Rome Must Fall

Chapter 219 In trouble

The game restarted, and this time it was Skordischi's turn to serve...

Just as the rugby match was in full swing, Maximus also came to the banks of the Kupa River, but on the south bank. Following him were agricultural officer Volenus, public works officer Capito, and engineer Spukala. ...The group of people walked along the river and came to the waterwheel.

"Chief, I specifically asked Budokaribas, and he told me that the situation in the Kupa River since the beginning of spring is significantly different from the past two years. In the past two years, the water in the Kupa River would have risen to at least that much at this time."

Volenus pointed to the wooden pillar standing in the water to support the waterwheel axis. A thick black line was drawn below the wooden pillar about half a meter from the river surface: "But the river level this year is somewhat similar to previous years. He thinks After the rainy season, the river water should not surge as it did in the past two years, flooding more land on the north bank and expanding the Varidosi swamp.”

"Really?" Maximus didn't seem very excited when he heard this, but asked: "He said it won't rise sharply, so how much will it rise? Why is the water volume of the Kupa River lower than before this spring? Two years? ...Have you ever asked these questions?”

"I asked, but he couldn't tell clearly," Volenus replied.

"They are the original residents here and are accustomed to everything here. They do things based on experience. We must not be the same as them!" Maximus solemnly reminded: "Since we have settled here, we must Good business here! Your Ministry of Agriculture should record the climate and river water conditions here every day from now on, and then find out the rules, so as to better guide the people in farming in the future and allow the tribes to better prevent floods. "

"Yes, chief." Volenus responded respectfully.

"Capito, has your Ministry of Works considered building embankments on both sides of the Kupa River this year to prevent the river from swelling and flooding farmland in the future?" Maximus asked again.

Before Capito could answer, engineer Spukala said first: "I'm afraid it won't work this year. The river coastline in our territory is not short. First, we need to test the topography of both banks clearly. We also need to understand the water volume of the Kupa River after it rises. , the size of the flow rate...

Not to mention other things, the mud and stone bricks used alone will be a huge value. It will definitely not be repaired this year, and it will be difficult next year. If it must be repaired in a hurry, I am afraid that even if it is repaired, it will not be able to withstand the surge in river water! "

After listening to Spukala's reminder, Maximus did not insist anymore and said: "Since the construction of the river embankment is the responsibility of your Ministry of Public Works, it is up to you to decide when to repair it, but you must make a plan before building it. It will be discussed by the political hall..."

Maximus said, pointing to the other side, and said with a hint of regret: "It's just that such a lively scene will not be seen after the rainy season!"

"Chief, this may be a good thing." Volenus expressed his opinion: "The people like to play football so much. Once the river floods the stadium on the river beach, we can just mobilize them to open up wasteland at the edge of the dense forest on the north bank. They will definitely be very willing to contribute in order to get a new stadium..."

"That's a good idea." Maximus nodded.

"Chief, the pottery workshop has a request for me to tell you." Capito interjected.

"Pottery Workshop Requirements?"

"Yes, chief, the pottery workshops have produced a large amount of pottery during this period to meet the needs of our tribal people. However, the potters feel that the production of these pottery is relatively simple. Next, they will make more complex pottery, and And also draw exquisite vase paintings——"

"Oh, that's good. Is there a vase painter in the pottery workshop?"

"Three of them came here with the team from Sarapia. They were very fascinated by the dragon you drew on our tribal flag. They thought it was completely different from the painting techniques they had learned before, but even more interesting. It is vivid and lifelike, so I hope to learn from you so that in the future I can draw more exquisite patterns on black pottery than before, making the black pottery of our Nyx tribe better than the pottery of Greece, especially Athens.”

"Oh, the ambition is quite ambitious. I agree. Let the vase painters come to the main room later." Maximus said with a smile.

"It seems like a game is over." Akago, who was following Maximus, kept paying attention to the situation on the other side and muttered.


Teresa's team lost! ... Gowes first started watching rugby games out of curiosity, and was gradually attracted by the fierce confrontation of the game. By the end, he had completely immersed himself in it.

That's why he was so angry when the Skodischi team lost. What was even more angry was that there was a fixed ceremony after the game, in which the losing side had to congratulate the winning side.

When he saw his compatriots on the field bowing their heads and saluting their opponents at the urging of the referee, Gowes couldn't help but curse like his companions.

He originally wanted to scold his compatriots on the field for not living up to expectations, but seeing these compatriots who were almost exhausted and lying on the field with several injuries, he couldn't say those hurtful words at all and could only use them as a way to vent his emotions.

Just like what my companions said, since the Knicks tribe’s football games started, the Skordisqi people have always won less and lost more. The reason is clear to everyone: the Skordisqi people have been the team members for more than 10 years. The slaves did not have enough to eat, did not wear warm clothes, and were malnourished. Although their living conditions improved greatly after joining the Nyx tribe, just a few months were not enough for their physical fitness to improve greatly;

Although there are few Pannoni men in the Nyx tribe, they have been on the front line and fought frequently in the past, so their physical fitness is naturally not bad. Even though they were captured and abused by the Ardei, they were not able to treat them because of the short time. The body suffered permanent damage and recovered quickly after joining the Knicks tribe, so in such a fierce competition, they with better physical fitness can certainly have the upper hand.

Seeing his compatriots on the field bowing to their opponents in pain, Gowes felt as if his heart was being squeezed hard, and he couldn't help but think of the humiliation he had suffered in the Segostika tribe for many years.

No, this is not a simple game, but a war, a war that the Skordischi people must win! ...Gowes gritted his teeth and thought, he had decided to find a way to join the team, and then beat the Pannonians on the field.


Spartacus led the rebel army to brave the wind and snow and raid the Roman fortress late at night. After suffering a certain amount of casualties, he broke through the Roman wall blockade. However, he did not take the opportunity to stay away from the Roman military camp, but camped not far away. , while resting, they lured the Roman army to pursue them.

However, the Romans held their camp firmly and showed no signs of pursuing.

This made Spartacus feel uneasy. He originally wanted to lead his army to attack the Roman military camp as a test. However, the rebel soldiers who had just conducted a raid were unable to fight another battle in terms of physical strength and morale, so they only Can give up.

After a day's rest, when the rebels wanted to take action, a group of cavalry galloped out of the Roman camp. They took the heads and heads of the rebel leaders and important subordinates such as Attumus who had stayed on the coast of Regium. There were also flags thrown in front of the rebel camp.

This terrible news shocked the rebels. Some people demanded that they immediately lead the army to attack the Romans and avenge their comrades. However, more people believed that the friendly forces suffered a disastrous defeat and the soldiers were hit hard. They could not do anything in this terrible situation. Confronting the Roman army that had just won, they should leave here immediately. There were even a few people who complained that Spartacus had made wrong decisions before, thus ruining Artemus' army...

Spartacus had no time to blame himself. The destruction of Attumus made the rebel army unstable and even in danger of splitting. Moreover, they did not bring much luggage after breaking out, so it was not suitable to stay for a long time. After obtaining the consent of other leaders, the rebels immediately moved northward, leaving the southern tip of Italy, which made them feel heartbroken.

Crassus did not immediately lead his army to pursue him. In fact, he suffered considerable losses in the battle with Attumus' army. The main force of the rebel army did not immediately attack the Roman military camp, which made him relieved.

The rebels looted all the way and went north, then bypassed the Gulf of Taranto and entered the Taranto area where they were based. This time their destination was the east coast of Italy.

The destruction of Attumus's army poured cold water on the originally confident rebel soldiers and made them feel the threat of death. Therefore, the call to "leave Italy" became increasingly louder among the ranks. Since Sicily could no longer go, If you don’t want to go to the mountainous areas in the north, your best choice is Greece on the other side of the Adriatic Sea.

However, they soon received news: a Roman army from the Eastern Province had just landed in Brindisi, and its commander was the provincial governor Marcus Terentius Varro Luculus. St., last year's Roman consul.

The pirate captain's words came true! ...Spartacus, who had been in the Roman army in the Eastern Province, felt nervous because he knew that the combat effectiveness of this Roman army was far beyond what Crassus' Roman recruits could compare with.

Now, there were Roman armies in both the southeast and southwest directions. In order to avoid being flanked, the leaders discussed and quickly made a decision: while the newly arrived Roman army was still resting in Brindisi, the rebel army should move north immediately. Cross the Alps and leave Italy.

Finally, more than a year later, the rebels once again decided to flee north. However, the situation at this time was completely different.

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