Romanian Eagle

Chapter 20 Inspecting the Arsenal

After Eder established the automobile industry, he discussed with the chief of staff of Preshan about the plan to switch to automobile transportation in logistics. After research, the two found that replacing the logistical horses with cars would have an advantage in maintenance costs, and the horses were too edible. Moreover, the transportation distance can also be improved. A horse can be transported for a maximum of 40 kilometers in one day, and a human army can travel up to 100 kilometers. Horses are very delicate creatures, they must be carefully transported, and continuous marching will cause great damage to horses and serious fat loss.

Cars do not have the above problems. In theory, a car can travel 200 kilometers a day without any major problems. According to the current car standards, it is easy to repair and go on the road again. And a large number of artillery, ammunition, machine guns, and various logistical items can be taken away by cars.

It is calculated that a division needs to reach 800 vehicles to achieve fast maneuvering. The maneuvering here refers to 60 kilometers per day. Compared with the current European powers' marching speed of 30-40 kilometers, they are considered to be fast troops. It seems that the national army plus several heavy artillery regiments need 15,000 vehicles. According to the agreement between Edel and Ford, the production cost of a van is now expected to be around 200 pounds, and the assembly line is also reduced to a maximum of 150 pounds, which is a higher cost than the reorganization cost. Edel and Preshan were silent when they saw the cost they calculated.

"His Royal Highness, this is something the government will never agree to, and the country doesn't have that much financial resources." Preshan took the lead, "I know it can only be revised, so let's build a division first. The rest can only wait first, which will depend on the finances. It can only be done if it improves." Eder also had to give up this plan.

After returning to the palace, the captain of the guard came to Edel, "His Royal Highness heard from the United Kingdom that they have built a new type of warship, using the same type of heavy artillery, which can run at a speed of 21 knots." Edel immediately thought of this after hearing this. It is a dreadnought, and it seems that the era of large ships and cannons has begun. The impact on the Romanian navy will not be too great, but the impact on the situation will be too great, and World War I cannot be avoided. What Romania has to do now is to strengthen itself in order to sell at a good price.

Eder, who felt the time was no longer for me, could only watch the Great Powers game in Romania. After the UK built the Dreadnought-class battleship, major powers such as Germany, France, and the United States all expressed their follow-up. Britain's main opponent, the Kaiser, announced that the Nassau-class would also use the Dreadnought design, and the United States announced that it would build the South Carolina-class battleship. level as a template. Russia now says it has no money and will follow up when its finances improve. France is studying funding for the construction of the Dreadnought-class warships. Japan said that I would buy it back for research in the UK. Italy and Austria-Hungary said that you build it first and then look at it.

Because of the controversy caused by the appearance of the dreadnought, there was a lot of uproar in the international community, and Eder was dazzled. At this time, the captain of the guard told His Royal Highness that the first phase of the arsenal had been completed. The military issue that Edel is most concerned about can be partially alleviated, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince decided to visit the arsenal.

The next day, Edel came to the arsenal on the outskirts of Bucharest, accompanied by the factory director Varicia, to visit the completed factory. The factory manager, Varisia, studied economics in Germany and later helped his father manage the family's small arsenal. He was very good at controlling costs and increasing production. Later, Eder borrowed money to build a military factory in Germany, and merged several small factories in China. After finding that Varisia was doing quite well, he appointed Varisia to manage this large military factory. .

"His Royal Highness is the main gun stock and gun body of the wood workshop." Eder looked at the wood workshop without a trace of beauty, and it was not much different from the wood workshop in China in the 1950s. It is a brick and tile structure, and the wires are like spiders in the air. Pulled around like a net. "Take me to the assembly workshop." Eder said feeling a little bored. Varisia took Eder to the assembly workshop and watched the workers assemble the parts into rifles.

Eder asked the topic of greatest concern, "What is the output now." "Now because the workers are newly trained,

Therefore, if the output is not high, 150 rifles a day is the current limit. "Edel said after hearing Varisia's explanation. "Now you have to train more workers so that they can master the work at hand as soon as possible. By the way, what about the current artillery output? "

Facing Edel's question, Varisia replied a little embarrassedly. "At present, the heavy artillery workshop is still being debugged, the workers' requirements are relatively high, and the training has not been completed. The 75 artillery can now produce 8 guns a month, which is also the result of the unskilled workers. The 105 light howitzer is now due to the poor mastery of the workers. We haven't made 100-caliber guns, the main rifles, and the people sent by Germany are still doing the work. Our workers can only do it. Now we only produce two or three guns in January. The 150 and 210 are still being trained and workers are not produced. ."

Hearing Varisia's answer, Edel seemed to think that the arsenal would not be able to reach the projected output without two or three years of hard work. "What about the production of machine guns now?" Edel asked, seeing that the crown prince was concerned about the production, Varisia also told everything she knew. "His Royal Highness now we can produce 60 Madsen machine guns a month, we can produce 30 Maxim machine guns a month, 7.92 rifle ammunition can now be 3 million rounds a month, and machine gun ammunition can be 3.5 million rounds a month. All kinds of shells can do 1,000 tons a month."

After hearing Varisia's answer, Edel felt that the production of ammunition was still insufficient, and the crown prince still knew that the ammunition was more complicated than the military. In addition to encouraging Varisia to train workers as soon as possible, it is also possible to consider the introduction of an ammunition production line. But now the government's finances are indeed too poor to have the money to do other things. Thinking of this, Eder is also a rogue. For the small country of Romania, the financial situation has never been good, and the crown prince said that I would spend money. And for the construction of the whole country, the crown prince, who was the author of the street in his previous life, said that I would only say.

PS The code in this chapter is quite depressing, and my head is getting bigger. I want to carefully analyze the unfolding of the follow-up plot.

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