Romanian Eagle

Chapter 45 Turkey's Response

After the bourgeois revolution triggered by the Young Turks, the tensions in the face of Bulgaria's independence as a kingdom and Austria-Hungary's declaration of annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina sparked discussions at the top of the government.

After the bourgeois revolution, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, who had little real power, also attended this meeting on the fate of the Ottoman Empire at this time of crisis. As the nominal leader, he first asked the following government officials. "What shall we do now?"

In the face of Sudan's question, as Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha can only express his own views in the face of the crisis. "Respected Sultan, for the Bosnia-Herzegovina region, we should negotiate with Austria-Hungary to get compensation. After all, Austria-Hungary has been hosting for 30 years, and everyone knows Austria-Hungary's thoughts. We do not have the strength to solve the two problems at the same time. a question."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs continued after speaking about the response of Bosnia and Herzegovina. "For Bulgaria's independence to become a kingdom, I think it is necessary to mobilize troops to the Bulgarian front line. We have to express our disapproval of Bulgaria's independence to the outside world. The follow-up approach must first be determined by the attitude of the European countries."

Having been Minister of Foreign Affairs for 9 years, Muhammad Rifat Pasha's diplomatic skills are still a bit standard, and he also understands the Sultan's mind too well, but as an old fritter, he certainly won't break it.

After seeing the clever tactics of the Foreign Minister, the Minister of War El Pasha also expressed his views. "I agree with the foreign minister's suggestion. The military's attitude is that it can only guarantee to use our power in one direction. Bulgaria is too close to our capital, and it only takes a week's march to reach us. It is too dangerous, We cannot allow Bulgaria to become independent so easily, and it will make the Balkan countries think more strongly about our regions of Albania, Thrace and Macedonia, which will increase the pressure on our military to guard these places."

Finance Minister Camille Pasha voiced his displeasure after the new war minister El Pasha spoke. "Are we just waiting for the ruling of the European countries? Everyone knows that Bulgaria is behind the Russians. Now that Russia, France, and the UK are all wearing a pair of pants, can we just wait?"

Everyone knows the thoughts of Kamil Pasha. If they fight against Bulgaria, then the Macedonian army, mainly the Young Turks, will bear the brunt of the battle.

Talat Pasha, leader of the Young Turk party, retorted about the finance minister's plans. "The finance minister can't see the current situation. We are not afraid of Bulgaria, but who is Russia standing behind to resist, honorable finance minister?"

In the face of Talat Pasha's questioning, Finance Minister Camille Pasha couldn't help talking. "Isn't it your army's responsibility to resist foreign invasion."

"We gave advice, but you ignored it."

Seeing the quarrel between the two, as the "freedom hero" of this revolution, Enver Pasha knew it was time to stand up. "Respected Sultan, I volunteered to go to the Bulgarian border to defend the territory. If war breaks out, I will be the first to rush to the battlefield, and our Young Turks will shed the last drop of blood for the country."

In the face of Enver Pasha's impassioned enthusiasm, Sultan Abdul Hamid II knew the star man who had decimated his power. As a monarch who has been in power for decades, there are still basic city houses. "I'm very glad that the country has heroes like Enver Pasha. We can all feel your patriotic enthusiasm, and I believe your wishes will be fulfilled."

Enver Pasha listened to what the Sultan said to him, and he also had plans in his heart. Going to the Bulgarian border allows people to see their patriotism. The current title of "Freedom Hero" cannot satisfy myself. Only by gaining greater rights can you satisfy yourself.

After discussions in Turkey, they discussed with Austria-Hungary the issue of compensation for the transfer of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

While mobilizing troops to the Bulgarian border, Bulgaria is not to be outdone by taking the same steps. This situation soon led to Russian mediation behind Bulgaria.

In St. Petersburg, Nicholas II was prepared for the current situation. "We're going to support Bulgaria and pull them to our side."

The telegram was sent across the Black Sea to the Russian embassy in Turkey. After receiving the order from the Tsar, the ambassador, Midnovich, drove to the Ottoman Turkish Foreign Ministry by car. Met with Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha.

"Your Excellency, we are very concerned about the tension between your country and Bulgaria, which is of no benefit to anyone." Ambassador Midnovich walked into the foreign minister's office and spoke to Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha about Russia's manner.

"Bulgaria's unilateral announcement of this news is disrespectful to the Ottoman Empire. It is also a violation of the Treaty of Berlin. We have reason to make a strong counterattack against Bulgaria." Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha said toughly.

Hearing the tough tone of Foreign Minister Ottoman, the Ambassador Midnovich replied. "Regarding the complete independence of Bulgaria, this is also a reflection of the will of the Bulgarian people. We can't always stop the public opinion. Regarding the lack of consultation with the Ottoman Empire, this is indeed a bad thing they did. I will tell Bulgaria about the dissatisfaction of the foreign minister, and I believe they will send people apologize."

In the face of the Russians' blatant favoritism towards Bulgaria, Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha has no good solution. Only after sending off the Russians, I found the British ambassador for help.

When the British Ambassador Shilk was invited to the dinner of Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha on the same day, after the dinner, the foreign minister told the British ambassador about Turkey's plight, hoping to get help.

British Ambassador Hilke sat on the sofa slowly, said the foreign minister. "His Excellency the foreign minister is really worrying about the current situation. Bulgaria is indeed doing something wrong. I will send the news back to China, and I believe the British government will lend a helping hand to the Ottoman Empire."

After the news returned to Downing Street, Prime Minister Asquith told Foreign Secretary Edward Gray after seeing Osman's plea. "Let the Ottoman ambassador negotiate with the Russians and ask them to compensate the Ottomans. The situation in the Balkans is really disturbing.

Foreign Secretary Edward Gray nodded in approval of the Prime Minister's words. "These Ottomans are used to being bullied by the Russians, and they will make a fuss when something involves Russia. Now it is Germany that is really worrying." "Have they built new ships?"

London's reply led Ambassador Shilk to find the Russians, and after a friendly exchange. Eventually Russia agreed to waive Turkish reparations for the war of 1878, in exchange for Ottoman Turkey dropping its claims to Bulgaria and recognizing Bulgaria's independence.

Looking at the conditions, Foreign Minister Mohammad Rifat Pasha was silent, and the two British and Russian ambassadors sat opposite the foreign ministers and waited for a reply. "Is there no room for revision?" the foreign minister asked unwillingly. "I believe this is the greatest effort of the British Empire." British Ambassador Silke said, and glanced at the Russian Ambassador Midnovich. "This is also Russia's biggest concession."

Eventually Ottoman Turkey agreed to this condition. Negotiations with Austria-Hungary also came to fruition, giving up the nominal suzerainty of the two provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina at a cost of 2.5 million pounds. So far, Ottoman Turkey's response to Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria's violation of the "Berlin Treaty" has been completely controlled by the European powers.

This made the Balkan countries see Turkey's weakness, and its ambitions for European territory were almost unstoppable.

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