Rome Must Fall

Chapter 301 Temporary Military Order

Staggs remembered her because she had previously exposed the patriarch's crimes: A few years ago, her youngest son was playing in the mountains and poked a beehive. , the sheep of this patriarch’s family. Those responsible for tending the sheep are relatives of the clan leader. He angrily kicked the child several times, and the child fell to the ground. He was trampled by the sheep running wildly and died on the spot.

Afterwards, the patriarch made a verdict: His relatives were not guilty. It was the child who was too naughty that led to his death. For this reason, his family also lost several sheep, so he was not even willing to pay compensation.

The woman's husband was dissatisfied and complained to the tribal meeting, but the chief and all the clan chiefs upheld the original verdict. Her husband was also planning to go to the main village to complain to the chief. However, he was threatened by the clan chief: If he continued to act like this, his family would be ruined every year in the future. He has to hand over more food, and some hard work and tiring work in the clan and tribe are indispensable for him...

Her family surrendered, but the hatred was buried in their hearts. Although the clan leader's relatives have died in the war in the past few years, and the woman's husband has not been heard from, she blames all these sufferings on the clan leader.

When she took the dagger, she was a little frightened and shaken, but she finally made up her mind, closed her eyes, held the dagger with both hands and thrust it forward, piercing the clan leader's stomach.

Seeing the other person struggling in a pool of blood, she covered her face and cried.

Two tribal chiefs were executed in public, and the executioners were their own tribesmen... This was a huge shock to the people of Segestika who witnessed this incident.

They used to think that the patriarch who was aloof was stepped on by them just now. They used to think that they could only swallow their anger about certain things, but just now they were able to hold sharp blades and resolve their grievances...

Most of the people felt unprecedentedly happy. When they left the venue, they couldn't hide the surging emotions in their chests and chatted enthusiastically with each other. Some people even quietly expressed such regrets: "It's a pity that the leader and other clan leaders are not here!"

After all the people in Segestika dispersed, Nikokus came to Staggs: "Captain, how did I behave just now?"

"Not bad! But you have to continue to work hard. If there are many people who voluntarily join the tribe in three days, I will report it to the captain and ask you for credit!" Staggs encouraged.

"Thank you captain, I will continue to work hard!" Nikokus replied excitedly, and began to think in his mind: I am afraid that he will have to visit door to door in order to make some people who are still hesitant make up their minds.

At this time, Starks summoned all the soldiers deployed around the square and said to them: "Brothers, we are going to be here for a while. Please remember the temporary military orders issued by the legion."


"What is Article 1? Tell me." Staggs pointed to one of the soldiers.

"In the village, one or two people should not act alone. They must get the consent of the centurion and at least a small team must act together, even if they go out to defecate or pee."

"Not bad." Staggs pointed at another soldier, a Skordisqi recruit: "Item 2 is up to you."

"In the village, unless residents take hostile actions, you are not allowed to actively provoke, abuse or even hurt them, and you must try to show kindness to these residents."

Staggs looked at him and asked in a deep voice: "That's good, can you do it?"

The soldier hesitated for a moment: "...Yes."

Staggs glanced at the faces of all the Skodisci recruits in the team, and said earnestly: "Brothers from Skodisci, I know that you were once with the Segestika people. You have endured a lot of hardships, but now that you are Nix people, you will soon get a lot of fertile land, and you will have a very good life!

I know that you have hatred for the Segestika people, but as your captain, I don't want you to make mistakes at this time, so that all your previous efforts will be in vain, do you understand? ! "


"It's too quiet, I can't hear you!"

"Got it!!" Scordisqi's new recruits responded in unison.

"I hope you will do what you say!" Staggs nodded vigorously and continued: "Next, the main house here will be our camp. I just took a look and the main house is not small. There are several houses. If they are properly tidied up, they should be enough for us to live in. If it is really not enough, some of us can live in the nearby house. But for safety, we will try our best to live together. "

"Captain, although the leader of this tribe is not here, his family members still live in the main house." Proconsus, the captain of ten, reminded.

"Only three people (the main house originally had not so few people living in it, but because this time the Pannoni coalition launched a large-scale attack on Nyx, the chance of winning was extremely high, so the leader brought many relatives to join the army so that they could perform meritorious services. And yesterday the soldiers of the Third Army took away all the slaves in the main house, so there are only a few people left in the main house). It would be such a waste to let them live in such a big place! Let them live in other houses. I see that many houses here are relatively empty, so I’ll leave this matter to your team.”

"Oh, yes." Proconsus reluctantly responded.

"Casaridoa, your team is responsible for cooking."

"Captain, why don't you find another team?" Casaridoa was obviously unwilling.

"Because your team has the most recruits, the food they make should satisfy everyone." Starks responded confidently.

This is indeed true, because there are many Skodisci recruits in Casaridoa's team. When they were slaves to the Segestica people, they did not only farm and herd, but also did housework. Two of them He also worked part-time as a cook for his former owner.

Staggs knew the situation of the soldiers in his team relatively well. Of course, there was another reason he didn't mention. He asked the team with the most recruits to stay in the house and cook as much as possible and spend less time wandering around the village. This also greatly reduces the occurrence of conflicts.

"Okay... okay." Although Casaridoa was reluctant, he had to obey the order.

"Other teams will follow me first to familiarize themselves with the situation of the entire village, as well as the surrounding roads and terrain, so that they can conduct better patrols and better intercept villagers trying to escape."



While in the square, Selicis was like a bystander. He neither protested against any actions of the Nyx soldiers, nor cooperated with the other party to expose certain crimes of his patriarch.

But when he returned home, he held his son in his arms and spun in circles like a windmill.

"Dad, Dad, put me down quickly!" the child protested loudly.

Selicis not only refused to listen, but laughed.

The wife stood by the door, watching this scene without stepping forward to stop it. It was the first time since her marriage that she saw her husband so happy. She somewhat understood the reason for this: their patriarch Aigalos was dead!

At that time, Selicis escaped from Savatoi and returned to the tribe, but the patriarch Aigaros refused to accept him. The reason was that Selicis helped the Skodisci suppress his compatriots and was a traitor to the tribe. He even threatened to He must be arrested and tried!

Selicis had no choice but to go directly to join the resistance army led by the big leader. In order to prove himself, he performed bravely in previous battles. After the war, the big leader originally wanted to incorporate him into his tribe, but Selicis insisted on going back, so the big leader personally summoned the leader of his tribe and seriously told him: "Selysis is Segestika." A human hero should be treated well!"

This time Selicis returned to the tribe and was welcomed by the tribe. Everyone respected him and often listened to his thrilling battle experiences whenever they had time.

This aroused the jealousy of the patriarch Aigaros, who used various methods to suppress him. For example, when the tribe was presiding over the land distribution, the leader specifically proposed: "Give Selisis more points because he made a great contribution in the war." ”

But Aigaros argued sophistry: "Selysis is a hero, but he is single. If he is given more land, it will cause dissatisfaction among the tribesmen and will damage his prestige...

His words were actually approved by many clan leaders. As a result, the land allocated to Selicis was not as much as that of ordinary people (during the rule of the Skodisci, more than half of the land around each Segostika tribe belonged to The Skodisci were farmed by the Segestikas, but most of the harvest had to be turned over. After the Segestikas became independent, they took back these lands, and each tribe redistributed these lands to their tribesmen)...

Another example: Selicis did not want the Skodisqi slaves, so the tribe began to spread, "Selesis is still looking for the Skodisqi people. No wonder he followed the Skodisqi people to massacre us." Rumors such as "Compatriot..." caused the tribesmen to begin to alienate him...

Selicis felt uncomfortable living in such an environment. He had the idea of ​​"leaving the tribe and joining the big leader", but his strong self-esteem prevented him from doing so. As a result, he gradually became silent and passive. He was no longer the warrior who dared to be the first in everything, but became a lazy citizen who stayed away when something happened.

Today, the shackles that had weighed on him for more than ten years were finally gone. Although he remained silent in the square because of the habit he had developed over many years, he completely released his emotions when he returned home...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The door was knocked.

"Someone is here, I'll open the door." The wife said.

"I'll go." Selicis put down his son and strode towards the courtyard gate.

"Mom, dad, he bullied me! You have to teach him a lesson for me!" The six-year-old son pouted, almost crying.

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