Some of them looked strange, as if they were machine translated.

"Hello, all players. I didn't expect to meet in this way."

"I'm from xxx country. Are there any survival players from other places?"

"I'm from xx country. I'll add you as a friend and approve you."

Seeing these strange messages, Lin Qing realized that this region actually brought together players from almost all countries on Blue Star.

So, could it be that the small regional channels before were survival players from various countries and regions?

Lin Qing's heart sank.

Although she had expected this, she was still very surprised.

This time, in the channel chat of the region, in addition to the number of online people displayed in the upper left corner, there was still a ranking of players.

Lin Qing checked the ranking list and found that she was in the tenth place.

The nine players in front were all names and IDs that she didn't recognize.

It seemed that they were merged from other small regional channels.

Lin Qing thought, "Is this the ranking strength of the small regional channels after the merger?"

She checked the back again and found the names of Qingfeng Zhan and Ghost in the 31st and 42nd places.

Sweet Lemon was at 88th place.

Lin Qing was very pleased to see Lin Ning on the list.

After all, the strength of the player is the chance to survive.

Being able to get such a ranking proves that Lin Ning is still capable.

This made Lin Qing feel relieved.

However, this time the regional ranking only shows the top 100 players.

This proves that the ranking is more intense.

At this time, Lin Qing's friend system suddenly rang, prompting her to receive a new friend message.

Lin Qing opened it and found that it was Lin Ning who added her.

"Sister, damn, you are ranked tenth, woo woo woo, can I hug your thigh?"

Lin Qing smiled and agreed to her friend request.

He sent a message, "Hug as you like."

"How about it, I didn't lie to you, sister still has some skills."

"Yes, yes, sister is the best!"

Lin Ning quickly replied, obviously in a flattering and cheerful tone.

Lin Qing continued, "Your ranking is not bad, which is a bit unexpected. It seems that I don't have to worry about it."

At that time, Lin Qing intended to give her props, but was rejected by Lin Ning.

However, Lin Ning originally intended to give her props, which means that the props in her hands can at least meet her personal needs.

As for the material, Lin Qing also mentioned it.

However, Lin Ning said that she still had a lot of materials and was not short of them for the time being.

Only then did Lin Qing stop thinking.

She should take better care of her sister.

After chatting with Lin Ning for a few more words, Lin Qing pushed the door to the activity room.

At this time, she suddenly realized that the atmosphere in the activity room suddenly became a little solemn.

There was not even the sound of the cuckoo chicken.

What happened?

Could it be that something happened in the room during the time she had just left?

Although in theory, the room is an absolutely safe territory, in the survival game, anything is very likely to happen.

Lin Qing's face was stern, and he took out the freezing gun from the space backpack, moved lightly, and walked towards the incubator where the cuckoo chicken was.

When he got closer, Lin Qing's scalp went numb.

He subconsciously pointed the gun at it and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

In addition to the sleeping little bald eagle, there was another familiar creature inside.

It turned out to be the egg case of a human-faced worm!

It was a flat egg the size of a thumb, with a deep green color all over, like the egg case of some insect.

Its shell was still moving, as if the thing inside had woken up and was still breathing.

The monster with a human-faced worm body was still vivid in his mind.

Not to mention that this was the monster boss of the maze copy, and it didn't seem to be afraid of the influence of some props at all.

If this creature broke out of the shell, Lin Qing could not imagine it.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from upstairs.

Lin Qing raised his gun, paying attention to the movement here, while looking towards the stairs.

The footsteps fell on the last step, and Lin Qing saw the familiar figure of the little bear. It was carrying a basket full of fresh vegetables in one hand and holding the cuckoo chicken standing on its head with the other hand, and was walking down the stairs carefully.

After seeing Lin Qing's figure, the little bear raised his head in surprise, "Master? When did you come back?"

Lin Qing said expressionlessly, "Just came back."

Seeing the weapon in her hand, the little bear put down the cuckoo chicken on his head and asked curiously, "Master, what are you doing?"

"Being prepared."

Perhaps hearing Lin Qing's tone, the little bear scratched his head uneasily, "Master, is the room safe?"

The cuckoo chicken was striding on the ground, flapping its wings, and looked comfortable and leisurely.

There really was no danger in the room.

Lin Qing pointed at the incubator with the muzzle of the gun, and said with a frown:

"Then you two tell me, how did this come from?"

"I remember, I clearly put it in the space backpack."


Regarding the egg case of the human-faced insect body, Lin Qing still remembered the system's explanation, saying that it can be hatched.

At that time, she did not find a way to hatch it, and the shadow of the maze copy was too deep, so she chose to temporarily shelve this plan.

As a result, Guguji directly restarted this plan.

“This, that”

Lin Qing sat on the sofa, and the little bear also had an uneasy expression as if he had done something wrong, and was somewhat afraid to look directly into Lin Qing’s eyes.

“I was sorting out the space shelves in the basement at the time, and the cuckoo chicken accidentally followed in. I don’t know where it found this thing from, and took it into the nest as a toy.”

“When I found it later, I wanted to put it back, but the next day, this thing appeared directly under the body of the cuckoo chicken.”

Hearing this explanation, Lin Qing was angry and amused.

At that time, Lin Qing just put it in her backpack without sorting it.

Unexpectedly, the little bear wanted to sort out her backpack, but ended up doing more harm than good.

The little bear carefully explained: “Master, after it appeared, except that the temperature in the room was a little lower, it seemed to have no effect.”

Lin Qing was almost heart-attacked by these two ancestors, and couldn’t help but complain:

“Isn’t this considered an impact? This is obviously restarting the incubation state of the eggs, how can it end the process?”

Lin Qing rubbed his temples, thinking about whether it would be useful to try throwing it into the sealed storage space.

At this time, she suddenly thought of the personal panel.

Clicking it,

Sure enough, in the pet column, Lin Qing found an extra pet.

[Pet 4]

[Name: Egg sheath of human-faced worm body]

[Race: Alien creature]

[Age: Incubation period (incubating)]

[Status: Healthy]

[Quality: S]

[Intimacy: 100]

The following is an introduction:

[Note 1: The incubating alien creature, the human-faced worm baby, needs to be carefully cared for even though it is in the egg. Once the egg incubation process starts, it cannot be ended. ]

[Note 2: After becoming your pet, the worm egg will unconditionally love you, believe in you, protect you, and will never harm you. ]

[Note 3: This pet can influence the NPC in the dungeon world, cultivate your loyal believers, and spread your gospel ideas! It has a great effect in the mysterious world. ]

It's May in a blink of an eye, and I finally finished writing the modern chapter. Because of some card, it took a long time. Writing dungeons should be smoother later, so I'll set a flag to get full attendance this month.

Then, thank you for voting in April! Thank you for your support, I will work hard on writing.

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