Rome Must Fall

Chapter 335 Family

Nessia said seriously: "Do you know that the road in the dense forest is very uneven? If you are not good at riding, you can easily fall off the horse, and it is easy to shake your bones when riding a cart..."

"Okay then..." Gnian Davra looked reluctant and couldn't help saying: "I am used to sleeping alone. If we sleep together, I am afraid that I can't sleep and affect my walking tomorrow."

"You have walked for most of the day and are already very tired. After I massage your legs, you will definitely fall asleep on the bed." Nessia said firmly.

"Okay then, thank you... you..." Gnian Davra was no longer stubborn and chose to obey, but she was a little awkward when she thanked him.

Since she was punished by Nessia and spanked, and the maid she brought with her was also driven out of the main house, she has been much more honest.

Afterwards, she attended her grandfather's funeral and her uncle's inauguration ceremony on behalf of Maximus. She clearly felt the respect of the Ardi leaders, including her always arrogant uncle, while her grandfather and father repeatedly reminded her not to be willful and to be a good wife of Maximus...

This trip back to her parents' home finally made her realize that she was not marrying Nix, but Ardi had to rely on Nix to survive, which made her noble among her compatriots.

So these days she began to try to integrate into this new family, but her eldest daughter's temper would occasionally come out, like today, arguing with Nessia to show her difference.

After dinner, Nessia decided to walk around the camp to see how other tribesmen's families rested and ate, and try her best to help them solve some problems. She felt that this was her duty as the leader's wife, just like what Maximus did when he led the rebels on the way to the battle.

Nessia left the big tent, followed by several soldiers.

She first walked around the camp and found that Manas not only ordered his own men, but also asked hundreds of soldiers from the Fourth Legion in the nearby Todlido Village to help him arrange for the Nix tribesmen and Aldi tribesmen to stay in the camp and maintain the order of the camp. He also asked the foreign auxiliary people in the village to help him keep boiling water and cooking broth. He even prepared enough wheat straw and some linen cloth in the camp for the tribesmen to make beds, provided small pieces of bread for those who were not prepared enough dry food, and provided some goat milk for the babies...

Although the whole scene was still a bit chaotic, the entire migration team was not organized, and he was very thoughtful to do this. Of course, this was also inseparable from the full cooperation of the Fourth Legion Commander Aulus and the Todlido Branch of the Foreign Auxiliary People Management Department.

Looking at Manas running back and forth and shouting in the distance, Lesia felt relieved and did not disturb him. She began to visit the families of the tribesmen who had already settled in the camp.

First, the families of the chief officers of each department, these people usually had contacts with Nessia and were familiar with her.

The wives of Volenus, Capito, and Horace were all nurses in the original medical battalion. They supported each other all the way from Italy and were good friends with Nessia. However, for a period of time, Nessia was reluctant to meet them because they all became pregnant after marriage (it seems that although these three officers are old, they are still in good health). It was not until Nessia figured it out and asked Maximus to marry Phrysliusia that she resumed contact with these three friends. This time, Volenus and his men were busy with work and could not come and move with their wives. Maximus specially sent someone to tell Nessia to "take good care of their wives and children." Nessia asked Aconis to arrange a subordinate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for each of them to take care of them all the way.

Not only the three of them, but also the wives of several other department heads were treated equally.

The wives of Pygris, Cornelius, and Kephisophon were all from Segestica, all of noble birth, and good-looking.

According to Pigris, he married a noblewoman from Segestica in order to learn Illyrian and Celtic better. Moreover, as the chief of the Ministry of Commerce, he often received envoys from other tribes. His wife's appearance was also the face of the Nix tribe, and most tribesmen thought he was right.

Kephisophon married a noblewoman from Segestica because he wanted to study Illyrian and Celtic culture and language more deeply, so as to integrate them into the etiquette culture of the Nix tribe, and even create a writing system for Nix in the future (this was Maximus' suggestion, which made him very excited). His wife had studied with a Druid priest for a period of time. Although she did not become a priest in the end, she was a rare tribal woman in this area who was knowledgeable and knew a little Latin. It is better to say that Kephisophon married this wife to find a colleague who can provide him with a lot of help. As for her background and appearance, he actually didn't care...

This is what Maximus said when chatting with Nessia in private. Nessia believed it. In her opinion, this official of the Ministry of Rites, in addition to normal work, likes to wander around with a pen and paper, record, or fall into thought, just like those famous Greek scholars in the rumors before. It is estimated that he is not even interested in sex, because his wife has not been pregnant so far.

Cornelius' marriage has always been talked about by the tribesmen. It is said that his wife took the initiative to seduce him. After he married her, his wife gave birth to a child within half a year. The tribesmen all knew that the child was someone else's, and people often joked that "he is a cheap father."

For this reason, Maximus also specially publicly praised Cornelius, saying that "his marriage is his own efforts to better integrate the Segestica people into the Nyx tribe" and also gave him some material rewards. , and even issued a decree through the political hall: If the official members of the tribe marry the widow Segstika or Skodisci and raise their children, the tribe will reward them.

Nesia felt that Cornelius's wife was the most troublesome among the wives of department heads. Every time they met, she would flatter her in every possible way. Not only was she sweet-tongued, but she was also good at seeing things and doing things. However, Nesia would always feel a sense of repulsion in her heart. I feel like I don't want to stay with him any longer.

On the contrary, she prefers to get along with Sidonius's wife, even though Sidonius's wife is a Scordischi slave girl who once had a low status. She is not young, not good-looking, and even He doesn't like to talk yet. It is said that when the two of them are together, the room is quiet as if there is no one around. However, he was diligent and took good care of Sidonius. He was also kind-hearted and willing to help others.

Akonis once wanted to recruit her to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Maximus objected, and even joked that "if Sidonius's wife is busy with the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there will be less support for Sidonius." Her care resulted in him not having enough to eat and sleep, and bringing the tribe's legal work to a standstill. That is Akonis's fault."

The three chief officers of the Ministry of War are Maximus's right-hand men, but their families have little contact with Nesia. There is of course a reason for this.

Quintus never took another wife.

Frontinus married Carina. It is said that Carina never wanted children because of her busy schedule. For this reason, she went to Emmerich to learn contraceptive methods, which made Nisi unable to get pregnant. Ya was a little disgusted. Frontinus had no choice but to adopt a Segestica orphan who lost his parents in the war.

Lebirus's wife was a Latin. When the popular army that Lebirus joined was defeated by Sulla, he was captured and made a public slave. However, his wife never remarried. After Frontinus took Rebirus and other army slaves to join Maximus' army, she got the news from nowhere and actually brought her 12-year-old child to Campania and found the Lebilus, who was in Pompeii, finally joined the team, which became a good story among the rebels at that time.

However, everyone later discovered that Lebirus's wife had a bad temper and was a bit arrogant. Everyone was reluctant to contact her. Although they heard that her temper had calmed down after the Nyx tribe was established, the impression was still there. Difficult to change.

Lebilus's wife was surprised by Nesia's visit and thanked her repeatedly, making Nesia finally realize that she had indeed changed a lot.

After visiting the wives of the department chiefs, Nesia went to visit the families of other ethnic groups.

After walking more than a dozen tents, she felt physically exhausted and her legs felt heavy. Remembering that she would have to give Flores Lucia and Gnian Davra a massage later, she had to stop walking around.

On the way back to the big tent, Nesia couldn't help but sigh: Even if she tried a little tonight, she found it difficult to persist. When the leader led his army north in Italy last year, he had to visit the soldiers in the tents one by one every night when they were camping. He couldn't stand it. How did he persevere!


The sun sets and night falls.

There was no one moving around on the road on the south bank of the Kupa River and in the camp next to Todlido Village. Both the Nix and the people who had moved to Ardei had already settled in to rest, and the surroundings were quiet.

Only a tent at the entrance to the camp still had a flickering light.

There were three people in the tent. Officials from the Ministry of Commerce, Mainas, the director of the camp, Cassius, the director of the Intelligence Department of the Secretariat, and Nasuya, the document director of the Secretariat, were sitting around a small fire pit. Firewood was burning in the fire pit, bringing warmth to the tent.

Mainus, who had been separated from his friends for several months, was talking endlessly about his experience in the Ministry of Commerce during this period, while Cassius and Nasuya were listening carefully and eating beans from the bowl. There was a crunching sound in the mouth.

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