Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 993: "·Total Annihilation"

I can't change the world by myself, but I can throw a lot of ripples by throwing a stone at the water.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

Although today’s siege warfare, the Eastern Alliance’s troops did not actually use the people of Luxi as a meat shield, but used their own army of old weak women and children to disguise as a meat shield; but this does not mean that they do not have enough The people of Luxi came to serve as meat shields and cannon fodder.

After killing several Lusi settlements in the Eastern Alliance, they captured at least seven or eighty thousand captives in addition to the massacres. Among the captives who were difficult to assimilate them in a short period of time, only half of them were actually consumed as meat shields. That's it.

When the 150,000 reinforcements in Lulu were about to reach the battlefield, the leaders of the Eastern Alliance decisively chose to withdraw. On the one hand, they led the troops of their tribes who did not participate in the war. The people of Wanluxi were handed over to the soldiers after the break.

In order to prevent Lucy’s reinforcements from catching up with the eager retreat of their own army, and to allow their own army to evacuate this right and wrong as soon as possible, the selfish leaders of the Eastern Alliance decided to keep tens of thousands of soldiers who were caught in the barracks in fierce fighting to stay as the post-arms.

Speaking of good-looking off-duty troops, they are actually dead cannon fodder troops; this is also something that cannot be helped. Who let those unlucky soldiers take their turn to attack the barracks today, this is their destiny.

Whether or not there are captives in hand, it is impossible for the post-broken troops to change the end of their annihilation; but there are 40,000 captives in hand and 40,000 captives in hand. Plays a vital role.

More than 20,000 generals were left to continue fighting with the Eastern Alliance of the barracks, and 30,000 soldiers were used to control the 40,000 prisoners left by the main army retreat. They were going to use them as hostages to threaten the imminent soldiers on the battlefield. 150,000 Lucy army.

The crux of the matter is, is the leader of the western part of Luvius, the kind of person who will be threatened with 40,000 people? The answer is no. Naturally, as the leader of Lu Xixi, Viriasius has never been a good man or a woman.

The annihilation of the entire army of 300,000 border garrisons of his own tribe is definitely a more serious loss than the injury of the western part of Luxi, which has not much strength; this is Veriasius, and it cannot be accepted anyway. The result is also a reality that cannot be changed before him.

Veriasius, who was so watery, what kind of anger was burning in his heart, then only he himself knew; perhaps, the closest personal guards around him also knew, but the loyal guards, and How can you tell?

Looking at the enemy generals outside the barracks in front, they tried to hold their own people in an attempt to block the attack of their own army; the scornful Veriasius on his face turned his head to the generals around him. , Issued an order to attack the whole army.

150,000 vigorous Lusi fighters, 50,000 rushed towards the self-restrained Eastern Alliance, and the other 100,000 were divided into two, bypassing the main battlefield directly, and chasing the main forces of the enemy who were rapidly retreating. .

The Eastern Union’s off-duty troops couldn’t believe that Lu Xi’s reinforcements weren’t even able to save the people of their own tribe, so they killed them without any scruples; after all, the performance of the soldiers in the barracks had made them aware of the prisoners Importance.

But what they did not know was that Veriasius was not Roderick and Hall. As the supreme ruler of Lusi, he had the right to give any order to his soldiers; even if this order is to let these Warrior, point the sword to their dear ones!

Of course, what kind of order Veliasius gave is one thing, and whether the soldiers below are willing to execute is another matter; there is no doubt that the order issued by Veliasius is ordered. The Lusi fighters who launched the offensive are not exclusive.

The surging 50,000 Lucy warriors used the simplest, direct and extremely rough way to let the self-reliant Eastern Union soldiers understand what is real; the 40,000 captured people in the district are not right at all. Veriasius' decision had the slightest impact.

For the captured civilians who can be rescued from the enemy, the Luxi fighters who rushed into the enemy group will rescue themselves as much as possible; for those captured prisoners who cannot be saved, the Luxi fighters will come down. The hand is no softer than the enemy hands.

The 30,000 Eastern Alliance soldiers who held 40,000 captives, together with their more than 20,000 friendly troops still fighting in the barracks, all failed to stop the 50,000 Lucy warriors for two hours; the intrepid Lucy warriors easily defeated In addition, more than 50,000 enemy troops with intent to resist.

At the same time, the soldiers chased the Eastern Union’s retreating 100,000 Lucy fighters in two ways, but they failed to catch up with the rushing retreat of the Eastern Union’s main force. In all fairness, the Eastern Union’s troops really lost every time they talked about the speed of escape. Who has ever been!

Since he can’t catch up, he will chase afterwards, and Veriasius, who has just vented his anger in his heart, did not care about the successful withdrawal of the enemy’s main force; in his view, the enemy’s current escape is just self-deception and self-paralysis. .

The different circumstances of the past determine that Veliasius can no longer waste the opportunity to completely eliminate the Eastern Alliance like last time; how much can be said of the Eastern Alliance that lost more than 600,000 troops in World War I. Can it be as strong as a soldier?

The well-known Veriasius is confident that with his 150,000 troops, he will conquer the Eastern Alliance in one fell swoop; by then, it will only take two decades of rest and recuperation. A brand-new Luxi will fall and become the eastern region. 'S strongest tribe!

From one of the overlord tribes in the eastern region to the strongest tribe in the eastern region, such a leap is not a big one; when thinking about this, the ambitious Veriasius is excited and eager to conquer the Eastern Alliance Annexation.

The 50,000 Lucy warriors who successfully defeated more than 50,000 Eastern Alliance soldiers failed to leave the enemy troops that collapsed and fled and escaped because of the need to rescue their captured people. Even so, the enemy troops still fleeed. Failed to escape.

Hundreds of thousands of Lucy fighters who were behind the enemy's retreating force were chased and encircled from the back of the enemies. On the way back, the defeated soldiers with no fighting spirit, after a little resistance, became the Lucy fighters. captive.

Veriasius, who walked into the barracks with the guard himself, and after seeing the **** sea of ​​corpses in the barracks, issued an order to immediately execute the prisoners of more than 30,000 enemy troops; The Lucy fighters were exceptionally determined.

With the sound of a scream, more than 30,000 captive soldiers of the Eastern Alliance quickly became a headless corpse; the punishment of beheading is already after death for the barbarians who believe in the reincarnation of the soul after death The cruelest kind of capital punishment that kills the soul.

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