Rome Must Fall

Chapter 353 A brand new home

However, Selicis's wish for the prisoners to complete the temple oath as soon as possible came to nothing, because early the next morning Chief Maximus had to give a speech to the soldiers of the army who were about to go on the expedition in the East Wall Square, and then had to arrive Nu Temple went to beg the goddess to give them blessings...

During this period, all streets in Ofidilia were closed to traffic. The ban was not lifted until the excited and expectant Nix soldiers marched out of the city of Ofidilia and marched north.

Selicis hurriedly led the prisoners to the Danu Temple in the East Village.

This Danu temple is located next to the main house of the Nyx tribe and was rebuilt from the original sacred stone and sacred grove of the Segostika tribe.

The prisoners walked solemnly through the corridor made of sacred stones, and came to the broad grassland with green grass and white flowers. In the center of the grassland stood an oak tree. The tree was thick and tall, and its wrinkled bark was covered with traces of time. , appears vicissitudes of life and powerful. Its crown is lush and broad, its leaves are densely packed and overlapping, and it is full of green. The whole tree is like a green umbrella, shielding the statue under the tree from the sun.

This statue of Goddess Danu does not stand, but lies on its side, showing an elegant curve. Her arms were naturally bent, and she held a handful of soil in her right hand and sprinkled it gently. Her left hand rested lightly on her side and hugged a child who was leaning on her. This child was carved to be lively and cute, but why did his features look so similar to Maxi who was standing next to her? High Priest of Mus.

The outline of her face is clear and soft, the bridge of her nose is high, and her lips are tightly closed, making her look solemn and sacred; her long hair flows like a waterfall, falling down her sides, adding a bit of softness and charm; her eyes are slightly closed, as if she is meditating or thinking. Praying gives people a feeling of tranquility and mystery; and there is a smile in the corner of the eyes, which is the deep love and care for life...

Since the statue of the goddess does not stand tall for people to look up at, it is closer to the believers when looking at them, giving the captives a greater visual impact.

Moreover, the sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, creating a mysterious and tranquil atmosphere, allowing the captives to immerse themselves in it involuntarily, feeling the warmth and care from deep within, which they will never forget for a long time.

Under the guidance of Maximus, the captives devoutly swore an oath to the goddess and reluctantly walked out of the temple.

"Selysis." Maximus called to the leader of the team.

"Chief." Senesis bowed and saluted respectfully. During this period, he brought prisoners to the temple many times and met with Maximus many times, but he had never been stopped to speak alone like today.

"How many of your compatriots are there on the other side of the Kupa River who have returned from the Aldie tribe?" Maximus asked in a kind tone.

"There are four hundred and fifty-seven more." Selicis replied without thinking.

"Should the road along the Kupa River be repaired soon?" Maximus asked again.

"There are still four sections of road that have not been completed, and it may take about ten days."

Maximus smiled and said: "You have done a good job in the Foreign Auxiliary Residents Management Department, especially recently when you have been traveling back and forth between Ofidilia and Kupa River, and you haven't made any mistakes. Thank you for your hard work. !”

"This is my duty. Besides, I am very happy to bring them back here safely and teach them how to live their proper lives in the tribe on the way." Selicis said frankly.

Maximus nodded and said no more.

Celysis saluted Maximus wisely, and then left quickly.

After leaving the temple, he excitedly waved his fist.

The captives came over and rushed to ask him some things about Goddess Danu and Chief Nix. You must know that they were afraid of Chief Nix before and were unwilling to talk about it, but now they all looked excited.

While leading them out of the temple, Selicis briefly told them some things he knew about the Temple of Danu: For example, Chief Maximus was the descendant of the goddess Danu, and therefore the goddess loved Nyx. The tribe not only protected the Nyx army on the battlefield, but also blessed the territory of the Nyx tribe to make it smooth... However, the goddess Danu does not hate other races, because she is the source of all things and the mother of mankind. She hopes Other races can join the Nyx tribe, abandon their past grudges, live in harmony, and share a beautiful life under his protection...

Selises incorporated the goddess' teachings that the priests preached when he usually went to the temple to worship into his words. The captives listened attentively, and no one expressed any objection.

Unconsciously, they arrived at the house of the Ministry of Agriculture. The captives handed in the registration form with the divine seal. At this point, they became the reserve tribesmen of the Nix tribe and received a numbered wooden plaque to prove their identity. Naturally, the Ministry of Agriculture took over the next step.

The newly promoted Knicks tribesmen surrounded Celysis in the center, and one by one came forward to hug him tightly, expressing their gratitude to him.

After getting along with each other for more than two days, they knew very well that what Selicis did and said was really for their own good. This was also the first thing they felt after leaving the hellish days of the Ardei tribe. A ray of warm sunshine made many people's eyes red...

There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Selicis had to rush back to the Management Department to continue his work. The 217 newly promoted tribesmen were first brought to the Ministry of Civil Affairs for registration, and then because each tribesman The villages they wanted to return to were different, and they were divided into several teams, led home by officials from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Village No. 21 was not too far away from Ofidilia. It didn't take long for Tiresis to see the familiar outline of the village in the distance, which looked particularly peaceful and warm under the sunset.

An indescribable excitement suddenly surged in Tirisis's heart, and his eyes became a little moist. He kept accelerating his pace, and soon left behind the Agriculture Department official who was leading him.

But as he approached the village, he suddenly stopped: a woman in front of her wearing a straw hat and holding a long pole was patrolling around the field ridges, sometimes swinging the pole to drive away birds that wanted to come down to eat, and sometimes bending down She came to pull out the weeds growing quietly in the fields, and her clothes were soaked with sweat...

Tiresis' eyes were locked on this familiar figure, and all his emotions turned into an affectionate call: "Luliana!"

The woman turned sharply and saw Tiresis, a flash of surprise in her eyes, then deep joy and tears.

She threw away the wooden pole in her hand, ran over quickly, and hugged Tiresis tightly.

"You're finally back!" Her voice trembled.

Tirisis hugged his wife tightly, tears overflowing from his eyes. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture took Tirisis to the main house of the village, handed over to the village chief Puro, and then left quickly.

"Teresis, although I have never met you, I am very familiar with you, because your wife talks about you every day, and the whole village's ears are almost ringing with noise." Puro said with a smile. quipped.

"Village Chief, you are talking nonsense. I don't talk about it every day." Luliana retorted shyly.

"Why not? Last month, they came over and asked me, 'How come the tribe doesn't keep their word? Last year they said they would let my husband come back, but it's been more than half a year and there's still no sign of him'..."

Puro first said a few words pretending to be Luliana, and then asked kindly: "Are you relieved now?"

"Don't worry, I'm relieved. It just took too long." Luliana was happy in her heart, but still a little dissatisfied.

"It's not easy to get people back from the Aldiyi tribe. It takes time for people to heal their bodies after they come back..."

Prolo explained a few words for the tribe, and then encouraged: "No matter what, it is a great joy that Tirisis can come back smoothly and the family can be reunited! From now on, your family will have a backbone, no matter what you do, Don’t worry, take good care of your parents, raise your children well, plant good land, and live a prosperous life. How wonderful!”

After finishing speaking, Puro walked to the yard, took down a long string of salted fish that was drying, and said: "Terisis' return is also a happy event for the village. As the village chief, I should give my congratulations, but I don't have it here. What a good thing, I can only take these fish as a gift. "

Luliana quickly waved her hand and refused: "No, no, village chief, I have this salted fish at home——"

"Take it as long as you are told!" Puro couldn't refuse and put the hemp rope for stringing fish into Luliana's hand, and said solemnly: "Your family already has a lot of people. Now that Tirisis is back, the food in the family should be I’ll be a little nervous, but I’m relatively well off here. I’ll bring some wheat to your family tomorrow, and things will be better after the autumn harvest.”

"Village Chief, no -" before Luliana could say her refusal, she was interrupted again by Puro: "As agreed, I am borrowing this from you, and you will have to pay it back after the autumn harvest."

Luliana no longer refused, squeezed the hemp rope in her hand, and said gratefully: "Thank you, village chief!"

Pro looked at Tirisis and asked: "Terisis, do you know football?"

"...I watched others play it when I was in Snodia."

"Do you know about the rugby competition that will be held at the tribal summer festival?"

"I heard it from others."

Puo smiled and said: "Our village will also send a team to participate in the competition. According to the regulations, among the team members, the Jiu people, the Pannoni people, and the Skodisqi people each account for one-third. The young Pannuo from our village There are relatively few Ni ethnic groups, so I was planning to send someone older to take over. Now that you are back, join the team and represent our village in the competition!”

"I'm sorry, I can't participate in this kind of competition." Tirisis raised his left hand with a dull expression, and quickly put it behind his back.

"This is nothing." Puro had long seen the abnormality in Tirisis's left hand and said disapprovingly: "I heard that you used to be a famous warrior in our village. Can you still run away now?"

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