Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 977: "·Binglin Camp"

Even if you give your best things to this world, maybe these things will never be enough; anyway, give your best things to this world.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

The intelligence of the 700,000 soldiers of the Eastern Alliance approaching the border of western Lu, on the first day of the fierce battle between the 250,000 troops of Marun and the 150,000 troops of the Hall, the ghosts, ninjas, and spies on the battlefield. Passed several times, delivered to Bai Feng's hands.

After learning that the war between the Eastern Alliance and the Western Luzhou broke out as scheduled, Bai Feng, who had been ready to send troops, immediately let Li Xini and Vimina each lead their headquarters to enter the Kirkwall camp from the east and the west, and They must arrive on the battlefield on time at noon tomorrow.

At the speed of the Roman legion, the first legion of Li Xini and the second legion of Vermina can be rushed to the battlefield at 9 am tomorrow at the latest; but this is obviously different from the layout of Bai Feng to wipe out Gregory’s army Conflict, so Bai Feng let them control the marching speed.

After Li Xini and Vermina led the army to leave the barracks, Bai Feng asked Leonida to lead his Spartan Corps, as well as 2,500 generals in the Ministry of Maxi and 2,500 soldiers in the field and Danel. General Tuntian, bypassing Kirkwall Camp and heading north.

Because the rebellious army under Gregory has a small cavalry unit; therefore, in order to wipe out Gregory’s army, it is necessary to siege the Gregory’s army with all sides. Annihilate.

Although the shield wall tactics of the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry belonging to the Roman legion can block the frontal breakthrough of the barbarian light cavalry, it is not an easy task to trap a barbarian cavalry unit desperate to break through.

At this time, the Phalanx corps of the Cavaliers was undoubtedly the most suitable interception force; the Spartan corps, as the most powerful phalanx corps among the three phalanx corps in Rome, used them to block the Gregory army. The way behind the breakout is Bai Feng's prevention in advance.

However, it is a high-risk thing to use the Spartan Corps with a total strength of only 10,500 to go to the top of the Gregory Army. It is a high-risk thing to see it. Therefore, Maxi and Darnell’s Five thousand Tuntian soldiers were strengthened by Bai Feng to the Spartan Army.

The first and second Roman legions, the Spartan legion, and the five thousand Tuntian soldiers were successively promoted, and finally the seventh Roman legion responsible for demolishing the temporary barracks, followed by the commander of its legion, Lukurus, followed by Bai Feng, soldiers Point at the Kirkwall camp!

Regarding the fact that the Roman city came to support the rebels and established southwestern Lulu with the southwestern Lu as the ruling area, Bai Feng sent a spy to inform the Yamashita Yangxi and others who stayed at the Kirkwall camp a few days ago, and ordered They must make relevant preparations.

The so-called related preparation work, that is, the three people who are in charge of the real power of the rebels, Yang Xi Yamashita, Ping Gong Xia Chuan, and Jun Nishimura, as soon as possible to enclose the ninja and the spy who became the barbarian warrior as nobles, and then insert them into the rebels to act as Officers at all levels of the rebel army.

In this matter, Bai Feng’s basic requirements for Yamashita and others are: When the Roman city soldiers arrive at the Kirkwall camp, the rebels and people in the Kirkwall camp must deal with the Roman city. Un hostile and willing to ally with the city of Rome!

Such a arduous and glorious task, how should Yamashita Yangxi and others accomplish it, and what means they use to complete it, Bai Feng does not care. What he cares about is whether Yamashita and Yangxi and others can accomplish this task; At the end, Bai Feng is a person who pays more attention to results.

The location of the temporary camp of the Roman Army is just south of the Kirkwall camp. The seventh Roman legion that does not need to bypass, can advance along a straight line to the Kirkwall camp. Its marching speed is naturally faster than the other three of the bypass. A lot of legions are fast.

On the evening of the day when the whole army was drafted, the Seventh Roman Legion arrived at Kirkwall Camp; the heavily guarded Kirkwall Camp was responsible for defending the outer wooden wall defense line. It was the rebel soldiers under Xia Chuanping's command, they did not know Flag of the Roman legion.

Misunderstanding the Seventh Roman Legion as the enemy's defending soldiers, immediately blew the horn representing the battle; when the horns rang through the Kirkwall camp, Yamashita Yamashita, who had discussed the military situation at the temporary headquarters, etc. People, all rushed to the wall.

The long-term confrontation with Gregory's rebellious army has made Yamashita and others know the Gregory's rebellious army well; therefore, they know that it is almost impossible to take the initiative again against their own rebel army The camp launched an attack.

More importantly, it is already in the evening, and it is less than an hour before night falls; it is impossible for a barbarian army that has no tradition of night warfare and lacks night warfare capabilities to pose meaningless at this time. Offensive.

In this way, at this time, the army that can appear outside the camp of the own side, only the Roman army of Bai Feng is left; the protagonist led the army to come in, and how could the Yamashita Yangxi and others, who are loyal courtiers, not leave in person Welcome?

The black lion flag, symbolizing the Augustus Empire, was greeted by the wind in the setting sun. That was not only the flag of the Seventh Roman Legion, but also a synonym for the Roman army! Without any hesitation, seeing this flag of Yang Xi Yamashita, people immediately opened the camp door!

After a period of adjustment, all of the southern soldiers who broke up were disbanded and added to Xiachuan Pinggong's command. Later, Yamashita Yangxi handed over the army to maintain the stability of the camp to Nishimura Jun; Xiachuan Pinggong and Nishimura Jun became the actual military power Rebel general.

There is the full support of Yamashita Yangxi on the back, among them the secret deployment of Xiachuan Ping Gong and Nishimura as the guarantee, and the strong combat strength of the spy and the ninja as the foundation; all the real power noble fighters in the 100,000 rebels, almost It is made up of spies and ninjas.

There are the spies and ninjas of each commanding three or five hundred, one or two thousand barbarian fighters, assisting the army of commanders Xiachuan Pinggong and Nishimura, and the one hundred thousand rebels are basically the words of Yamashita Yamashita; because Yamashita Yamashita is Bai Feng’s destiny The leader of the Roman city shogunate.

Yoshikawa Naoki and Yamashita Yangxi, by virtue of their own outstanding performance, the former was first appointed by Bai Feng as the ninja leader of the Roman city shogunate, and the latter was later appointed by Bai Feng as the commander of the Roman city shogun; Xiachuan Pinggong and Nishimura Jun should be obeyed. Yamashita's order.

After Yamashita's order to open the barracks gate, the rebel soldiers responsible for guarding the barracks were obviously hesitant. They did not know whether they should carry out Yamashita's command; it was their direct commander, a noble warrior. The ninja decisively opened the camp door.

Looking at the gate of the Kirkwall camp opened by the blasting cave, knowing that Yamashita and others did not disappoint Bai Feng, he nodded to Lucurus by his side; then, Lucurus waved his right hand , Indicating that the first brigade of the Seventh Army began to enter the city.

Even though Bai Feng can be sure that Yamashita and others have completely controlled the Kirkwall camp and the rebels, the soldiers of the first brigade of the 7th Legion, who entered the city first, still maintained their due vigilance and did not relax their guard against the rebels. .

At the forefront is a team of Roman youths who maintain the shield wall formation, followed by a team of Roman light infantry with tight javelins in their hands; the group of Roman heavy infantry walking at the rear, then It was the preparation attitude that opened the distance to the Roman light infantry.

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