Rome Must Fall

Chapter 337: New Discovery of Budokaribas

"Cassius, what you said is so good!" Mainus patted Cassius on the shoulder excitedly. At this moment, his previous grudge was completely gone: "Yes, let us work together to help the teacher let the teacher The tribe becomes stronger!"


There were bursts of laughter and laughter in the tent, which was the young people's longing for a better future.


Early the next morning, the relocation team left the camp and continued towards the Sava River.

Because of the previous war, the Nix army demolished the pontoon west of Todlido and took away the boats and planks. After the war, they quickly repaired the pontoon.

The team crossed the pontoon bridge and passed through the dense forest. Due to the slow speed, they did not arrive at Linkou Village until dusk.

Budokaribas looked at Linkou Village with emotion: when he first came here a month ago, Linkou Village was still a small village, but now most of its wooden walls have been demolished and turned into a small village. There are only a few soldiers stationed at the checkpoint, responsible for checking pedestrians coming and going. The houses in the stockade and the previous camp outside the stockade have been combined together, and there are dedicated people in charge of management, so that they can easily move in without worrying about sleeping in the wild, just like the previous camp outside the Todlido stockade.

He still clearly remembered that the camp outside Todlido's stockade a month ago was full of Pannoni prisoners, and they didn't dare to get close...

When the relocation team entered the camp, some of the Nix people left the team one after another, carrying packages, holding their own supplies retrieved from the pack car, and taking their wives and children...

Budokaribas couldn't help but be curious about this, and couldn't help but ask the camp director who was helping him arrange for the tribesmen to settle in: "Where are they going?"

"They should go back to their new home. Their new home may be in a nearby village, so they can go back directly."

Budokaribas suddenly realized: "It turns out that you have distributed the fields and houses of these Segostika tribes to the people. It seems that the Segostika people in these villages have been driven away."

"Drive them away?" The camp director was stunned, then shook his head and said: "We did not drive them away, except that some Segestika people did not want to accept our management and ran away, and some Segestika people did not want to drive them away. Those who joined our tribe and were taken outside Ofidilia, there are still many Segestika people who are willing to become our Nix people, are still in their original villages, and the old people who were newly assigned to us are still in their original villages. people live together.”

Budokaribas had frequent contacts with the Nyks. He knew that the Nyks tribe had taken in Segostika prisoners, but compared to the Nyks tribe, their numbers were small and they posed no threat. But now we are in the territory of Segestika. If there are still many Segestika people left in every village, then the danger will be great! …

After Budokaribas led the people through Linkou Village, the vigilance in his heart began to rise unconsciously, and now...

He couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you afraid that the Segestika people who stay in these tribes will be detrimental to the people you assigned to their villages? All of your people carry Wife and children!"

There was a strong questioning tone in Bodo Kalibas' tone, and he seemed quite anxious.

The camp director explained seriously: "You don't have to worry. These Segostika people who stayed in the village sincerely joined our tribe. They are already members of our Nix tribe. Why should they be disadvantageous to their own tribe?" ! These ethnic people who left were not assigned to the various villages here today, but had already lived in these villages more than half a month ago. They got along very well with the original Segostika people in the villages. There haven’t been any conflicts so far, so you don’t have to worry at all!”

"Really?" Budokaribas was dubious.

"You can go to the nearby villages and have a look." The words of the camp director made Budokaribas a little moved. After all, he wanted to lead the people to live here for a long time, and there are still people living on this land. Many Segestikas, Segestikas and Ardeii were enemies, so it was crucial for him to understand the living conditions of the Segestika people under the rule of the Nyx.

When he learned that Budokaribas really wanted to visit the nearby villages, the camp director did not stop him. As a member of the Ministry of Commerce, he was already responsible for receiving the Ardei tribe so that they could rest assured in Sava. He settled down in the river, so he specially sent a subordinate to accompany them there.

At the same time, he also requested from Mrs. Nesia to remove a small team from the 200 soldiers escorting the team to ensure the safety of Budokaribas and his party.

Budokaribas left the camp at Yingkou Village with several tribal leaders and nobles, and followed the camp director's subordinates to the nearest village.

Not far out of the camp, Budokaribas stopped. He saw many people rushing towards the mountains and forests not far away on the right side of the road, with expressions on their faces. With solemn expressions, there were also many people coming from the mountains, all with peaceful smiles on their faces...

Budokalibas asked curiously: "What are they doing?"

"They went to the Temple of Danu to worship." The Ministry of Commerce staff explained seriously: "There is a temple built by our tribe in that mountain forest. The great goddess Danu is enshrined in it. She is the mother of the earth and the source of water. She gave birth to all things. Both the Pannoni and the Scodisci of our tribe respect her very much. After the temple was built, people came to worship every day. These tribesmen probably finally got some free time and wanted to rush to the temple to worship before sunset."

Goddess Danu...Budokaribas was unfamiliar with this name. Obviously, this was not the god worshipped by the Illyrians, but he noticed a problem: "Do you mean that the Segestica and Scodisci went to this temple to worship?"

"Of course, didn't you see that some of those people were Scodisci and some were Segestica." The Ministry of Commerce staff pointed to the crowd not far away and reminded.

Budokaribas and his group looked carefully. They had been at war with the Segestica people for several years, and were familiar with the appearance of the Segestica people and the Skodischi people. After a closer look, they found that the situation was indeed true.

Although the two tribes did not actually gather together, but walked separately and kept their distance from each other, Budokaribas, who knew the hatred between the two tribes, knew that it was not easy for the two tribes to walk freely in the same area without any conflict without the supervision of the Nix soldiers!

"It's not just the Segestica people and the Skodischi people who go to worship the temple, it seems that there are also the original tribesmen of your tribe. The sharp-eyed leader of the Aldi tribe said.

"That's right, many of our original tribesmen also believe in the goddess Danu, and they come to worship from time to time, and more and more people believe in the goddess, including me. "The member of the Ministry of Commerce said proudly: "Because our leader is the descendant of the goddess Danu, the goddess Danu blesses our entire Nix tribe!"

"What? ! "Budokaribas thought he had heard wrongly: "Captain Maximus is an Illyrian. How could he be the descendant of the goddess Danu that the Celts believe in? ! This is simply a bit -"

Budokaribas saw that the other party's expression was getting more and more serious, and he immediately shut up.

The Ministry of Commerce staff argued angrily: "The fact that the leader is the descendant of the goddess Danu has been recognized by all the priests of Scodischi and Segestica! Moreover, after the leader led us to settle here, not only the war but also life went smoothly, which also proved that the leader was favored by the goddess Danu! If you don't believe it, you can go to the Temple of Danu to take a look. The statue of the goddess Danu carved by the leader himself is definitely not something that we mortals can make! "

Although Budokaribas and his party had doubts about the statement that "Maximus is the offspring of the goddess Danu", this was after all the business of the Nix tribe. Seeing the attitude shown by the other party, Budokaribas did not dare to ask any more questions.

On the way to the village, Budokaribas and his party even met some of the believers of the goddess Danu and walked on the same dirt road.

These believers cast curious eyes on Budokaribas and his party. Regardless of whether they recognized Budokaribas and they were Ardi people, no one showed obvious hostility, and naturally no one made any radical actions.

To go The village was not far away, and it soon came into the sight of Budokaribas and his group: the structure of the entire village was somewhat similar to that of Budokaribas and his group, except that it was not surrounded by wooden walls. Because it was dusk, wisps of smoke rose from the houses. The fields outside the village had been plowed, but no one was seen working.

The Ministry of Commerce staff knew what Budokaribas and his group wanted to see, so they took them around the village to the other side.

Budokaribas and his group stopped. Not far ahead, there were more than 20 villagers still plowing the land. Their farming method was somewhat different from that of the Kupa River: four or five people gathered together to work. In the same field, one person led the ox while another concentrated on plowing the field. After working for a while, two other people took over. In the field they had plowed, an older person was carefully cleaning up the debris in the field...

A member of the Ministry of Commerce explained: "Because of the previous war, some villagers lacked strong laborers at home. One village took the lead in coming up with a solution. He gathered all the villagers together and helped each other. Those who had strength were responsible for plowing the field, and those who did not have strength did what they could do, such as cleaning up the debris in the field, cooking, and providing iron plows or oxen... This method improved the farming capacity of the entire village. , when the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture inspected the village, they found the benefits of this method and immediately reported it to the Political Affairs Hall. Now the Political Affairs Hall has promoted this method to all villages..."

Budokaribas' mind moved: the Ardi tribe that followed him here all had similar problems. Because of the war, there were more women than men. In the past, they lived in the mountains north of the Mrežnica River, where land was scarce, and this problem was not prominent. Now they have to settle on the Sava River. If each household can really own 20 acres of land, then many families will lack labor. Maybe I can adopt Nix's method...

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