Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 936: "·The Mystery of Food"

If a person is less internal, then he will be replaced with more external.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

"How is this possible?" The wide-eyed Vipsani, with a disdainful expression on his face, "How could an army composed of old, weak women and children have a fighting power comparable to that of barbarian warriors? Doesn't it work?"

Although Bai Feng didn’t behave as much as Weipsani, his deep expression was enough to prove that his thoughts were the same as those of Weipsani; how could the old army of weak women and children in the Eastern League have a regular The fighting power of the barbarian warriors?

Looking at the unbelievable look of Vipsani, the unchanging look of Lucius, staring at him motionlessly, said to him word by word: "Vipsani, you must remember, in this world Nothing is impossible.

In the Roman world, Vipsani, Lisini, and others were all the Augustus family ministers cultivated by Lucius; even after coming to this world, Lucius, whose status is no longer special, is still Vip Sani and others are second only to Bai Feng in their minds.

Faced with the seriousness and dignity of Lucius, the regained calm Vepsani smiled bitterly: "General, it is not me that I do not want to believe what you say, but I who have seen the combat strength of the barbarian warriors, it is really difficult to believe the old and weak women and children of the barbarian There will be such a powerful fighting force."

"If we use the army of the Tigers and Cheetahs in our city of Rome as a measure, then the army of the old and weak women and children in the Eastern Alliance does not have the qualifications to be compared; but to the ordinary barbarian warriors, then they really have this Fighting power."

Speaking of which, Lucius stood up again, pointed to a tribe logo on the map that was within the power of the Eastern Alliance, and explained to Bai Feng and Vipsani: "Here, it was an independent medium-sized tribe half a year ago. , Not within the sphere of influence of the Eastern Alliance."

"Medium-sized tribes in the eastern region generally have a population of about 40,000 to 50,000, and the number of warriors available is not less than 8,000, and this tribe is naturally no exception; while the Eastern Alliance was responsible for attacking this tribe at that time, only a tribe An army of 10,000 old women and children."

"Thirty thousand old and weak women and children with inferior weapons are against nearly ten thousand barbarian warriors; in such a battle, no one will believe that the Eastern Alliance’s army can win, but the fact is that they have achieved a A hearty victory!"

"More than half of the nine thousand warriors in this tribe were killed on the spot, and the remaining more than three thousand warriors chose to surrender. The army of the old weak women and children in the Eastern Alliance paid only four thousand for this. General Yu was killed and more than 5,000 generals were injured."

"It is even more incredible that this conquered tribe, except for the three thousand captured soldiers who were divided by the forces in the Eastern Alliance, all the old and weak women and children were incorporated into the Eastern Alliance’s army of old and weak women and children. Part of the Eastern Alliance Army."

Hearing this, Weipu Sani, with a horrified expression, said in horror: "That is to say, in this battle alone, the Eastern Alliance paid more than 3,000 fighters and 40,000 in exchange for the casualties of tens of thousands of weak women and children. Yu Zhongxin's old army of weak women and children?"

"That's exactly it!" Luquez, who looked equally ugly, said dignifiedly: "In this way, the lost Eastern Union quickly restored its original strength and possessed a stronger army than ever before. ."

"Lucius, I'm curious. Where did the Eastern Alliance get enough food to feed so many troops?" Bai Feng, who has not spoken, asked: "The Eastern Alliance, where the army accounts for half of the population, doesn't do anything at all. It may produce so much food."

"Governor, this is also where I am curious." Luquiz shook his head helplessly: "No matter how the battlefield ghosts probe, they can't find the Eastern League's way of obtaining food; it's as if the Eastern Union's food came out of nowhere. The same."

"Come out of nowhere?" Bai Feng and Weipsani looked at each other at the same time, and looked at Lucius with doubtful eyes.

"According to the ghost report lurking in the Eastern Alliance’s battlefields, there is a special cavalry unit in the Eastern Alliance with a size of about 5,000 cavalry; this erratic cavalry unit only appears once a month and is brought back to the mountains. Food."

After a slight silence, Bai Feng, frowning and thinking, asked Luquiz: "How is the Eastern Union's own food production?"

"Of the more than 800,000 ordinary barbarian people in the Eastern Union, only 500,000 are actually engaged in farming; considering that the land in the North Shore area is relatively barren, even if it is cooked twice a year, the entire Eastern Union’s food production in one year can only withstand Can feed 700,000 people."

It is said that Bai Feng thought about it: "The Eastern Union’s food production can only feed 700,000 people a year, which is exactly the number of their army; but their more than 800,000 people cannot fail to consume food. It means that they have a food shortage of at least 800,000."

"The food that 800,000 people need in a year is definitely a very terrifying number." When it comes to food issues, a more professional Weipsani added: "These foods are piled together, and they can even pile up our Rome. All existing granaries in the city!"

"Yeah, this is a batch of food that is large enough to fill all of our existing granaries in Rome." Bai Feng, who nodded gently, exclaimed to himself: "The food of this size, even if it is divided into twelve months for transportation, Isn't it true that the five thousand cavalry can run out?"

"Because the ghosts of the battlefield did not detect this information, we do not yet know their mode of transportation." After a short pause, Lucius continued: "However, according to my guess, they should use a large number of space rings for transportation. Food."

"Yes, I think so too." Bai Feng looked more and more solemn: "The key to the problem is that we all know that the barbarians do not understand magic, and they don't make space rings; then, which side of the power is involved? What about the disputes in the east?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became solemn; feeling the thorny Vepsani and Lucius, after a few eye contact, Vipsani said: "Governor, is it possible to be a person in the White Horse Kingdom? Want to extend your tentacles into the east?"

"From the geographical point of view, the White Horse Kingdom is indeed the most likely object of suspicion." At this point, Bai Feng replied: "But I don't think it may be the White Horse Kingdom, or that it may not be the human forces on the mainland. Support the Eastern Conference."

Facing the surprised eyes of Ruques and Wipsani, Bai Feng, who still has a frown, expressed his thoughts: "Among the human forces on the mainland, bordering the eastern part of the wild land, it is nothing more than the Dragon Empire and the White Horse Kingdom. Only two forces."

"It is needless to say that the Tianlong Empire, which had been caught in the hard battle of the two lines before, had no surplus food to send to the Eastern Alliance under its own circumstances; not to mention, the war between the Tianlong Empire and the barbarian tribes was not comparable to the East and North. The battle between the two fronts is small."

"You know, the five southern provinces of the Tianlong Empire were still captured from the barbarian tribes in the eastern region; therefore, it is impossible for the Tianlong Empire to raise tigers. The rest of the White Horse Kingdom, if they want to assist the Eastern Alliance, there is still a gap between them. A Luxi landed."

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