Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 984: "·War broke out"

We must grow in love, for which we must continue to love and give until we are hurt.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

In the face of the active 100,000 Lucy Kingdom fighters, the so-called 100,000 rebels in the west of Lusi; the headquarters of Gregory, just a few miles away from the Kirkwall camp, received a report from the patrol cavalry and immediately The order sounded the horn of the whole army.

In Gregory's view, the reason why the rebels in the shrinking camp ten days later will take the initiative to fight, and still fight at full strength, must be because their food consumption is almost the same, this is forced to take the initiative to attack. Survival.

With his last 52,000 elites under his command, to meet the rebel warriors who are still fighting against 100,000 beasts, this is undoubtedly the most irrational of all choices; after all, the size of the rebels is as high as 100,000, even if Gregory can Winning a victory is a terrible victory rather than a big victory.

The wars in the barbarian world are not without weak and strong, and few wins, but under the premise that the strengths of the two sides are not much different, the **** and belligerent nature of the barbarian warriors determines the battle between them. The victory is often At a heavy price.

Wasn’t the most typical example of the battle between the Eastern League and the Luer in the west? The fast-growing Eastern League was almost disintegrated by the fiasco of the Battle of Leer; the fall of Luxi, which had dominated the eastern region for hundreds of years, also resulted in heavy losses.

From these points of view, it seems that Gregory should not choose to face the rebels who took the initiative to attack immediately, but he still ordered the horn of the whole army to fight without hesitation; because he planned to use a tough **** battle to completely end the rebellion. military.

The loss of the first round of siege warfare, although Gregory lost more than 40,000 generals, but the loss of more than 40,000 generals can not be blamed on the battle itself; in the final analysis, it is still the alienation of Yang Xi , Played a vital role.

Now, all the southwestern Lu fighters in the counterinsurgency have all departed from the counterinsurgency and become part of the rebels; but Gregory believes that while weakening the overall strength of the counterinsurgency, it has also improved in disguise. He rebelled against the cohesion of the army.

A counterinsurgent army composed of northern soldiers is always more reliable than a counterinsurgent army composed of northern and southern soldiers, right? Determined that his soldiers could not betray Gregory, decided to use a **** battle to let the rebels understand the consequences of betrayal.

After the army of 52,000 rebellious soldiers left the camp, 7,000 cavalry left the army straight, cruising near the right wing of the army; General François, under Gregory, led 15,000 soldiers, Advance as an army vanguard.

Being the vanguard of the army, François’ soldiers had only 15,000 soldiers, and Nishimura’s soldiers had 30,000 foreign soldiers; the distance of a few miles was in front of the two high-spirited vanguards, but it was a battle. The pre-warm-up before.

When the distance between the two armies was shortened to about 300 meters, he could clearly see Francois's face, Nishimura, and suddenly pulled out his long sword at the waist. The sword pointed to the sky and shouted: "Long live freedom Long live the Kingdom of Lucy!!!"

"Long live freedom! Long live Lucy Kingdom!!"

"Long live freedom! Long live Lucy Kingdom!!"

"Long live freedom! Long live Lucy Kingdom!!"

The 30,000 warriors who could be selected into the foreign army by Nishimura not only received the brainwashing propaganda from Yang Xi, but also accepted this new idea from the heart; therefore, after Xicunjun shouted this slogan, 30,000 The soldier immediately shouted loudly.

The deafening cry was like a wave, a wave was higher than a wave, but it was so harsh in the ears of Gregory and Francois; the rebels of the hundreds of thousands who betrayed the tribe, and they dared to build their own country to be kings. , It is simply to find a dead end!

Francois, who was very angry, immediately drew his sword and shouted: "For the sake of Lucy's eternal survival, the **** battle!"

"For Lucy's persistence, **** battle to the end!"

"For Lucy's persistence, **** battle to the end!"

"For Lucy's persistence, **** battle to the end!"

The morale of the fifteen thousand soldiers of the vanguard of the rebellious army is also very high. With their slogans full of anger and perseverance, they express their deep anger towards the rebel army's act of becoming a king; at this moment, the war is imminent!

"Brothers, let me kill for the freedom and future of our Lucy Kingdom!"

"Brothers, follow me for our immortal Lu Xixi!"

At the same time, François and Nishimura, who roared at the same time, took their soldiers under each other and rushed towards each other like a tide; the 100,000 army of the Kingdom of Lucy and Gregory rebelled the army in this earth-shattering battle, Finally kicked off.

The sound of a powerful army horn sounding from the rear of the two armies, the violent roar of the soldiers fighting behind each other, and the harsh sound of a gold sword produced by the fighting of the swords, let the soldiers of the two armies fight to the point of fierce fighting and the blood of the enemy. It also made the soldiers of the two armies fight wildly.

The combat strength of the soldiers under Francois is certainly better, but the number of soldiers and finer weapons and equipment of Nishimura’s next enemy is playing an immeasurably huge role, so that they are gradually occupying. Upper hand.

The head-to-head fighting between the pioneers of the two armies lasted for about an hour, and the advantage of the Nishimura Jun's headquarters has become greater and greater. The Francois Department, which is seriously underpowered, has even been unable to maintain their front line. Can reduce the pressure by reducing the front.

It is difficult for the main fighters to break through the enemy's frontal defense line, Nishimura, decisively strengthened his two wings, intending to expand the advantages of his own army's two wings, and develop his own crescent-shaped front to a concave front, focusing on the enemy's relatively fragile two-wing defense. .

In the face of the aggressiveness of Nishimura and his vanguard army, Francois, who was caught in chaos, was unable to resist; he, with insufficient strength, could only let the limited soldiers be used on the front line as much as possible. Casualties on both wings have risen sharply.

Gregory, who led the 30,000 warriors and 7,000 cavalry in the rear, would not let François’ 15,000 avant-garde soldiers get trapped; seeing that the concave-shaped front of Nishimura was about to form, he decisively sent In addition to the cavalry troops, Francois was reinforced by a hard fight.

The 7,000 cavalry, divided into three groups, left and right, two thousand each, went straight to the left and right wings of Nishimura’s offensive. The strong offensive of the vanguard army of Nishimura.

Xiachuan Ping Gong, who led the 70,000 soldiers in the rear, naturally couldn’t sit back and watch Gregory’s cavalry, destroying the good offensive of the vanguard army of the Nishimura Jun; therefore, while the enemy cavalry dispatched, his 15,000 reinforcements The same goes straight to the battlefield.

After all, the speed of the infantry was not as good as that of the cavalry. The enemy's two-way cavalry who first entered the battlefield launched a fierce charge on the wings of the Nishimura Jun. The unprepared Xicunjun had to desperately draw troops from the central main force to block the enemy cavalry. Impact.

It was necessary to fight against the frontal enemy and to resist the cavalry charge behind him. The two-winged soldiers under the difficult situation of Nishimura failed to persevere for a long time and then they were in chaos; then, the main force of Nishimura’s central front also ushered in the attack. Enemy cavalry.

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