After opening the door, Lin Qing unexpectedly discovered that the original room had turned into a carriage.

On the endless plain, only a small road that stretched to the distance could be vaguely seen.

The old servant who drove the carriage was hunched over, feeding the horse with hay, and said angrily:

"Miss, we should be able to reach Earl Cain's manor this evening. Those bandits are too hateful. We must ask the earl to wipe out this group of bandits."

"Okay!" Lin Qing responded casually, observing the surrounding environment to prevent any danger, while listening to the old servant's nagging complaints.

"If it weren't for the decline of the Laurendel family, your fiancé would definitely not be so negligent about the marriage of the two families, then we wouldn't have to come all the way here and be robbed by bandits. Now your dowry and followers are all lost, leaving only a carriage. What a pity."

Listening to this monologue of the NPC introducing the background, Lin Qing roughly understood what happened.

She briefly mentioned a few information points, wrote down the important content, and asked curiously: "Is my fiancé Earl Cain?"

"Oh, my lady, could it be that your head was injured in the fight just now? Those guys are really hateful."

The old servant looked worried about the so-called lady's marriage, "The Lorendel family has already declined so much. If even you have problems, how can we revive the family's glory? Earl Cain will definitely look down on us even more."

Listening to the NPC automatically finding a good excuse for her, Lin Qing felt more relieved in her heart, "I may just have some temporary amnesia. But what time is it now?"

The old servant said: "Oh, it's morning now. I guess we still have to travel a day to reach the earl's mansion."

"One day?"

It was Lin Qing's turn to be a little surprised.

She didn't stay in this world for a long time. If she spent a day on the road, it would be too uneconomical.

Especially the winding muddy dirt road in front of her, in addition to the deep ruts left, there are also rain puddles of varying sizes. If she were to sit in a carriage on this road for a day, it would definitely shake her apart.

Perhaps seeing the hesitation on Lin Qing's face, the old servant persuaded: "Miss, according to the map, there is a village ahead where we can rest. We can get there before noon. Please be patient and wait until we get to the manor. Then you won't have to suffer all this running around."

"Okay." Lin Qing agreed. At this moment, her ears suddenly moved, and she seemed to hear the sound of horses' hooves coming from afar.

Lin Qing's heart tightened instantly, and then she heard the voice from the prompt system in her head:

"Ding, the first wave of robbers is detected approaching, and supplies will be dropped at that time. Please prepare in time!"

"Huh", after hearing this, Lin Qing's face lit up instantly, "It seems that this is the first wave of monsters, and they are coming just in time!"

She immediately ordered the old servant to get into the carriage and prepare first, so as not to delay her from showing off her skills.

"Ah, the robbers won't let us go? No, Miss, please get in the car quickly, we have to leave here quickly!"

The old servant said, and was about to pull the reins of the horse, as if he was going to continue on his way.

The first wave of robbers is coming, so continuing to escape will definitely not succeed.

Lin Qing directly and roughly dragged the old servant into the carriage and closed the wooden door.

Then he whipped out his whip and swung his buttocks, and the brown horse instantly raised its front hooves and cried, and ran towards the distance in small steps.

And at this moment, the robbers had arrived.

The leader who just showed up had a hideous face and a beard.

He wore simple leather clothes and leather boots, rode on horseback savagely, wielded a sharp long knife in his hand, and came in the billowing dust.

He mumbled in a language that Lin Qing couldn't understand.

There were about four or five robbers like this, and some of them carried bows and arrows, which seemed to be able to attack from a distance.

According to their riding speed, it was only a matter of time before they caught up with the carriage.

"These are the robbers, but they seem to be in the era of cold weapons..."

At this time, Lin Qing had loaded the bullet and put his index finger on the trigger.

After seeing the enemy clearly and entering the shooting range of the AK, he immediately aimed at the leader's chest.

Bang bang bang.

With a few gunshots, the leader, who had a light of victory in his eyes, was not prepared at all and fell heavily from the horse's back in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the robbers behind were a little surprised, but they still did not give up the plan to attack.

But his face was a little more angry, as if he wanted to avenge his companions.

The archer also planned to take off the arrow feathers, and seemed to want to imitate Lin Qing to attack from a distance.

"Wow, these monsters are quite intelligent, but they are all a bunch of little Karami."

Lin Qing decisively turned the muzzle of the gun towards him.

Bang, bang, bang, the archer also fell off the horse, and his chest was stained with blood.

At this time, the remaining three people watched their two companions die inexplicably, and finally had some fear in their eyes. They seemed to slow down and turn their horses around.

Lin Qing certainly would not miss this opportunity. After a burst of gunfire, he left the remaining bullets to the others.

As the last person fell off the horse, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He put away the muzzle of the gun that was a little hot, and then replenished the lost ammunition.

After all, the system said that this was only the first wave of bandits, which meant there would be several more waves to come.

At this moment, the survival game system also issued a reminder:

[Ding, the player eliminated the first wave of bandit monsters, and the system is settling accounts]

[Monster dropped material rewards: a bag of wheat seeds, a bag of lettuce seeds, a piece of goat meat, a piece of animal skin, a piece of animal bone, a bag of salt, a kettle, four iron long knives, a bow and arrow with attached arrow feathers]

[Monster dropped skill rewards: ordinary riding skills, wheat planting technology]

[A surviving horse was detected, do you want to decompose the meat? ]

There are quite a few materials dropped by these monsters, and Lin Qing is quite satisfied.

And there are also skill rewards dropped, which really surprised her a lot.

Especially the riding knowledge, which is a pleasant surprise, which means that she doesn't have to stay in that damn simple carriage without shock absorbers.

However, as for decomposing horses, Lin Qing chose to refuse, "Don't decompose for the time being."

[Okay, if the player needs it, you can use the decomposition function. 】

Horses are a good thing in this era.

These are horses brought by the robbers. They will not panic like ordinary horses when they encounter danger.

Moreover, Lin Qing has riding skills, so he can't waste them.

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