Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 973: "·Border War"

Even if you are honest and straightforward, people may still deceive you; however, you still have to be honest and straightforward.

——Sister Theresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

The battle between the Eastern Alliance and the western border of Lulu has been doomed from the beginning to be a **** battle of consumption; the warring parties are not fighting which army is stronger, but who is more able to withstand high-intensity battles The resulting heavy casualties and tremendous pressure.

It took a whole day of blood and fierce fighting to make the warring parties pay a very painful casualty. Until the sunset came, Mullen, who had the advantage of the military, ordered the trumpeters around him to sound the trumpet of the troop truce.

In the Hall of the same day, the number of casualties is certainly not as terrible as the enemy, but it is also called a wounded bone; therefore, after the enemy blew the trumpet of the truce, the Hall did not lead the army to death. Fight, but wisely chose to end the truce.

After the tired soldiers collected their troops and returned to the camp, Hall sent thousands of soldiers with good physical strength to take charge of the night patrol outside the barracks, while ordering the soldiers around him to go to each military account to count each military account. Of casualties.

The death of a large number of noble warriors made the original uncomplicated casualty statistics difficult, but Hall could not help but count the casualties of his soldiers; under desperation, he had to use the military account to count the number of heads. The original method to count casualties.

The busy Hall did not know the specific number of casualties of his army until midnight; in today’s battle alone, there were more than 17,000 Lusi fighters and more than 24,000 second-line fighters killed. Fifty thousand troops dropped to less than 110,000!

Even if he had been prepared for a long time, this nearly horrible number of casualties made Hall feel breathless; after all, it was the death of nearly 42,000 soldiers! Not 12,000, not 42,000, but a full 42,000! !

What is the concept of 42,000 soldiers killed in one day? This dizzying number of Hall means that if such a fierce battle continues for three more days, the 150,000 troops under the Hall will overwhelm the whole army; for another seven days, the 300,000 frontier troops in the west of Lu Will be exhausted!

Even if there are 150,000 garrisons and 150,000 rebellious troops in the western part of Lu, it will not help; because the Eastern League also has a million people and two or three hundred thousand troops, no one knows what the Eastern Union’s poor soldiers can do. What's the point!

As the commander-in-chief of the Luxi Army, Hall knew that the number of casualties in the Eastern Alliance’s army in today’s battle was at least double that of his own army; but the crazy Eastern Alliance did not truce because of this truce. Point Hall knows.

Of course, what disturbed Hall was not only the heavy casualties of his own army, but also the 450,000 troops of the Eastern League who did not know where to go; the size of the Eastern Alliance’s troops, which had its own sources of intelligence, was still known. Very detailed.

It's just that the outbreak of this war today made him lose contact with the scouts he sent; so much that he didn't know where the other 450,000 troops of the Eastern League went. The unknown enemy is the real worst enemy, isn't it?

Compared with Hall, who is full of chaos and troubles, Mullen, who looks equally ugly, thinks much less; in the eyes of Mullen, who has nowhere to go, he is desperate to attack Lu Xiluo, both because he wants to make Is the only choice you can make.

As for why his face is ugly, then should I say more? In today's World War I, even in the early and middle stages, the army of Lucy, who was in a state of stalemate in the middle and late period, killed 42,000 soldiers in battle. Isn't it possible that the casualties of Mullen who have been at a disadvantage?

Mullen, who knew the specific number of casualties before midnight, could have a spit of old blood if his psychological qualities were good enough; there was no way for anyone to let his army's number of deaths reach an unacceptable level for him Degree!

In today's World War I, only 50,000 elite Dart tribes of the Maren lineage killed more than nine warriors; the elite of 20,000 other tribes were more than half killed, and more than 11,000 war dead!

However, the most serious casualties were the cannon fodder troops under Marun; the army of as many as 180,000 cannon fodders, and there were more than three thousand unlucky ghosts killed by the supervising team on the way back. After counting these people, the cannon fodder The number of troops killed in battle is nearly 70,000!

90,000 soldiers were killed in a day. Such terrible casualties made Mullen, who was used to using a large number of cannon fodder troops to consume the enemy's vital force, feel uneasy; even, he did not have to think about it, he could know how the morale of the cannon fodder has fallen. To the point!

Even so, Mullen didn't give up his plans to continue to use the cannon fodder tomorrow; because the cannon fodder is the cannon fodder, and its value is to consume more of the enemy's strength, so Mullen will not distress the loss of the cannon fodder.

The only thing that worried Mullen was that the low morale of the cannon fodder would cause them to collapse on the battlefield, which would drag down his own lineage. To avoid this, Mullen decided to expand his own Supervision team size.

The supervising team composed of a thousand elite warriors is simply an impossible task to contain the total collapse of the 100,000 artillery foul forces; in view of this, it is necessary to squeeze the consumed Mullen to the end and decide to transfer from his own lineage. Nine Thousand Warriors join the Overwatch team!

With 10,000 elite warriors to supervise the 100,000 artillery ashes, Mullen has full confidence to ensure that the artillery will not fall into the situation of collapse of the whole army on the battlefield; in this way, his strategy of fighting consumption can continue without hindrance. Implement it.

In the early morning of the next day, the Eastern Union’s barracks just sounded the horn of the whole army, and the barracks in the west of Lu also sounded the horn of the whole army. With the sound of the two horns, prepare for battle. The two armies will start a brutal and fierce battle again.

Before the final victory, the Dart tribe leader Mullen and Lucy Hall, no one will retreat one step back; they each shoulder a heavy mission, they can only use the battle to the last soldier Way to complete their respective missions.

In this way, the unusually **** border battle was fought for two days in a row; after two days, there were less than 40,000 soldiers left in the 150,000 army of the Hall Department, and only 8 quarters of the 250,000 army in the Mullen Department. More than 10,000 generals, this is the result of the two armies becoming more and more tired.

If the two armies that are unsustainable continue to fight like this, then the soldiers who have killed and numb the soldiers will probably collapse the whole army; this collapse does not stem from the fear of the enemy, but from the fear Aversion to the act of murder.

In the battlefield of three days of battle, it is not enough to describe the brutality of the battle with the corpse. It seems that bleeding and drifting are more suitable; the grass that is red with blood, people can’t see the original color of the grass because of the eyes. Only fascinating red!

Finally, on the fourth day of the battle between the Eastern Conference and the West of the border between Lu and Lu, the Hall Department and the Mullen Department weakly launched their fourth fight; then, Rodrik’s 40,000 Lucy The cavalry appeared on the battlefield!

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