However, another message came from the other side, "However, when the wedding is going on, it is just right to delay the earl, and another person on our side will go to find the missing girls."

It's not just Xu Qian who has this idea, Lin Qing certainly does too.

Although Xu Qian was a little dissatisfied with this arrangement, she didn't say anything.

After all, as long as the female player's fiancée role is in place, as for the other person to do task 2, it is not an easy job

When the time comes, they only need to kill the earl, even if it is a task completed, maybe they can find new clues from him, and the chance of finding the missing girls will be greater!

On the contrary, on their side, the two of them are separated, and the threat is smaller, so this proposal is very cost-effective for her.

So Xu Qian also agreed.

After receiving Xu Qian's reply, Lu Yan explained the words in the group in detail.

"Boss, those two people in the group said so. They will definitely take ruthless actions at the wedding. Are you really safe alone?"

Lin Qing looked out the window and smiled, "It's okay, go ahead. Leave this to me."

"Okay." Seeing Lin Qing's confident look, Lu Yan felt relieved.

She didn't forget to remind him, "Your task over there is also very important. You must do it well."

Hearing this, Lu Yan got excited and patted his chest and said, "Leave this to me. I will do it according to your instructions."

Lin Qing nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, go to bed early. There will be a tough battle tomorrow."

"Okay." After the tense strings were relaxed, Lu Yan also felt endless fatigue and found a small corner to sleep.

Lin Qing looked at Lin Ning's dialog box again and found that there was still no response message. She was a little worried.

Although the system showed that she was still alive, it was rare that she didn't even have the opportunity to check the bracelet message.

However, it was not a solution to worry like this. Lin Qing sent her another message and asked Lin Ning to reply to her after seeing the message, and then she fell asleep.

Of course, A013 was responsible for the night watch.

When it was just dawn, there was a knock on the door.

"Miss Lorendel, I am here to bring you the wedding dress and jewelry by the order of the Earl."

Hearing the voice, Lin Qing opened the door.

She saw the smiling butler, followed by four calm maids, all holding large boxes in their hands, which looked very exquisite.

This should be the dress and jewelry mentioned by the butler.

Lin Qing was not surprised that the butler called her Miss Lorendel. It seemed that the Earl had told him a long time ago.

However, Lin Qing raised his eyebrows. This person really has the qualities of a butler. He actually accepted the change of identity so easily without any doubt.

The butler and the maid entered the door, placed the boxes in their hands on the ground, and then opened the largest one.

It was a white wedding dress made of lace, with layers of piled skirts placed in the box. The chest and waist were embellished with pearls and silver diamonds the size of a fingernail, which looked very luxurious and beautiful.

The housekeeper introduced with a smile: "In order to express the Earl's sincerity and to apologize to Miss Laurendel, the Earl had already asked people to prepare this wedding dress half a year ago. Please rest assured."

Lin Qing could not deny it.

At this time, she asked about Xu Qian and the others, and the housekeeper replied: "Your friends have been arranged in the right place, and you should be able to see them in a while."

Lin Qing and Lu Yan looked at each other, and he gently raised the bracelet on his wrist, indicating that the housekeeper was not lying.

Lin Qing nodded lightly, "Thank you, then I'll trouble you."

The housekeeper still responded very politely, "This is what I should do."

After a set of cumbersome procedures, under the guidance of the maid, Lin Qing began to walk down the stairs step by step.

On the way, Lu Yan suddenly said, "Oh, did the lady miss something? I'll go get it!"

Lin Qing of course cooperated with him, pretending to look for it for a while, and then said in annoyance: "I guess the bracelet fell in the room, so please help me find it. This is the jewelry I brought back from the Laurendel family."

The housekeeper had left. Although the maid looked strange, she still stepped aside when she heard the Laurendel family.

"He should catch up in a while, let's go first."

Lin Qing continued to walk down with her skirt lifted.

These maids were also controlled by the vampire. Although they could do some simple work, they still couldn't handle such a complicated situation, and could only acquiesce to her private behavior.

The team continued to walk downstairs. After bypassing countless corridors, Lin Qing was led into a very wide small hall.

It was surrounded by red carpets and roses, and there were so-called friends of Lin Qing sitting in rows of chairs, waiting for the wedding.

Xu Qian was also very surprised when she saw her, but after making eye contact with Lin Qing, she immediately understood the opportunity to take action.

On the high platform at the front of the auditorium, the count was wearing a black tuxedo and standing there in a gentlemanly manner. A clergyman stood on his right, and the sound of the organ slowly played music as she arrived.

The head maid helped Lin Qing walk slowly on the red carpet in the middle. When they reached the earl's side, he put his arm around Lin Qing's arm in a gentlemanly manner, smiled gently, and began to say beautiful love words, "Oh, my beautiful bride, you are so beautiful today. I am very honored to marry the treasure of the Laurendel family!"

Lin Qing's smile was a little stiff, but in this situation, this boss could still be so calm, not like in the copy. I don't know if it's because of his good attitude or because he can hold back. It's all respectable.

And the clergy standing next to him, what kind of mood did he take on this job.

However, looking at the gloomy face of the clergyman, Lin Qing realized that this seemed to be the priest of the chapel, and he didn't expect to appear here.

Seeing Lin Qing in a daze, the Earl introduced: "Father Kate is very prestigious in this area. I believe it will be a very meaningful thing to let him come to witness our wedding."

As he said, he glanced at the priest and asked with a smile: "Right, Father?"

Although Father Kate looked unwilling, it seemed as if he was controlled by some ability. Although his face was very reluctant, he said uncontrollably: "Of course, it is my honor to be the witness of the Earl and Miss Laurendel."

Although the process of this wedding seemed normal, Lin Qing still noticed something strange about the priest.

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