Rome Must Fall

Chapter 313: Village Chief Pro

Chief Gityas had sent people to the main village of Segestica to explain the situation to the elders, because their village was occupied by the Nixes, and if they could not take it back, the tribe needed to redistribute land to them and settle their families.

As a result, before the people sent out returned, Pricas came and learned the shocking news that "the Nixes invaded the territory and the main village fell", and the Segestica people were at a loss.

Pricas brought Ancasus and his followers to live with these tribesmen, waiting for the tribal alliance to make a decision while starting his own planning.


Stages led his team away and never returned. Then every day, a small group of Nix soldiers left, reportedly rushing to another village to meet with the Staggs Centurion who had just arrived.

On the third day, only 10 soldiers led by Maiontias were left in the village.

In the two days when Staggs led the army away, the village where hundreds of people were taken away did not seem more deserted, but more lively.

Because there were no stubborn Segestica compatriots, the village was now full of villagers who had joined the Nix tribe. They believed that they and the Nix soldiers were already a family, so the activities in the village increased and the scope of activities expanded. Some people even went to nearby villages to visit relatives. As long as they did not leave with a large amount of supplies, the Nix soldiers would not stop them.

Many people frequently visited Selysis and asked him: When will the Nix tribe distribute land to everyone? When can they see their captured relatives and persuade them? ...

Selysis certainly did not understand this, so on their behalf, he went to consult Maiontias who was stationed in the main house.

Regarding the distribution of land, Maiontias's answer was: Soon, in these few days.

Regarding the matter of "going to meet relatives", Maiontias said: The tribe has agreed to this matter, but it will take some time to implement it, so let the villagers wait patiently for the news.

Generally speaking, it is good news, and the tribesmen are excited.

On the morning of the fourth day, dozens of people came from outside the village, including an old man, a dozen fully armed Nix soldiers, and some poorly dressed Skodischi slaves.

What is coming will eventually come! ... Selisis's eyes stayed on those Skodischi slaves, took a deep breath, and followed Maiontias to meet them.

After listening to Maiontias' introduction, the old man in the lead smiled, looked at Selisis carefully, and said in fluent Illyrian: "Before I came here, the leader mentioned you specifically, saying that with your help, this is the village with the most Segestica people joining our Nix so far, and it has been relatively stable, without any conflicts and disputes.

Next, I hope to get more help from you, so that everyone in the village can accept their new life and live better than before!"

The leader of the Nix tribe also knows my name? ! ...Selisis was very excited and felt that his previous efforts were not in vain, but he did not lose his mind. Instead, he responded seriously: "Pro... Village Chief, welcome here! As the temporary manager of this village, I will do my best to assist you! But you have to know... it is almost impossible for us Segestica people and Scodischi people to live in a village like tribesmen!"

"Yes, it is indeed difficult, but this is an order issued by the tribal government hall, and we must do our best to do it well. And it is precisely because it is difficult that we can do it well, which can better show our ability, isn't it?" Pro responded gently.

"You are right." Selisis' heart moved.

"Next, I'll have to trouble you to tell everyone in the village to gather in the square. I need to meet everyone and have a good talk with them."

"No problem, I'll do it right away."

About half an hour later, everyone in the village came to the square outside the main house. Because of the warning given by Selisis in advance, and because there were some new recruits of Scodisqi among the hundred soldiers of Starks before, the two sides had some contact, so they did not make any radical moves after seeing the Scodisqi slaves in the square.

And the Scodisqi slaves who came here had been warned many times in advance, so they did not show any obvious hostility.

It's just that the two sides gathered together, separated from each other, and seemed to be clearly divided.

"Uh... Hello everyone!" Old Pro, standing on the haystack, shouted, attracting the attention of the two sides who were on guard against each other.

"My name is Pro, and I was appointed by the tribe as the village chief of your village! Some people may ask, what is a village chief? According to the tribal law, it is the person who manages the village.

You must not confuse the village chief with the former leader of the village. According to my understanding, the village chief is to ensure the safety and stability of the entire village, provide help to you in the village, and make everyone live a better life!"

It must be said that in the past year, Pro has worked tirelessly to teach the tribesmen how to farm, and has greatly improved his eloquence. At the same time, he can even speak Illyrian fluently.

"Have you all noticed just now? From now on, this village will not only be populated by Pannonians, but also Skodisci. There was hatred between your two tribes before, but that was before. Now you have all joined the Knicks. The tribe will be the Knicks from now on!”

Prolo emphasized his tone and said in a deep voice: "I believe you all know the twenty-nobility system implemented by the tribe. Not to mention the promotion of the nobility in the future, you must perform well now if you want to become a formal tribesman within three years. , you cannot violate tribal laws, provoke other tribesmen, insult, fight, or cause conflicts... If you commit these measures, you will be punished by the tribe, which will extend the time for you to become an official tribe member of Knicks!

When a few years pass, you will still be a reserve citizen, while other people in your village have become official citizens. Some of them have been promoted to second-class, first-class citizens, or even knights through their outstanding performance, and enjoy more privileges than you. There are many more benefits, but you may regret it later! So everyone must live in peace from now on, not for the tribe, not for me, but for yourselves! "

After saying this, the square was very quiet. Some people didn't take it seriously, while others were thoughtful.

“When I entered the village just now, I saw a lot of wooden poles stuck in the fields outside the village. Thank you for assisting the Ministry of Agriculture in completing the survey of the fields, and for maintaining the marks on the fields after they left! "

Pro praised the whole village sincerely, but in fact Selicis played an important role in it. He kept Staggs's instructions in mind, and he took people around the village whenever he had free time in the past two days. , to ensure that the wooden poles inserted in the fields are still there.

"I'll tell you some good news!" Puro's voice rose another octave: "Tomorrow the tribe will send people to officially allocate land to you all!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally quiet square suddenly became excited. One of the main reasons why these people were willing to join the Knicks tribe was because of the land. And the Knicks were about to fulfill their previous promises so soon, how could they not let them feel happy!

At this moment, both the Segestika and Skodisci people were cheering excitedly.

Puo waited until the cheers of the people subsided, and then said loudly: "In the afternoon, I will inform everyone to gather at the field at the east end of the village. Let's discuss how to make the allocated fields more beautiful." Fertility allows the wheat grown to grow better and yield more harvests!”

After the gathering in the square, under the guidance of Celysis, Puluo began to allocate houses to the group of people who came with him.

Selicis' tribe was relatively large on the west bank of the Sava River, with a population of nearly 1,500 households at its peak. Later Andres launched a war against the Ardei people, and some young people from the tribe responded to the call and led With their families, they joined the newly opened tribes on the Kupa River. Later, the people of this tribe were recruited several times to participate in the war with the Nyx people. They were either captured or killed. Not many could escape. In addition, the former The tribesmen who fled for a few days and the tribesmen who refused to join the Nix tribe as foreign auxiliary tribesmen were forced to move to the main village. There are more than 300 empty houses in this village, allowing Puo to choose and allocate them calmly.

He did not concentrate dozens of Skodisci to live in the same area, but dispersed them, intertwined and mixed with the houses of the people of Segestica.

The houses assigned to the Skodisci slaves who had just become Nix's preparatory people were the most ordinary houses, while the houses assigned to the new recruits of Nix were better, at least they had a yard.

The vast majority of these recruits are the efforts of Skotischi, who joined the Nyx tribe last year. Only two are Segestikas, and one of them is actually Niko, who came to this village before and was responsible for persuading people to join the Nyx tribe. Kus.

In fact, this is not surprising, because among this group of people who came to settle in this village, there were many soldiers from Staggs' Centurion, including new recruits and veterans. Among them, ten were well known by Selicis. The husband, Casaridoa.

From Casaridoa, Selicis learned that this time Staggs led his team to station in a village not far from Jingkou Village, but after tomorrow his hundred-man team will station in the tribe in the southeast, Continue with the same task. However, Staggs himself has not received an order from the political hall as to which village he will settle in.

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