Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 947: "·Killing and setting fire"

Only when you have elegant thoughts, can elegance appear naturally; elegance from within is the expression of divinity.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

"Captain, we only have five people, can this cause confusion in this settlement?" Xiachuan Pinggong, who had taken a rest for an afternoon, asked Naoki Yoshikawa in front of him: "Even if you add Nishimura and Yamashita's We have only 15 people."

"Xia Chuanjun, don't count the people of Nishimura and Yamashita, they have other tasks to complete." His eyes kept looking at Naoki Yoshikawa in front of the settlement, and he didn't look back: "Although we only have five people, Our plan will be successful."

Xia Chuan Ping Gong, whose anxiety is still in his heart, is worried: "Captain, the other party has a settlement of 500 soldiers!"

"However, there are only five hundred people with well-developed limbs and simple minds. Is it worth your anxiety?" Naoki Yoshikawa, who frowned slightly, said impatiently: "You have to understand that we are wise, Not a strong attack."

"If we rely on fifteen of us to attack this settlement, it is impossible for us to increase our strength by two more levels; but if we outsmart, we only need to assassinate them while causing chaos at night The leader of the country can complete the mission."

"Once the chaos erupts, Nishimura and his four ninjas will immediately control the noble warriors in the settlement, making it difficult for them to go out to summon the warriors; Yamashita and his four criminals will quickly replace them as a community The new main skeleton within the point."

"By that time, the barbarian fighters whose homes were burned to death and their chiefs were secretly killed will surely be convinced of the attack information previously mentioned by Yamashita; other nearby settlements will become our scapegoats. To the crazy revenge of these barbarian warriors."

"I hope our plan can be implemented smoothly." Xia Chuan Ping Gong, who is still not confident, said with uncertain eyes: "Otherwise, only fifteen of us will have to win over the other 39 teams. It’s too hard to work hard!"

"Xia Chuanjun, you must have full confidence in yourself and your comrades." After a light click, Naoki Yoshikawa no longer spoke.

In fact, the leader of the squad, Naoki Yoshikawa, sent Yamashita Yangxi and Nishimura to lead people into this settlement, instead of sending Xiachuan Pinggong to lead people to perform tasks alone, there is no reason; instead, Yoshikawa Nao Every decision the tree makes is thoughtful.

Yamashita Yangxi, Nishimura Jun, and Xia Chuan Pinggong can be promoted to team leader, naturally each has their own strengths; but, compared to the bold and careful Yangxi Yamashita and the militant and brave Nishimura Jun, careful and careful Xiachuan Ping Gong is undoubtedly mediocre.

Of course, mediocrity also has mediocre benefits. At least he is meticulous in the execution of Naoki Yoshikawa's orders; otherwise, how would Naoki Yoshikawa appoint him as the leader of the Ninja detachment, just explained to him so much about his layout intentions. ?

With the passage of time, the settlement under the night became more lively, with burning fire, high singing, and fleshy meat. Everything seemed to declare how bonfire banquets in this settlement really were. Colorful.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours, three hours... After four and a half hours passed, the time was almost midnight, and the noise in the settlement completely disappeared into the night; quiet and peaceful became the settlement again. The main theme of the point.

After all the ninja costumes were changed back, Naoki Yoshikawa personally took Xiachuan Ping Gong and three ninjas silently and dived to the periphery of the settlement; looking at the unwarranted and innocent settlement in front of him, Yoshikawa Naoki jumped over and jumped over the wooden fence.

Xia Chuan Ping Gong followed, followed by the three ninjas who crossed the hurdles in turn; when everyone dived in, Naoki Yoshikawa ordered softly to them: "Move freely and be sure to be in the shortest time Inside, light more houses and flammable items."

"Hi!" Ninjas with the same soft voice, after receiving their orders, hurried away.

After watching the four ninjas including Xiachuan Pinggong leave, Naoki Yoshikawa, who was not idle, came to a brazier burning wood; Naoki Yoshikawa, who pulled out the short ribs at his waist, struggled to stir up the brazier. Slammed into the nearest log cabin.


The sound of a small impact was extremely harsh at midnight silently; the flying wood quickly ignited the dry wooden board, which was only a moment's effort, and the wooden house of this family was already burning.

The fast-moving Naoki Yoshikawa, after smashing the brazier into the log cabin, went straight to the next brazier without turning his head, and smashed the brazier out according to the gourd painting scoop; then, it was the third, fourth, the fifth……

Until Naoki Yoshikawa ignited the fifth brazier, the first door of the house was blazing, and a barbarian warrior with a short axe kicked open the door of the burning house and shouted: "Who dare……"

Yoshikawa Naoki, who didn’t want to waste time, waved his hands to three of his best hidden weapons—the shuriken; the barbarian warrior who had just roared out two words, only felt a pain in his heart, and fell black with his hands weak. Off the ground.

After killing the barbarian warrior who rushed out of the house, Naoki Yoshikawa who knew the time was tight, while seizing the time, continued to hit the brazier, while constantly using his shuriken and darts in his arms, shooting those who noticed the anomaly. Barbarian warrior who rushed out of his house.

In about two minutes, Yoshikawa Naoki shot and killed 12 rushing barbarian fighters and hit 14 braziers; seeing more and more barbarian fighters coming from all directions, successfully causing chaos in Jichuan Nao The tree flickered into a wooden house.

"Ah!!! Uh..."

In this wooden house, there was only one barbarian woman in thin clothes, with two barbaric children shivering; the terrified barbarian woman was screamed and shot by shuriken shot by Yoshikawa Naoki Kill the spot.

In the rule of survival of the ninja, there is no rule that a woman, an elderly person, or a child cannot be killed; after decisively killing the screaming woman, Naoki Yoshikawa kills two panicked children between his hands. dead.

At this time, it was not only Yoshikawa Naoki who was secretly hidden, but also four other ninjas who had set fire to success. They also chose a wooden hut to get in and killed them and hid them in it; leaving the angry barbarian warriors, Even the enemies who attacked them could not be found.

The successive burning wooden houses quickly ignited a raging fire in the dense settlements of the house; the barbarian warriors who could not find the enemy several times, under the call of the five criminals such as Yamashita Yangxi, had to hurry to get water and fire nearby.

If the attack tonight ends here, the layout of Naoki Yoshikawa is worthless; Naoki Yoshikawa, who successfully caused confusion, hides in the wooden house for a long time, and then leaves quietly again. This wooden house with only three bodies left.

At this time, after searching for the enemy's fruitless barbarian warriors, they were trying their best to rescue their burning homes; taking advantage of the barbarian warriors' unprepared opportunities, Naoki Yoshikawa came quietly behind a barbarian warrior, and it was easy. Rib inserted into his heart.

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