Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 942: "·Wangcheng"

Being able to relax with a person is the only sign of love.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

When it comes to the three trading fleets of the city of Rome, one has to mention a regular function of the Roman port-building ships! Because two-tier battleships, three-tier battleships, and other battleships were recruited, the ships that could be built in the Roman port were both merchant ships and transport ships.

The so-called construction of the system is naturally different from the construction in the conventional sense; the construction in the conventional sense refers to the boatman building the boat little by little on the berth, the construction speed of the boat, and the number and skill level of the boatman Other factors are closely related.

In fact, not only the boatman's factors, but also the number of berths, the number of high-quality wood, the construction cost, etc. affect the ship's construction speed and the number of construction; in general, the construction cycle of the ship is relatively long and started at the same time The number will not be too much.

Similar to the original Essini Kingdom and later Eastern League, a large number of small wooden ships were put together, not so much as ships, but as small wooden rafts; this double-row battleship was sinking at the touch of a thing. , It looks like garbage.

The construction of ships in the Roman port does not need to consider any external factors, only the construction cycle of the ship needs to be considered; for example, the construction cycle of merchant ships and transport ships is one month, Bai Feng only needs to pay the construction cost first, and then one month later Can receive ships.

That is to say, Bai Feng wants to build a merchant ship, which takes one month, and wants to build ten merchant ships at the same time, which is also a month. Under the premise that the construction period is constant, the number of simultaneous construction of the Roman port is There are no restrictions!

This kind of unlimited, to some extent, should be regarded as a BUG of the Roman city system; imagine that if Bai Feng really builds merchant ships and transport ships, the number he can build in a month will directly depend on Rome The amount of treasury funds in the city!

How many ships can be built in a month? Fifty ships? One hundred ships? No, the Tianlong Empire, which has the largest shipyard on the mainland, has fewer than two hundred ships built each year!

A Roman port in every area, the number of ships built every month can easily reach 200; what this means, Bai Feng, who has experienced the commercial era, knows better than anyone, but the Roman city at this stage has not yet played the real value of the Roman port Ability.

The limited number of trade partners and scale of trade determined that Bai Feng did not need to blindly build too many merchant ships and transport ships; it is now determined that the Roman city will expedite the Yamato Empire in the future, and a larger number of transport ships have become irreplaceable necessities.

The construction cost of the transport ship is a treasury fund of one thousand gold, and the construction cost of a merchant ship is a treasury fund of 1,500 gold. It is undoubtedly very cheap and cost-effective to build a ship with the recruitment price of two or three teams of Roman heavy infantry; Jin was paid by Bai Feng.

A hundred transport ships, the army that can be transported at one time will reach a staggering 200,000, which also includes the food and materials required by the 200,000 army for one month; after the completion of the hundred transport ships, the city of Rome’s Transoceanic delivery ability will inevitably be improved by leaps and bounds!

After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in the treasury funds in the Roman port, he planned to return to the white peak of the Roman city. Under the impulse, he took a boat from the Roman port to the port of Essini; his next destination was Budi. King Essini King City where the Queen of Cards is located.

In the past, there was no concept of a capital city in the Kingdom of Aisini, let alone the construction of a royal city. Later, as the relationship between the city of Rome and the Kingdom of Aisini became closer and closer, the majestic stone walls of the city of Rome made the enviable Aixi. The dignitaries of the Kingdom of Nepal are determined to imitate.

In essence, it is still the Essini Kingdom of the barbarian tribes. It is naturally a good thing for the Roman city to want to build a king city with a wall; because of the existence of the city wall, it can provide defense for the King City of Essini. You can bind them again.

Once upon a time, the Kingdom of Aisini without the concept of King City, where is the king (the original tribal leader), where is their spiritual depository; once the King City is completed, can the King of Aisini Kingdom go wherever he wants?

The newly built king city will replace the king himself and become a symbol and new spiritual sustenance of the kingdom of Essini; when that time comes, as long as an army captures their king city, the huge kingdom of Essini will immediately fall apart and fall into fragmentation .

Of course, building a royal city is not without benefits; on the one hand, a royal city protected by the city wall can provide warm and comfortable living conditions for the king himself and the kingdom’s dignitaries; on the other hand, becoming a spiritual sustenance of the royal city will inevitably pull the Kingdom of Aisini economic development.

In addition to this, the construction of the King City has many benefits such as increasing the cohesion of the people of the Essini Kingdom and enhancing the overall strength of the Essini Kingdom. In short, the construction of the King City is a very significant pros and cons for the Essini Kingdom!

No one knows why the wise and intelligent Queen Putica chose to agree to the construction of the king city; when Vepsani, who was in charge of all government affairs in Rome, received a request for help from Queen Putika, he decisively sent a large number of craftsmen to bring Go there with fortification supplies.

After several months of construction, the king city of the Kingdom of Sini has begun to take shape; according to incomplete statistics, in the Kingdom of Aisini, with a total population of about 600,000, more than 60,000 people settled in the city. One tenth of its total population!

A city of 60,000 people, whether in the civilized world on earth, in the original Roman world, or today's Tianlong Continent, is not a big city; even the Roman city of Baifeng, the population of citizens More than ten times the city of King Aisini.

The crux of the problem is that in the history of the barbarians in the eastern part of the vast land, there has never been a real city in the history, let alone a city with a population of 60,000; Strong kingdom pride?

Bai Feng, who is heading east, encountered more than one caravan of the Kingdom of Essini along the way; through conversations with these caravan members, Bai Feng discovered that the construction of the city of King Essini by Queen Budeka was more than a city. It's that simple.

The people of the Kingdom of Essini, whose pride of the Kingdom has expanded, not only regard the newly built King Essini as their proud capital, but also will order Queen Budeka, who built the city, to be the greatest in the history of the Kingdom of Essini. His Majesty the King!

Although the history of the Kingdom of Essini is not long, there are only three kings who are crowned as kings. However, the history of the Essini tribe is very long. There is no shortage of people who have served as leaders of the Essini tribe. Legendary characters remembered by future generations.

The young Queen Budeka, in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom of Aisini, can even compare with these legends that have been passed down through the ages, and it is even better than that. Merits.

The explanations of the caravan members, the complaints of the people on the road, and the respectful expression they exuded when they mentioned Queen Butika, so that Bai Feng's face also showed a slight smile; the better the woman, the more you can prove Your own ability, isn't it?

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