Rome Must Fall

Chapter 342: Pricas dispatches troops

Originally, Pulikas, who fled to Broch's territory, not only often harassed Brix and asked him to send troops to help Segestica, but he also recruited people from Segestika refugees who fled to Broch. , to form a team, this is to compete with Broch for labor force...

Brix had long been dissatisfied with him. If he hadn't been afraid of affecting his reputation, he would have wanted to expel him from Broch's territory. However, he also began to reduce the food provided to Pulikas and his party, leaving them unable to To support the army, the two had a quarrel about this.

But now Brix changed his mind. He took the initiative to find Pulikas for a secret conversation, and agreed that he would try his best to provide him with weapons and food, and help him form a team of 500 people first, on the condition that Pulikas would Lead this team into the territory of Segestica as soon as possible, attack the villages occupied by the Nyx, disrupt the order there, and destroy the Nyx's plan to annex Segestika.

But relying solely on the power of Pulicas was not enough. Brix set his sights on the Lake Gomami area. He sent his trusted men to talk secretly with the leader of Iberus.

Iberus originally treated the invasion of the Nyx with a wait-and-see attitude. His thoughts were somewhat similar to Brix. He did not think that the small Nyx tribe could annex the huge Segostica territory.

But the facts gave him a loud slap in the face: in just one month, the Nix occupied all the villages in the core area of ​​​​Seg Segostika, and also built military camps on the river bank not far from his tribal territory. He really felt threatened by the Knicks.

Under such circumstances, Iberus was very enthusiastic about the arrival of the Brix envoy, but the Brix envoy made it clear that "neither Broch nor Maziyi and other large tribes can form a Army crusade against Knicks,” which disappointed him.

However, the envoy brought Brix's promise: if Iberus could unite other tribes in Gonami, send troops to harass the Nyx people, and destroy their attempts to occupy the Segostika territory, then the tribal alliance would then organize a large army. After driving away the Nyxians, Brix will propose Iberus as the new chief of Segestica at the tribal alliance meeting.

Iberus never had the extravagant hope of becoming a big leader. After all, the Pannoni tribe in the Gonami Lake area used to be in a marginal position, weak in strength, and leader in both Segestika and Brochi. The bloodline is not high...

But now the words of the messenger have created a great temptation for him: if he can really become the leader of Segestika, then his tribe can leave the harsh environment of Lake Gonami and go to the fertile land of Segestika. Main village, only then can his tribe develop rapidly!

In the end, Iberus agreed to Blix's request: to gather the tribes of Lake Gomami to harass the Nyx people in the territory of Segestica.

To this end, the Brix envoy also specially made an appointment with Iberus and Pulikas to discuss sending troops.

Pricas hated Iberus very much and believed that, as a member of Segostika, Iberus stood by when the tribe was in danger and had no respect for the fleeing son of Andres, but now he is With Brix's help, he was willing to work with him to harass the Knicks. I'm afraid he has defected to Broch and betrayed the tribe.

Iberus also had no favorable impression of Pulikas. He believed that Pulikas had lost his territory and not many people followed him. He had become a lost dog, but he still acted aloof and disgusting. Moreover, the son of Andres supported by this person will be his opponent in the competition for the leader of Segestica in the future!

However, under the current circumstances, both of them needed the other to attract the Knicks' attention and increase the success of the harassment, so they finally reached a alliance.

In fact, Blix also sent an envoy to contact the tribes north of Segestica because he found that there were no people from the northern tribes among the refugees in Segestika. Moreover, he also asked Pulicas and learned that in order to defend against the Yabods, there were still many warriors from the northern tribes who did not participate in the previous attack on the Nyx people, so Brix guessed: Segus The tribes north of Tika had not yet been conquered by the Nyx.

However, the tribes to the north of Segostika are far away, and there is also the core area occupied by the Nyx in between. Can the envoy reach it smoothly? After arriving, will the northern tribe be willing to send troops to harass the Nyx people? ... None of this is certain.

Brix was unwilling to wait any longer, because after his operation, two months had passed since the Nyx invaded Segestica, and the further time went by, the more unfavorable it would be for the Pannoni.

At Brix's urging, Iberus and Pricas set a date for the invasion.


This is the day after the beginning of the new year, the sky is cloudy and dark.

Pulikas led five hundred Segestica warriors to march for a day between the reed marshes and mountains on the west side of Lake Gonami, and arrived at the northern edge of the reed marshes.

"Leader Pulikas." The spy got into the reeds and whispered to Pulikas who was hiding inside: "There is no one around the tribe in front. I saw a lot of smoke in the tribe. They may still be doing something." During breakfast, I didn’t dare to go in and take a closer look, for fear of being discovered.”

"You did a good job!" Pulikas was delighted.

The reason why he chose to attack from the west side of the reed marsh was because he learned from Iberus that the Nix people had built military camps on both sides of the Sava River not far from the northern end of Lake Gonam. He had few soldiers and did not want to fight head-on to avoid casualties... Now it seems that his choice was right. The people in this village were not prepared.

"Listen to me!" Prikas turned back to face the warriors and said seriously: "We will move quickly towards the tribe in front of us in a while. Everyone should keep silent to avoid alerting the enemy in advance and letting them prepare, which will cause unnecessary casualties to us!

After entering the tribe, kill all the people in the tribe! I emphasize again that those who surrendered to Nix are no longer our people, but traitors of Segestica. We must not show mercy!"

At this point, Prikas looked sharply at several warriors in the team. These people were from the tribe in front.

The warriors nodded vigorously. They could not forget the resentment of being ridiculed when they persuaded their tribesmen not to surrender to Nix. They were even more angry that they and their families suffered a lot in the escape, while those tribesmen who surrendered enjoyed peace and happiness, so their hatred for those tribesmen was no less than that for the Nix people.

"After killing all the people in that tribe, you must not stay, follow the team closely, and retreat here quickly before the Nix army arrives, and then we will all go back safely!" Prikas emphasized and reminded everyone again.

He had to do so, after all, there was not much strength left in Segestica, and the life of every warrior could not be easily abandoned.

He glanced at everyone with a deep look, then turned around and waved: "Everyone follow me closely, let's go!"

Five hundred Segestica warriors, led by Prikas, got out of the reeds and moved forward quickly in silence.

This village located in the southwest corner of the core area of ​​Segestica is more than two miles away from the reed marsh, which is not close. This is normal, because no tribe wants to live close to the reed marshes of Lake Gonam. Not only is the water level high in the rainy season, but the dense mosquitoes in the reed marshes in summer and autumn are unbearable.

Although the road is flat, it is not easy to walk. Because the land around the village has been plowed, there are many wooden signs and wooden poles, and some even have stones with inscriptions buried on the edge of the field...

Most of the warriors have escaped from various tribes and understand what everything in front of them means. Therefore, while marching with one foot deep and one foot shallow, they curse the Nix people and the traitors of the tribe in their hearts, and anger makes them more powerful.

The former Segestica tribe is just ahead. Through the gray sky, in the eyes of Prikas, the houses in front are all in a state of decay.

As he got closer and closer to the village, his heart began to beat violently, and the speed of his feet was also increasing. With his familiarity with the overall architectural pattern of the Segestica village, he quickly found a passage into the village and led the team towards it.

Just at this moment, someone in the village was coming out along the passage, probably preparing to work in the fields. Seeing the team of Prikas running wildly in the distance, the villager immediately dropped the wooden basket in his hand, turned around and ran back, shouting loudly: "No, the enemy is coming! No, the enemy is coming!..."

When he shouted, the originally quiet village suddenly became a commotion. The villagers ran out of their houses in panic and followed the previous man desperately running towards the depths of the village.

"Damn it!" Prikas couldn't help but cursed. He was about to succeed in sneaking into the tribe, but he didn't expect to fail at the last moment. However, looking at the villagers who were running for their lives in panic, it can be seen that they were completely unprepared.

"Catch up and kill them!..." Prikas waved his sword and shouted loudly.

The warriors roared in unison, and the fleeing villagers aroused their anger for revenge. Everyone took big steps and rushed forward to chase. Some warriors even surpassed Prikas and took the lead in entering the village.

This dirt road in and out of the village was not wide, and there were villagers' houses on both sides. Instead, it made Prikas' team, which had become a little scattered due to the pursuit, become regular again.

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