Rome Must Fall

Chapter 332 Great Migration

"Then let's set off quickly!" Budokaribas looked up at the warm sun that had just risen in the sky, waved his hand and said, "The Nix people are still waiting for us in Snowtia!"

His nephew Bradipoulos couldn't help asking beside him, "Uncle, won't the leader of Cicelitses go with us today?"

"After the tribes of Cicelitses, who used to live in the hills in the east, were forced to move here, there was no good place to settle down, so they had to live more scattered in the mountains. Several tribes still live in remote areas. It will take more time to gather all the tribesmen together, so they will leave tomorrow." Budokaribas took a deep breath and said loudly, "Let's go first, and explore the way for them first. Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Bradipoulos shouted in the loudest voice.

"Let's go!!!..." Thousands of people responded in unison, resounding through the sky. Then the same voice sounded in the back, and then it sounded again in the back... It sounded nine times in a row, as if it was an endless echo, bidding farewell to the past and announcing the future.

However, the massive collective relocation of the tribes in the north of Ardiyi did not attract the attention of fellow tribesmen from other tribes. The banks of the Mrežnica River and the Korana River in the south were quiet, as if because of the cold weather, the people were still sleeping in the house.

Budokaribas led the tribesmen to set off.

These days, the weather was cold and rainless, the soil became hard, and the road was quite flat. Even if there were many people and heavy vehicles, it was easier to walk.

Crossing the flat land between the two swamps, we came to the Korana River. The water volume decreased significantly in winter, and children could easily wade through the water, but it was a little troublesome to carry a cart. With the concerted efforts of the tribesmen, more than 20 carts also successfully crossed the river and landed.

Go north along the river bank, and soon turn east along the Kupa River bank.

The land here is no longer as desolate and lonely as the places he passed before. Some people are busy on the roadside. Some are plowing and whipping cattle to plow the fields, some are carrying rakes and mopping the ground to loosen the soil, and some are carrying manure to fertilize the fields... There are some fully armed soldiers supervising the workers on the edge of the fields, and Nix's clerks are holding wooden boards and recording all the time.

The further you go, the wider the fields on the right side of the road become, and the more people are working in the fields, and the more soldiers are supervising the fields...

Budokaribas is eager to watch, and he is getting more and more anxious: after the tribal meeting passed their proposal to move to the Sava River, he wanted to take the whole tribe to take action immediately, but the funeral of the former chief and the inauguration of the new chief were held one after another, and he had to participate, which delayed him for 10 days. Now the Nix people have begun to drive the captives to plow the fields, and he and his tribesmen have not yet arrived at the new residence. After arriving, they will have to spend time to reorganize, so as not to delay the spring planting next year!

The Nix people must have been notified in advance. Seeing so many people coming from the west, they did not feel uneasy, and no patrol came to intercept them. Everyone just looked at Budokaribas's team curiously, and then continued to concentrate on their own work.

When they were about to reach the Snowtia village, a larger team appeared in front of them. This team also had men and women, old and young, dozens of carts, and hundreds of fully armed soldiers, blocking the entire road tightly.

Budokaribas stopped the marching team and rushed forward alone.

Several people in the team in front also came to greet them. The one in front waved and shouted: "Elder Budokaribas, welcome you and your people to our Nix!"

"I'm sorry, we're a little late!"

"Not late, not late, we just came out." Pigris said, half-turning his body with a slight respect, and stretched out his hand to the right: "Let me introduce you, this is the wife of Chief Maximus - Nesia!"

Budokaribas had already seen the woman standing next to Pigris. She had a beautiful face, a graceful figure, and exuded a majestic aura. He had guessed her identity in his heart, and hurried forward to greet her.

"Elder Budokaribas." Nesia smiled and said: "The chief mentioned your name in front of me many times, saying that you have given us a lot of help in Nix and are our benefactor of Nix!"

"Chief Maximus is too flattering. He generously gave us tribal land, and he is our great benefactor!" Budokaribas said sincerely.

"That's great. Our two tribes can help each other now. When we reach the Sava River, we will live together and I believe we can get along better." Nessia said with a smile.

"You are right. Our two families are allies. We will live together in the future and become a family!" Budokaribas quickly said.

Nessia glanced at the team behind Budokaribas and asked, "I heard from Pigris that you will bring people from ten tribes to the Sava River with us today. Are they all there?"

"They are all following behind."

"Then let's not waste time. Let's set off quickly. There are many people today. We must try to get to Todlido before dusk."

"You are right. I will urge the tribesmen behind to speed up."

Watching Nessia and Pigris turn around and walk back to their team, Budokaribas was a little emotional: Maximus's wife is not simple. Although she always has a smile on her face and her voice is soft, she has always controlled the initiative to speak...

Although Maximus also married Cleobrotus's granddaughter Geniandafora, Budokaribus also knew Geniandafora. Like Aristarchus, he also hoped to have a wife. Gniandafla, who is backed by the Ardei tribe, can have a different status in Maximus's heart and can seek more benefits for the Ardei people. However, after meeting with Nesia, Budokaribas suddenly Be alert: Gnian Davra may not be able to defeat the first lady of the Nyx tribe...

Nesia returned to the team and asked Floresliusia with concern: "Are you really not going to ride in a carriage?"

Flores Lucia subconsciously touched her belly, which was not yet pregnant, and said firmly: "I can walk."

Nesia stopped persuading her. She knew that Floresliusia seemed delicate, but once she made up her mind, she would not change it easily.

"Actually, we can ride horses, so that we can reach Ofidilia a day earlier." Gnian Davra said softly.

"We are the wives of the leader, and the whole team is led by us. It would be outrageous for us to abandon them and ride off alone!"

Nesia's mild words made Gnianandafla pout. However, after being scolded with a stick that day, she no longer dared to go against Nesia openly, so she simply refused. Talk again.

Under the leadership of Nesia, the Knicks team set off.

This team is much larger than Ardei's relocation team, with more than 10,000 people, and the majority of them are the family members of the Third Army, mainly the wives of team officers and soldiers, and their children.

Some children are not biologically born to the people, but are brought over from their wives. More than half of the ethnic wives in this situation are Segestikas. Their original husbands died in the battle with the Nyx people, and they and their children were captured. In order to survive, they chose to marry Nyx soldiers; another one A small number of them are Ardei women. Their original husbands died in the war with Segostika. They lived a hard life with their children. Later, because the tribe signed a friendly agreement with the Nix, they chose to be adopted by the Nix for a better survival. He was hired by this man, but he fell in love over time and eventually married his employer).

Some of the children were babies just a few months old. In order to take care of their young children, many soldiers specifically asked for leave from the legion commander, rushed over to protect their wives and children, and followed the large army to their new home on the Sava River. This undoubtedly changed the team. Even bigger.

Maximus's family and the family members of the officials from the nine major departments are another part of the Nix migration team. Although they are small, they are extremely important, so these more than 200 heavily armed accompanying soldiers are mainly to ensure their safety. .

The Knicks tribe used all the pack trucks of the transportation team to help the relocating tribesmen carry their belongings. Only one item remained untouched, and that was food.

This year's harvest has been bumper, and the homes of all the official people of Nyx are full of food. Tens of thousands of official people of Snodia and Westeni have to move, and the amount of food they have to transport is a huge amount. Considering the existing transportation capacity of the tribe, It may not even take ten days to complete the transportation, and it will take one to three days from the Kupa River to the Sava River, and a lot of food will be consumed on the way...

For this reason, Cornelius came up with an idea: the Ministry of Finance would weigh the food in the homes of the official tribesmen who were to move to the Kupa River. After clarifying the quantity, they would write a voucher in the name of the tribe and send the tribesmen who had moved their houses to Citizens can take this voucher to the Finance Department of Ofidilia to receive the same amount of grain.

When Cornelius put forward this proposal, Maximus was appreciated by everyone. Not only did the proposal pass in the political hall with his support, but he also repeatedly asked all departments to fully cooperate with the Ministry of Finance to implement this measure. Ensure that every relocated ethnic group can eventually get their food back!

The chief officials of various departments thought that the reason why Chief Maximus was concerned about this matter was out of concern for the relocated people. However, they did not know that he, who came from modern society, thought of banks and currencies and wanted to ensure that the first step out was to make money. One step must be successful so as to establish the prototype of the concept in the minds of the people that they can exchange goods and money in different places.

Watching the huge team winding away, the newly appointed chief executive of Snodia, Theo Pompos, let out a long breath and felt relaxed.

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