Oops, found out!

Lin Qing secretly said something bad.

It would be okay if he was lurking among other customers, but the blind date man suddenly came over and made too much noise, which attracted the attention of the man with glasses.

Now that the man with glasses has walked in front of her, he can only act accordingly.

Seeing the blind date man, Liang Zhou frowned slightly, "I didn't expect you to be alive for such a long time."

The blind date man's original arrogance was extinguished in an instant.

He has not forgotten that it was the seemingly weak young man in front of him who cut off his arm and took charge of this crisis.

"No, it's not.

He took two steps back, his two sides trembling, fear stemming from his subconscious gripping him tightly.

The half-human, half-demon inhuman monster in front of him would kill him.

He turned around and wanted to escape, but in the next second, half of his face split into a sickle-like offensive weapon, which had cut off his neck, and blood sprayed on the ceiling.

Until the moment when he saw his head flying out, the blind date man opened his mouth wide and wanted to scream in terror. However, his vocal cords had been cut off, leaving only a frightened face and he rolled twice on the ground.

"Phew, it's finally quiet."

Liang Zhou squinted and smiled, his eyes fell on Lin Qing's face again, and he looked at her carefully, "You look a little strange."

Lin Qing had the props, so he didn't panic and was still willing to chat with him. After all, he had helped him solve his trouble.

"Haha, right? I'm a little bolder. And let me remind you, there's someone hiding over there."

She pointed at Sister Zheng who was hiding under the table not far away, and betrayed her without hesitation.

She would not show mercy to such people.

The man with glasses also followed her gaze.

"Didn't see me, didn't see me"

At this time, Sister Zheng was deceiving herself and closing her eyes, trembling all over and muttering, hoping that the man with glasses would not notice her.

Liang Zhou chuckled, "I like fear, and food full of fear is the most delicious. But you, on the other hand, have a strange aura about you."

Suddenly, he didn't know what he thought of, and he laughed suddenly and said, "Player, are you actually a player too?"

Before he finished speaking, half of his face transformed into a sickle-like weapon and was already swiping towards Lin Qing.

However, Lin Qing was already prepared.

According to her observations, the attack methods of the two parasitized players were very simple, relying solely on the alienation of their bodies, just like the claws and teeth of beasts, which were still within the capabilities of normal weapons.

She suddenly took out the prop, and the killer's chainsaw buzzed, spinning rapidly, and collided with the sickle-like attack weapon transformed from Liang Zhou's body, sparking a series of white sparks.

At the same time, Lin Qing's eyes also flashed a strange blood red, and the corners of his lips curved into a strange arc.

In this state, her five senses became extremely sharp under the influence of the chainsaw.

Physical fitness has been strengthened twice.

Although the bespectacled man's sickle is very fast, Lin Qing's chainsaw is even faster.

The sickle that relies on the transformation of body parts is not indestructible.

As Lin Qing held the electric saw and cut without hesitation, a crack soon appeared on the contact surface with the sickle.

Seeing that something was not going well, the man with glasses immediately put his weapon back.

Seeing the chainsaw in Lin Qing's hand, there was also a vague feeling of pain.

Although the broken position of the sickle had been repaired by itself, this undoubtedly let him know that this person was quite powerful.

This kind of mentality and courage, at least not those bastard players.

Liang Zhou's face fusion returned to normal.

He looked at Lin Qing, not too angry. Instead, he put his hands in his trouser pockets, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Your reaction skills are very good. It seems that you are also a player. Are you interested in joining our Flower Association?"

I didn't expect this person to have such a good attitude.

We are still considering recruiting people.

Lin Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, "Okay, are there any conditions?"

This time, it was Liang Zhou's turn to be slightly stunned. He didn't expect this man to be so calm.

Immediately, he reacted and said with a smile, "Fanhua's membership conditions are very simple, there are no requirements. All you need is..."

He paused and glanced at Lin Qing thoughtfully.

Lin Qing waited for his next sentence. If he didn't even ask for membership, then he would definitely ask for it later.

"You just need to believe in my Lord and become my Lord's servant."

Lin Qing heard what he meant, "That means being parasitized by this kind of monster!"

The man with glasses smiled and nodded, "Yes, the flowers are there to strengthen my Lord's faith. We hope that more players will join in, wash away their sins, worship my Lord, and become an eternal existence!"

Lin Qing complained from the bottom of his heart: To put it nicely, the cleansing of sins is all a pretense, just to facilitate being parasitized by such monsters and strengthen their tribe.

As for the planning of this live broadcast, it is just to facilitate the rapid spread in society and attract more players to join this Laoshizi Association.

As for eternal life, it’s just a piece of pie, and there’s no telling what it will look like.

In this short period of time, Lin Qing's mind was racing, she quickly thought about it all, and she felt confident in her heart.

It was somewhat similar to the parasitic dormitory she had experienced.

But this invitation, Lin Qing raised her lips and smiled, she would not want to collude with such a thing.

Compared to Mr. Ye's sincerity, the man with glasses didn't even offer any preferential treatment for joining the club.

"How about it? Do you want to join us?"

Liang Zhou smiled and took a step forward, extending a friendly hand to Lin Qing, looking very confident.

At this time, everyone in the hall turned their heads to look at her, and the strange limbs crawling in the air and on the ground, and the weapons that had been hardened.

Even the man in the suit raised his eyebrows slightly. He had no doubt that as long as this player was smart, he would never refuse this invitation.

The previous attack was just a test.

In this space full of monsters, as long as this player denied it, all the monsters' attacks would swarm in and tear her into pieces.

"Of course," Lin Qing tilted her head and pulled the corner of her lips slightly, "I refused!"

The next moment, the sound of the chainsaw disappeared, and her figure disappeared instantly.

The humans who were transformed into monsters gathered together, waving monsterized weapons, and stared around in a daze for a while, seemingly not understanding what had just happened.

However, the next second, Lin Qing appeared beside the man in the suit.

Before he could react, the buzzing steel chainsaw had swept across, directly cutting off his alienated sickle and cutting his soft neck.

The man in the suit was obviously too confident.

Although the alienated weapon on the back of his head had a good reaction, Lin Qing's attack was even more elusive and won by trickery.

In order to prevent him from being resurrected again, Lin Qing stuffed two bombs into his mouth and chest respectively.

Then there was a loud bang, and the bomb suddenly exploded, and even the whole building trembled for a moment.

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