Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 965: "·100,000 people"

Science is extroverted, religion is introverted, and between these two is aesthetics, it is a bridge; therefore, it is best to enter the world of art.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

On the second day when Naoki Yoshikawa took the ninja and the spy out of Kirkwall camp, Nishimura Jun, who got up before dawn, wore an armor that did not belong to the ninja for the first time; this time he played, his identity was no longer It was the Shogun Ninja, but General Lu Nanjun!

Yes, not the rebels, but the Lunan Army! Yesterday, Yamashita’s speech not only made the barbaric people who felt like bursting into the army active, but also convinced them of their savior’s identity; therefore, the more representative Lu Nanjun came into being.

What is Lu Nanjun? As the name implies, the Lu Nan Army is the army in the west of Lu. In the hearts of the 650,000 people in the Kirkwall camp, the Lu Nan Army is the hope to save the entire Lu West. It is the only army that can represent the West Lu. !

It has to be said that the rule of western Lu's land on this vast land for hundreds of years has made the barbarians who live on this land have a strong sense of identity with Lu Xi's land; so much so that they have successfully used this sense of identity Yang Xi of Yamashita was shocked.

The three thousand dead who were carefully selected by Nishimura were all young and powerful young barbarian warriors; although they were wearing decrepit leather armor and holding incomplete weapons in their hands, they fought furiously. Will, but it is enough to make up for the deficiencies of these hardware.

Because these three thousand dead men are to be mixed among the 100,000 people, they cannot use the relatively high-quality weapons and equipment sent by Bai Feng. They can only use these crude weapons and equipment that are not noticeable by the enemy in order to hide their identities.

When Nishimura put these 3,000 dead soldiers in shabby weaponry, they explained to them: our weapons and equipment are limited, and the brothers who stayed in the camp wanted to protect our family; therefore, we have to change more Good weapons and equipment are left to protect their homes.

As soon as this kind of tragic word was spoken, the trace of dissatisfaction that was originally in the hearts of the three thousand dead men was immediately thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun; the three thousand left-behind soldiers who had received this batch of weapons and equipment were even more moved with eyes, even watching The people all had red eyes.

As for why Nishimura took 3,000 soldiers and 100,000 people out of the camp and moved eastward, the reason given by Yamashita Yangxi was: the enemy troops under the imminent force were too strong, and we must give the righteous heroes in the south, Leave a seed that never fails!

In the remarks made by Yamashita Yangxi, the subtext is: under the attack of the enemy, the soldiers and people who stayed in the camp have little chance of survival; in order to save the fire that saves the tribe in southwestern Lu, Only then sent 100,000 people to the east.

Needless to say, this was deliberately sensationalized by Yamashita Yangxi and Nishimura Jun, but the effect was very remarkable; the soldiers and people left behind were all fearless as if they were dead, while the soldiers and people going east were A pair of helplessness and suffocation.

It is a pity that neither the soldiers and people who stayed in the camp, nor the soldiers and people who went east: they did not know that Gregory’s 100,000 rebellious army did not pour down from north to south, but from east, Why do the west and north come!

The Yamashita Yamashita and Xicun Jun who achieved the goal did not waste too much time in the camp; only one hour after the handover of weapons and equipment, Xi Cunjun who led the 3,000 soldiers in command, commanded the soldiers to guard 100,000 people from the camp, Slowly left east.

The migration of hundreds of thousands of people should have been a laborious task, but still immersed in the separation of life and death, the barbarian people who have not returned to God have shown the super high quality that ordinary barbarians do not have, which is Let Xicun Jun save a lot of heart.

In order to facilitate the concealment of the identity of the 3,000 deceased people under his command, Jun Nishimura deliberately broke them up into squads for every ten people and sent them to all parts of the 100,000 people; his reason was to let the soldiers help those procrastinators. People who have mobility problems at home can't leave anyone behind!

The sounding reason is that the harvest is naturally the praise and goodwill of all the people; even some people who have been conquered by the settlement have therefore believed in Yamashita’s speech yesterday and began to question their original settlement leaders and noble warriors. identity of.

These simple barbarian people did not know that the seven or eight thousand old and weak women and children who came to their front were not ordinary people at all, but all were special people with males in the rebel army at home; they, after all, all It is a **** in the hands of Naoki Yoshikawa and others.

When the last people left the camp at 7 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., when the migrating people who were slowly moving eastward stopped to prepare lunch, a group of barbarian cavalry from the east appeared in the Nishimura Within the field of vision.

Looking at this small cavalry in yellow armor, who quickly escaped shortly after appearing, the well-known Xicun Jun understood that the western rebel army that Lu Xiluo had killed from the east was far away. The distance is less than five miles.

Even so, he still did not sound the horn of emergency assembly, because the next thing to start is not a battle, but a unilateral slaughter; how to force the enemy troops to hold up the butcher knife in their hands is the real West Village. Things that should be done.

About twenty minutes later, the busy people just had their prepared lunch. A large army of Luxi large enough to describe the mountains and fields appeared in the sight of everyone including Nishimura .

At this time, without the reminder of Nishimura, there were already hurried panic soldiers blowing the horn; when the rapid horn sounded, the first reaction of the vast majority of barbarians was not to panic and run, but to hurry up and finish eating Lunch, and then take up arms.

Iron weapons such as long swords and battle axes are weapons, and special weapons such as sharpened wooden guns and thick wooden sticks are also weapons; the barbaric people with warlike blood flowing in their bones have never encountered enemies. The tradition of escape, because fighting is their nature!

Accidents in war are always everywhere. Before that, Nishimura still wondered how he should provoke the fight between the 100,000 people around him and the enemy; until the enemy appeared, Nishimura discovered that it was his own Underestimated the aggressive nature of the barbarian warriors.

Everyone knows that the barbarians are a nation where all the people are soldiers, but who has really seen the real all soldiers? Nishimura, a shogun from the Roman city, was fortunate to be the lucky one who witnessed all the soldiers.

When the forty-five thousand enemy soldiers came over aggressively, less than 10,000 of the 100,000 barbarian people were too young and too old to participate in the war; the remaining 90,000 barbarian people shouted A slogan of chaos rushed towards the enemy.

What is meant by all the people is a soldier, this moment, got the most perfect interpretation. Jun Nishimura, who reacted from the shock, laughed and put down all the things in his heart, raised his long sword in his hand, and killed the enemy as General Lu Nanjun!

More than 90,000 barbarian people are slashing and killing the soldiers of the rebellious army in the same way; in the same way, the soldiers of the rebel army are also determined to kill them with all their slays, and they wield the butcher knife in their hands to the fighting power. Their Lunan people, the **** battle has just begun.

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