Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 997: "·The decisive battle broke out"

Regarding doing good, in the final analysis, it is between you and God, but not between you and others.

——Sister Theresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

It is undeniable that Veriasius’ plan to disperse the strength of Luquis was successfully implemented; Luquez, who had little troops under his command, was beside him after separating two Roman legions into the Eastern Alliance’s remnant army camp There were only four legionaries.

The more than 30,000 infantry of the third and fourth Roman legions, the more than 13,000 cavalry of the Roman Spear Legion and the Heavy Hammer Legion; against the army of Luxi, which has more than 130,000 soldiers, its strength is bound to be insufficient. The severity will even affect the development of the war situation.

However, Veriasius is not in a hurry to launch an attack on the newly-divided army of Luques; he looks forward to the remnants of the Eastern League after they have eaten and satiated, regretting their unconditional surrender decision made by the hungry, the most Fortunately, a battle broke out.

Veriasius does not expect the Eastern Alliance remnants with poor combat effectiveness to cause any substantial damage to the unknown troops of the Luques; what he expects is that the Eastern Alliance remnants will give him the army of Luxi, Create an excellent fighter!

What kind of opportunity can be called an excellent fighter? In the view of Veriasius, as long as the remnants of the Eastern Alliance can cause the chaos of the army of Luquis, and divide the army of Luquis into two parts that can not be looked after, it is an excellent fighter!

It is a pity that the remnants of the Eastern Alliance who are aware of the current situation have not created any excellent fighters for the highly anticipated Veriasius; after learning that his hometown is occupied by the Roman army, the Eastern Alliance remnants and soldiers who surrendered, Very well behaved in front of the Roman army.

Even the leaders of the dozen or so tribes of the Eastern Alliance voluntarily ran to the military account of Lucius, and sent a gift to Lucius, who was the commander of the Roman army; there was no way for them to leave their wives, children, and children at home, Are they all captives of the Roman army?

The attachment of the barbarian warriors to their families is well-known; it is no exaggeration to say that the Roman army that controls the families of the 70,000 remnants of the Eastern Alliance can actually use these 70,000 remnants as cannon fodder. Don’t worry They will flee the battlefield.

Of course, Lucius would not really do this; because Lucius did not believe in the fighting power of the Eastern Alliance’s remnants, he already had full confidence in defeating the army of Lucy, and he would not do such a superfluous thing.

While Veriasius waited for the outbreak of the conflict between the army of the department of Lucius and the remnants of the Eastern Alliance, Lucius was also waiting for the arrival of Bai Feng; the Lucy army of Veliasius was flanked by two Roman troops. It is undoubtedly the most secure one among all layouts.

Although Bai Feng and Lu Quesi have not met for more than a month, their connection with each other has become closer as the distance between the two armies has shortened; the ghosts and spies on the battlefield running back and forth are Bai Feng and Lu Kui Sri Lanka conveyed various messages.

On the morning of the fourth day of the fifth and sixth Roman legions under the leadership of Ruques in the Eastern Army’s remnant camp, I learned last night that Bai Feng’s army was only thirty miles from the battlefield; when the sky was bright, he ordered the army The trumpeters sounded the trumpet of the whole army.

In the following hour, the soldiers of the third and fourth Roman legions and the two cavalry legions under the command of Lucius first took turns to have breakfast, and then gathered all around the camp; at the same time, Viriaxu was alert Sri Lanka has also assembled his army.

After a short adjustment, Lucius ordered the Fifth Roman Army and the Sixth Roman Army, and the eight infantry wing of the two corps to form a huge rectangular formation in a three-row battle array; a total of twelve longbow wings , Then separate the two sides of the matrix.

Each Roman legion governs three longbow wingers with six thousand longbowmen. For today’s decisive battle, Luquist intentionally transferred twelve longbow wingers of the four Roman legions to the battle; twenty-four thousand longbowmen gathered I am afraid that only those who have seen it will know.

Nielsen’s more than nine thousand light cavalry and Antio’s more than three thousand heavy cavalry were left by Luquez to serve as a reserve force and mobile force for the army; to some extent, Antio’s Heavy cavalry can also be regarded as the main force of the victory.

While Lucius adjusted the deployment and assignment of his army, he realized that the atmosphere was not right, and Viriasius divided the more than 130,000 Lucy warriors under his army into three troops. I, Roderick and Hall respectively command.

Veriasius, who led more than 50,000 fighters, deployed the 40,000 fighters commanded by Roderick and Hall on his left and right wings. Obviously, he planned to use the two major commanders to command 80,000. Soldiers, to prevent the strong cavalry troops of the enemy.

As for the more than 40,000 infantry soldiers on the front of the enemy, Veriasius is ready to let the enemy know how powerful the Lucy warriors are!

After about half an hour of preparations, the 5th and 6th Roman legions, ready to sound the offensive horn; the large army of Roman light infantry, Roman youth army, Roman heavy infantry, and long archers, slowly Advance slowly.

Compared with the strict formation of the Roman army, no matter how well-known the Lucy fighters are, they still can't list a very neat formation; Viraius, who is somewhat envious of the enemy's uniform formation, thinks a little , The word'flower shelf' was used.

When the two armies to be advanced slowly, the distance between them was shortened to only 800 meters; the Roman army stopped their advancement, and the long archers, who were placed on the left and right wings of the main army, inserted their back sacs on the ground. , Began to draw arrows and bend bows to make arrows.

The army of Lucy, whose speed is not reduced, is still advancing little by little, and it does not mean to stop; when the distance between the two armies is shortened to 500 meters, Veriasius directly issued an order to charge the whole army. !

At a distance of 500 meters, for the Luxi fighters running at full speed, it was only a matter of a minute or two; it was just a minute or two, but the long archers who were ready enough to shoot at least ten rounds. Arrow rain!

When the first round of arrows of 24,000 long archers was fired, the sound of loosening the bowstring at that moment actually overwhelmed the cry of 50,000 Lucy warriors; for the unprepared Luci warriors, they saw Only two huge dark clouds came over and pressed quickly.

The arrows shot by Leng Huai's longbow have unparalleled lethal power against the Luxi army without even the leather armor; only this first round of arrow rain turned hundreds of thousands of Luxi warriors into The genuine "hedgehog" died on the spot.

Before the shocked Luci fighters reacted, the second and third waves of arrow rain had followed. The number of casualties in the Lucy fighters who were completely covered by the arrow rain rose faster than that of the long archers. Shoot faster and faster!

Facing the overwhelming arrows and rain covered attacks by the long archers, the only decisive and resolute Veriasius can do is to order the stunned Lucy warriors to face the arrows and cover them forward. Sprint past!

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