Rome Must Fall

Chapter 176 Pequot’s surprise attack

After the Pannoni coalition was stationed, they vigorously built siege equipment and sent people to investigate the situation of the "mercenary" camp in detail. At the same time, they were also waiting for support from the rear.

Faced with the big commotion made by the Pannoni army in the past few days, the Nyx tribe did not react at all. They always huddled in the camp and closed the camp door tightly.


"Captain!" Yadobagh hurried into the camp and started waving and shouting before he could reach Pecott.

Pecot frowned. Since the last time he talked about Yadobagh, this young man has behaved much more calmly these days, but why is he whining again today!

Then, he saw another sentry running over panting, with anxiety on his face.

He immediately inserted the polished dagger into the scabbard, hung it on his waist, stood up and asked, "What did you detect?"

"Big...Captain!" Yadobagh gasped: "A...big army! There are many pack cars...all loaded with food, and...many of our compatriots, but the enemy ……not too much……"

Pecot looked at another sentinel, Rappezas. This was a veteran who had followed him when he was in Thurii. He was a Magna Greek and had experience as a sentinel. The important thing was that he could count, but Because the terrain was unfamiliar, he was asked to temporarily assist Yadobagh.

Rappezas immediately answered: "Captain, this team does have a lot of people and a lot of supplies. There are more than 30 pack cars in total, carrying food, and there are about 2,000 Skodis. The Siqi men... ahem... people, their hands and feet were tied with ropes, and there were more than 600 Pannoni soldiers responsible for escorting them, but there were no heavy infantry. "

"There are more than 600 Pannoni warriors..." Pecot mused.

Yadobagh anxiously persuaded: "Captain, 600 people are not many. They are scattered throughout the entire team, but we can gather them to attack one place like you trained before, and then attack them again." Kill them one by one—"

"What do you know!" Pecot yelled.

Yadobag was immediately too frightened to speak, and only turned to Rappezas for help.

Rappezas did not make any expression, but said softly: "Captain, before we left the camp, the leader told you that we hope you can launch an attack on the enemy's rear as late as possible, so that the enemy can attack without any scruples. Attack the camp with all their strength and consume more of their troops...

But in the past few days, the enemies in the west have not launched an attack on the camp. I wonder if it is possible... that they are waiting for the Skodisci who were escorted here? "

Pecot's eyes suddenly shrank and he fell into deep thought.

In fact, this question was obvious. He had just received the news and had not had time to think about it. After Rappezas reminded him, he immediately realized that the Pannoni used to use Skodisci slaves as cannon fodder in battles. Charge first. This time, we have not attacked our own camp. Now that we have escorted these Skodisci slaves over, we must let them serve as cannon fodder and attack the camp first.

There are so many Skordisqi recruits in the camp. They are definitely not willing to kill their compatriots, just like the guy next to them. Then it will be difficult for the leader to deal with it. Is there another pre-battle surrender? But the enemy has already been fooled once, and there is no way he would be stupid enough to do it again...

Seeing Pecot standing with his head bowed, his face uncertain, Adobagh couldn't help but wanted to plead again, but Lapu Pezas pulled him back and shook his head at him.

After a while, Pecot finally made up his mind: since the war situation has changed, he has to send troops in advance. As long as the assault is successful, I believe that when the leader knows about it, not only will he not blame him for not listening to his words, but he will be grateful to him for solving the problem for the camp. A big problem!

"Where is this transport team now?" Pecot asked in a deep voice.

"We just entered the dried fish village (referring to the tribe of Amrotas. Because his people like to hang the fish caught in the river on the wooden wall to dry, they gave it such a nickname to make it easier to distinguish them. ), they will definitely continue to move along the river tomorrow, and at their speed, they will probably reach the village we captured first (referring to Wallis’ village) at dusk.”

Pecot bent down, picked up a branch, and drew a simple line of the middle reaches of the Kupa River on the ground. Then he drew three small circles at different positions on the line to represent the three Pannoni villages... Since he After serving as the captain of this strange force, he personally went out to the mountains many times to explore the enemy's situation, and he became familiar with the terrain there.

He stared at the ground for a moment, used a branch to light a spot, and said in a deep voice: "We will ambush Pannoni's transport team here early tomorrow morning!"

Rappezas looked down and was a little surprised: "This... this is the place where we ambush the enemy last time. I'm afraid they will be prepared!"

"Don't worry, even if they have some precautions, they still have to get through here." Pecot pointed at the ground and said confidently: "This is a short distance from Ganyu Village and Xiongtou Village (Walris once hunted a black bear with his own hands. Hanging the bear's head above the village gate to show off its bravery, hence the nickname) was far away and they had no time to send troops to rescue.

Moreover, it is very convenient to hide here, and it is not easy for the enemy to find us. Otherwise, the leader would not have chosen this place to ambush the enemy.

When the time comes, we will divide our forces into two parts and focus on attacking the head and tail of the transport team. When the enemy is in panic, we will send a small number of new soldiers to blend into their ranks to rescue their compatriots and cooperate with us to completely defeat the enemy. ! …”


Since he suffered a big loss in the last battle, and the Skordisqi bandits harassed the territory afterwards, Andres did not plan to use the Skordisqi male slaves at first this time. However, after seeing the power of the "mercenary" camp, in order to reduce the casualties of the people, he decided to let the slaves take the lead and act as cannon fodder.

The Pannoni coalition had completed their preparations for the attack and were waiting for the arrival of the Scodischi male slaves. However, what Andres was waiting for was shocking news: the transport team was attacked by mercenaries. Not only were hundreds of soldiers killed or injured, but all the 2,000 slaves escorted ran away, and all the food collected was burned.

Andres was furious, scolding Kabudez for being incompetent (because it was Kabudez who was responsible for this), and scolding the enemy for being cunning and shameless.

After he vented his anger, he had to face this question: Should he send more slaves over again? Wait until they arrive before launching an attack?

The 30,000-strong army consumes a huge amount of food every day, but fortunately, the reserves in the east village can still last for a few days, and at the same time, Kabudez can be asked to expedite the delivery of food. However, after the soldiers arrived here, except for a small setback at the beginning, there was no fighting for the next few days. If they still wait in the next few days, this will seriously affect the morale of the Segostika soldiers who are accustomed to fighting quickly, and It will also make the reinforcements have other thoughts in their minds.

After all, the reinforcements are only here to help. As a victim, you are not actively fighting. Do you still expect them to help you desperately? ... Therefore, Andres made a decision: he could not delay it any longer and must take action immediately.

However, the "mercenary" team operating behind him made him feel a thorn in his back, and he had to deal with it as soon as possible.

It is true that the Pannoni people do not have an organization specifically responsible for logistics support, but Segestica has been fighting with Ardei for many years, and Andres has also figured out a way to support the continuous operations of the frontline troops. He along the south bank of the Kupa River A new tribe was arranged to settle and build camps every ten miles or so, which not only consolidated the land they had seized, but also established a safe food and material transportation line, which played an important role in the battle with the Ardie people.

However, after the "mercenaries" arrived, they captured the two most advanced villages in one fell swoop.

This time, in order to concentrate all his efforts on attacking the enemy, Andres stationed more than 1,000 soldiers in the original Wallis stockade to protect the food supplies stored there after several days of exploration and confirmation of the safety of the rear. Kabdus's stronghold did not send troops to garrison, because he believed that the transport team could reach Volris's stronghold within one day starting from Amrotas' stronghold, and there was no need to waste any more troops...

Now he regretted it very much, so after discussing with Temagis and other three reinforcement generals, he decided to send his capable subordinate Pulikas to lead 3,000 soldiers drawn from the army to station in Kabdus' village as soon as possible. Find and eliminate the "mercenary" force while ensuring the security of the rear.

On the second day, the sky was clear and there was no wind or rain. It was a good weather for fighting.

Pannoni's company was dispatched and swarmed toward the "mercenary" camp. They stopped advancing 150 meters away from the camp. Andres, Temagis and other commanders began to make arrangements to attack the camp.

The camp of the Nyx tribe is approximately a rectangle, with the long south side facing the bank of the Mreznica River, the long north side facing the mountains, the short east side facing the Korana River, and the short west side facing the Bu. The stronghold of Dokalibasi.

When the rebels first expanded their camp, Maximus wanted to extend the camp wall from the north bank of the Mreznica River to the mountains, completely cutting off the river bank channels and facilitating defense.

But later, two military leaders, Quintus and Frontinus, raised objections: the initial section of the mountain ridge in the north is relatively gentle and cannot act as a barrier. The enemy can not only bypass it, but also use the high-lying mountain ridge. Attack the camp from a high position. However, it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive to build the village wall up the mountain to completely block the enemy. I am afraid that when the enemy attacks, the camp will not be repaired yet. Moreover, by cutting off the river bank channel, the Budokaribas tribe in the rear is safe, but it is of no benefit to our own side. It is better to shorten the width of the camp and expose the Aldiyi stronghold to the west, so that the enemy can There will be some scruples when attacking.

Maximus followed suit and asked the engineering battalion to immediately carry out modifications based on Quintus's suggestions.

Now, Andres really took the Ardeii people into consideration and decided to concentrate his forces to attack the east and north sides of the camp. At the same time, he also sent cavalry to the west to guard the Ardei people's stronghold and prevent reinforcements.

After the deployment was completed, the Pannoni coalition began to take action.

Selicis is an ordinary tribesman from the tribe of Segestika. He once followed Andres to participate in the war against the Skodisci and is a famous warrior in the tribe. Later, because he was a little older, he was not deployed to participate in the war against the Ardie people. Segostika had suffered successive defeats against the rebels and lost a large number of soldiers, so this time many veterans like him in their forties and fifties were recruited.

It's just that Selicis didn't expect that he would return to the battlefield more than ten years later. The first battle was not to take up arms to fight the enemy, but to perform a special mission first.

"First check whether the wooden boards on the soles of your shoes are fastened, then each person picks up a bundle of grass, runs to the place where there is a trap in front of you, puts the grass on the ground, and then runs back... Remember, don't throw it away! Put them in a row one by one! ..." The leader of the tribe loudly reminded the people under his command that he had said these words many times before.

"...Let's take action!" he finally waved and shouted.

But no one responded, after all, the short spears fired from the camp were too powerful.

Selicis gritted his teeth, hugged the straw bale, and was the first to rush out.

He didn't dare to run too fast. After all, the soles of his feet were covered with two shoe-shaped wooden boards, which made it easier for him to fall. As he ran, he stared ahead, carefully guarding against any short spears that might be fired at him.

According to the intelligence obtained by the coalition spies in the past few days, the enemy began to lay traps about 60 meters away from the camp. The closer to the camp, the denser the traps... Therefore, Selicis judged that the 60-meter distance was almost reached, and immediately Stop and put down the bale.

Just when he turned around and ran back, countless soldiers were already rushing forward like him holding straw bales.

Selicis ran back to the rear, and the tribe leader specially praised: "Well done, Selicis, you made a good start, you are worthy of being our hero!"

Selicis ignored it and tugged at the single clothes that had stuck to his body. This was not because the clothes were wet with sweat, but because these straw bales had been soaked in water beforehand, and most of them were cut grass, just to prevent them from getting wet. ignite.

After Selicis took a breath, he picked up another bundle of grass and continued running forward.

At this time, the front was already full of Pannoni warriors, and everyone was moving back and forth like a group of moving ants.

By the time Selicis got to his position, there were already a lot of straw bales stacked on the ground. It was difficult to tell which bale he had put before. He carefully stepped on these bales and moved them forward, and then put his own bales. The bundle was placed in an open space.

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