for the occasional needs while ensuring that their family has enough food; those who can only leave the rations and sell all the surplus food are uncommon. Barbarian youth who want to save money for business.

When referring to these barbaric youths, it is necessary to mention the unusually prosperous business situation of the small town of Tassia; out of the compensation mentality of Gamilios and his son, before leaving the city of Rome, Bai Feng specifically advised Tovipsani to help the tower with limited help. West Asia town development.

As a result of Bai Feng’s deliberate entrustment, Vipsani made a special fund of 100,000 gold coins to support the business development of the small town of Tasia; after all, it is the instinct of all Roman officials and politicians to attach importance to business and promote economic growth in cities and towns through commerce And idiomatic means.

A full hundred thousand gold coins were exchanged for the township of Tasia to form an unimaginable caravan scale in other towns; under the current situation that the total number of caravans in other towns does not exceed twenty, the large caravan in Tasia The number reached 25!

The division of caravans in Rome is based on the number of caravan employees and the size of the business: small caravans are caravans with fewer than fifty employees and an annual turnover of less than 500 gold coins; medium caravans Is a caravan with more than 50 employees and less than 200 employees and an annual turnover of more than 500 gold coins and less than 5,000 gold coins; a large caravan is a caravan with more than 200 employees and an annual turnover of more than 5,000 gold coins. Caravan.

The town of Tasia now has 25 large caravans, 47 medium-sized caravans, and 104 small caravans; the number of chambers of this size means that in the small town of Tasia with a population of 200,000 There are more than 20,000 people serving the caravan!

A town with more than one-tenth of the population is a member of a professional caravan. This does not include other small business hawkers engaged in business operations; from this, it can be seen how large the commercial scale of the small town of Tasia is and the business atmosphere. How warm!

Although it is not necessary to pay agricultural taxes in the cities and towns under the Roman rule, the commercial tax on the caravans must be paid; even if the commercial tax rate set by the governor’s office is not high, all the caravans in the 18 cities and towns add up and pay each month. The business tax is still as high as 50,000 gold coins.

Among them, the town of Tasiia alone, the commercial tax paid reached 10,000 gold coins, accounting for one-fifth of the total commercial tax; seeing here, Bai Feng was quite emotional, and Vip Sanina spent 100,000 gold coins. Great value for money!

As agriculture and commerce go hand in hand, the industry of the small town of Tasia has also ushered in a peak period of rapid development; the so-called industrial development here does not mean any mechanical ultra-era industry, but refers to relatively simple and original household appliances manufacture.

The barbarians who lack science and technology do not know how to manufacture daily necessities and living utensils. They used to use very simple and primitive stone and bone products, and they will be damaged slightly during use, and they are very complicated and complicated to manufacture. .

Aiming at the common problem of this barbarian people in the town of Tasia, Vipsani selected thousands of craftsmen from the town of Tasia in the name of the governor’s house; then let the craftsmen in Rome city proficient in the manufacture of various utensils and supplies, Teach the manufacturing methods of these barbarian craftsmen.

With the strong support of Vipsani, the small town of Tasia, which was originally no different from other towns, quickly developed its own manufacturing industry; even, the products they produced had a low price. Once seized a lot of business in the city of Rome.

Later, if it were not for the representatives of other towns who objected to the Governor’s intentional preference for the town of Tasia, then Vipsani would not popularize the support of the town of Tasia; Rao is the case. The pace of development is still much faster than other towns.

Similar to the rapid development rate of the small town of Tasia, it is not uncommon among the 18 towns. Other towns that have not been strongly supported by the Governor’s Office have not developed slowly; the hardworking and resilience of the barbarian people have become They made a shortcut to get rich.

It is no exaggeration to say that the total population of the eighteen towns under the Roman city is less than 2.3 million, but the actual food produced and wealth created each year has doubled in the west of the Benelux and the Eastern Union combined. Much more!

Even Queen Budeka’s Essini Kingdom has benefited greatly from the rapid development of the towns under the rule of Rome; the smooth and spacious Quartet Avenue connects not only the diplomatic exchanges between the city of Rome and the Kingdom of Essini And comprehensive economic cooperation between the two sides!

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