In the cave under the oasis, sand leaked from time to time, making the sound of quicksand.

With the rustling sound of the insects around, Lin Qing disappeared into the darkness with the help of the chameleon's scales.

She flew carefully, borrowing the speed, slid silently along the ground, and finally successfully arrived in front of the altar where the giant insect rested.

However, there was no treasure chest here.

"Strange, this looks like the boss's nest, how could there be no treasure chest?"

Lin Qing couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

Could it be that the prompt system reported an error?

Or did she go to the wrong place after so much effort?

Lin Qing didn't give up and searched again.

Still no trace of the treasure chest was found.

However, this time, after a careful search, she found a door behind the altar.

It was unknown what material this door was made of, and it looked heavy, and she didn't know how to open it.

"Could it be that the treasure chest and props are behind this door?"

After all, according to her previous experience in playing games, there are often unpredictable dangers behind such doors.

Either a very powerful boss or a very generous reward.

At this time, Lin Qing made up her mind, "No matter what, since I'm here, I'll take a gamble and see what's behind the door."

Anyway, she still has escape props in her hand, and if she encounters danger, she should be able to save her life.

The current state of this group of sandworms is not in a state of riot.

If she wants to open this door without alarming these insects, it seems a bit difficult.

"It seems that there should be a key to open this door, and the key will not be on the altar."

She originally bypassed the altar and came to this side of the door.

If you want to see if there is a key, you must have a close contact with these sandworms.

She was cautious and briefly stopped above the altar.

Sure enough, in the mouth of a sandworm pressed below, there was a silver key.

As expected, she was right.

Even with the power of props, she was not sure that she could eliminate these insects in a short time.

Moreover, she seriously suspected that there was still more than one sandworm nest under this desert maze.

If more sandworms were attracted from all directions, it would be even worse.

"Huh, I hope the treasure chest is really behind the door, otherwise I will vomit blood."

Lin Qing muttered, and took out a bunch of silver-white silk threads from the space backpack.

Since the puppet strings can be used on the giant ice moth, it should not be a problem to control this kind of unintelligent sandworm.

As the puppet strings took effect, the light silver silk threads floated into the body of the sandworm holding the key in its mouth.

The other end of the puppet strings was held in Lin Qing's hand.

She pulled the silk thread slightly, and the giant sandworm in the dormant period slowly moved out under her command.

Although the movement of this sandworm also affected the movement of the surrounding sandworms.

But without the danger warning, they did not make any aggressive moves, but slowly moved away to leave space for the sandworm to come out.

It was not until the sandworm with the key in its mouth came in front of her and spat out the key with a fishy breath that Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Fearing that the saliva of the sandworm was poisonous, Lin Qing put on a pair of isolation gloves and picked up the key from the sand.

"Go, help me watch the door."

With the idea of ​​not using it for nothing, Lin Qing asked the sandworm to guard the door before opening it.

The fleshy brown big worm stood blankly at the door, occasionally opening the spiral sharp teeth in its mouth, and its tail fluttered the fine gravel on the ground.

Although this still did not attract the attention of the worms on other altars, the surrounding black and brown sandworms were attracted and stayed densely a few steps away from the door.

Lin Qing felt her scalp tingling.

This scene is really not friendly to people with intensive phobia.

She quickly turned around, touched the keyhole, and inserted the key.

As the key turned a circle, a sound of mechanical gears slowly came from behind the door. The sound of clicking echoed in the quiet dark space.


Lin Qing thought it was not good.

I wonder if this sound will wake up the insects on the altar.

As soon as she had this thought, the insects that were originally quietly living on the altar suddenly squirmed wildly and rushed towards the door in an instant.

Lin Qing pushed the door open without hesitation.

She knew that these insects had no vision and relied on sound to locate their positions. Even if she had color-changing scales, it would not work.

After all, this thing doesn't care whether it is human or not. As long as there is sound, it will definitely come.

However, after the door was opened, when Lin Qing wanted to close it, the process of opening the door was not stopped.

"Oh my god, can't the door be closed after it's opened? What a design!"

However, fortunately, the controlled sandworm resisted at the door, buying Lin Qing a lot of time.

She immediately used all her speed to run towards the corridor behind the door.

However, not only those large sandworms followed, but also those small swarms of insects followed behind her, like sticky candy that could not be shaken off.

The tunnel was almost endless. If she continued like this, she would definitely spend a lot of energy.

Lin Qing wanted to cry but had no tears, "Big brothers, please let me go."

After being awakened, these sandworms moved very fast. If it weren't for Lin Qing's Wind Breath Silver Ring, she would have been eaten to pieces by these insects.

However, just when she thought the tunnel had no end, there was suddenly a dead end in front of her.

And above the dead end, a dazzling white light shone in.

"Is it going out again?"

However, these insects were just behind her. Lin Qing didn't think much about it. She used the power of the wall to make a 90-degree turn and jumped up.

The world outside was obviously brighter. Lin Qing barely stabilized her body and half-lying on the ground.

She took off her night vision glasses, subconsciously squinted slightly, and gradually accepted the light here.

At this time, she found that she was now in a white stone pillar carved style hall. The roof of the hall was carved from white plaster walls. The artistic atmosphere was full, just like a seaside palace somewhere.

However, the crisis was not resolved.

A familiar gloomy male voice came from not far away, lowering the voice,

"Mou Wei, why are you here?"

Lin Qing realized that she was still wearing another person's mask.

She turned over and got up from the ground.

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