Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 949: "·Destroy Settlement"

Your happiness is like writing on the water, but your pain is like carving on the granite.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

The blazing fire in the settlement was not extinguished by Yang Xi under the mountain with more than 400 barbarian warriors until dawn. However, this settlement, which was quiet and peaceful a day ago, had been burned into a pile of rubble. Not even a house intact.

More than fifty fighters were killed, and more than 300 men, women, children and young people were burned alive to death. The barbaric fighters who lost their homes could not control their anger; they lost their loved ones and their homes. All are revenge and counterattack!

In the face of such a good opportunity, the Yamashita Yamashita and the Nishimura who have just established certain prestige will naturally not be missed in vain; they have planned for them, first to appease the angry soldiers to clean up the settlement endgame, and then start to deal with the soldiers and youth in the settlement. Zhuang to rectify.

In the settlement of less than 450 warriors, there are not a few old men and women who want to take revenge because of the death of their families. Put them into the ranks of warriors.

After a full day of clean-up, all the remaining food in the settlement was collected collectively, and all the soldiers who took up their weapons were placed under the command of Jun Nishimura; another 150 female soldiers will follow Yamashita Yang Behind him, he shouldered the important task of protecting the elderly, weak women and children.

There is no way, the destruction of the homeland and the exhaustion of food forced the soldiers eager for revenge to take the road of revenge with the old weak women and children in the settlement; these female soldiers under Yamashita Yamashita are to protect this More than 5,000 old and weak women and children.

The first-place Nishimura has a total of 450 warriors, 300 female warriors, and 500 old warriors under his command; never underestimate the barbaric old warriors who are caught in the violent warfare. How much is the barbarian warrior.

The elder warriors with extremely rich actual combat experience are worse than the young warriors in terms of physical strength and energy; if only talking about the enemy killing skills, 500 old warriors can easily clean up 450 young warriors, this is the barbarian The intrepid old soldier.

Even if the old fighters have rich combat experience, they are still difficult to compare with the young fighters; because as long as the battle is slightly anxious, the old fighters with insufficient physical strength will become weaker and weaker, and the young fighters can persist in the battle for a long time.

Considering the impact of vengeful anger on combat effectiveness, Yamashita Yangxi and Jun Nishimura deliberately included female soldiers and veterans into the army; otherwise, they would not recruit people with no practical value into the army. The hind legs of the insufficient number of fighters.

After the soldiers in the settlement were reorganized into an army, the “hero” Xicunjun, who nominally saved the settlement, served as the commander, in fact, the noble soldiers in the settlement and the Nishimura Jun jointly commanded the army; because no matter what After all, Nishimura is an outsider after all.

Even all the soldiers and the people in the settlement regarded Yamashita's Yang Xi and his underlings and Nishimura Jun and his ninja as trusted heroes; but their integration into the settlement was too short to be supported by anyone. They serve as the new leader.

Obviously it has gained the trust of all the soldiers and the people, and even the power of settlement is in the hands of their own people, but they still cannot become the righteous new leader; Yamashita Yangxi and Nishimura Jun have a clear stubbornness to the barbarians. understanding.

The dangling army of revenge, after two days of sleepless march, finally came to a larger settlement; the total population of this settlement was nearly 20,000, but the number of soldiers was less than 1,500 Hundreds can be described as pitiful.

This is also the status quo of the settlements under the rule of West Lu. The tension with the Eastern Alliance has forced its leader, Viriasius, to have to mobilize the warriors of various tribes to travel to the border area to prevent the Eastern Alliance’s possible offensive.

Compared with those in the northwest and east of Lu, which are closer to the front line, the southwest of Lu, which can almost be regarded as the rear, is naturally the key target for adjustment; so that this settlement with a total population of nearly 20,000 is only a thousand. More than four hundred soldiers.

After understanding the situation in this settlement, Yang Xi Yamashita bit the leader of this settlement, one of the murderers who betrayed the Luoxi Luopai secretly to attack other tribes; What about Greek designation?

After a short break of about two hours, Nishimura took 300 female warriors and 500 elderly warriors, disguised as barbaric people migrating from the settlement, under the banner of seeking help, and moved closer to this unsuspecting settlement past.

If Nishimura brought 450 soldiers armed with various weapons to the settlement from the beginning, then the leader of the settlement could say nothing to guard against; but a team of eight hundred women of the same race and the elderly, this The leader of the settlement really had no doubt.

After Nishimura brought the female soldiers and the old soldiers into the settlement, the settlement leader who didn't want to smile, greeted him, and the female soldiers who couldn't control their inner anger, took the lead in launching the opponent tribal soldiers around them. onslaught!

The village warrior who was caught off guard by surprise had not responded yet, and the elder soldiers under the command of Nishimura launched a more violent offensive; female soldiers and elder warriors who thought they were in revenge, the madness of their attacks made Nishimura feel scalp Tingling.

Hundreds of enemy soldiers near the gate of the settlement were chopped to the ground by a crowd of female soldiers and elderly soldiers in just ten minutes; then, the enemy soldiers in the settlement were still gathering, under the command of Nishimura Of the 450 soldiers have also rushed in.

With 1,250 fighters burning the flames of revenge on their chests, they suddenly attacked a settlement with fewer than 1,500 soldiers; the fierce fighting continued for about an hour. The surrender was selected under.

Surrendering to the strong men of the same race is not an unacceptable result for the vast majority of barbarians. The settlement leaders with fewer than 500 soldiers left under their command are reluctant to let their settlements fall after their entire army is overthrown. Was destroyed.

Aimed at the goal, Nishimura wanted to accept the surrender of the enemy, but could not persuade those barbarian warriors who were vengeful; in the end, all the soldiers of this unlucky innocent settlement lying down with guns were killed by the red-eyed barbarian warriors, slaughtered!

Fortunately, the barbarian warriors who did not completely wipe out their conscience did not point their butcher knives to the heads of the old and weak women and children of this tribe; in this way, in addition to the more than a thousand old and weak women and children who were killed by mistake, Yang Xihe Nishimura obtained an additional 18,000 captives.

The successful destruction of a medium-sized settlement of Yang Xi and Xi Cunjun, the price paid for it, was only the death of more than 400 barbarian warriors; as for the spies and ninjas under their command, it was an unscathed experience of this short-lived And fierce battle.

Under the leadership of the village, including the wounded, only 800 soldiers, Nishimura, selected 1,200 female soldiers and elderly soldiers with a certain combat effectiveness from the 18,000 prisoners; next, they will continue to the next The'Killer Tribe' marches!

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