Quincy laughed, "The Earl and I have a fair contract. He did not fulfill the agreement, causing his lover to leave the world, and he was unable to resist the danger. I can only express my deep regret."

Looking at the devil in front of him, Lin Qing didn't know what to say.

Is it really okay to slander an old customer in front of a new customer?

Seeing Lin Qing's dissatisfied look, Quincy smiled meaningfully, "Is it possible that you don't want to know where the castle's treasure room is? Although you, as the owner of the castle, have obtained the key, the treasure in the castle Only the Count and I know the room."

Lin Qing raised his eyebrows, this devil is quite good at catching people's hearts.

However, is there really such a selfless demon?

Lin Qing didn't know its purpose, so he wouldn't let down his guard.

Of course, she wouldn't refuse this small help.

She smiled slightly and said, "Okay, this castle is so big, I might not be able to find a place even if I look for a long time, so I'll ask the housekeeper to help show the way."

Although she was confident that she could find the place, she also wanted to see what the demon wanted to do.

Quincy placed his hand on his chest, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Of course, my master, this is my honor. I am very happy that you took over the copy. I guess your current identity information should also have changed."

Lin Qing was not much shocked when he heard this word.

After all, Lin Qing was not surprised that some NPCs in the dungeon knew about the players and actively sought cooperation.

This demon took the initiative to mention identity information, which was obviously a system-level matter.

At this moment, a system voice came from the bracelet:

[Ding, congratulations to the player for becoming rich overnight, being recognized by the demon who manages the castle, and gaining the status of the castle's heir! 】

[You gain a new title - the owner of Lorendel Castle! 】

[You have unlocked a new identity authentication and gained ownership of this copy of the world. 】

[Identity being determined]

[In view of the change in the owner of the copy, the nature of the copy is changing.]

【bite! The change in the nature of the dungeon has been completed. The world has been changed from an escape reasoning dungeon to an escape resource collection dungeon, and the danger level of the dungeon has been reduced. 】

[Comprehensive rating of copy: C]

[Dungeon monster type: bandit + dark creature]

[Dungeon terrain: wilderness + swamp valley + castle]

[Materials that can be dropped from the dungeon: food, skills, treasure chests, etc.]

[Income for the dungeon owner: materials dropped by players who died while exploring the dungeon world, dungeon operating rewards (world gold coins + operating treasure chests)]

[Note 1: After the player becomes the dungeon master, the player's identity will be changed and he will become the dungeon master. This means that you can no longer explore and kill monsters as a player, as well as trigger dungeon missions.

[Note 2: The dungeon can set new main tasks for the dungeon, drop treasure boxes, and has the power to freely expel players who break into the dungeon. 】

[Note 3: The dungeon exit can be connected to the room you are in. You can shuttle through the dungeon through the room door to patrol your territory. 】

Seeing this, even Lin Qing couldn't help being shocked.

Can this copy still be inherited?

She read the notes on the projection carefully, her heart pounding.

It's almost unbelievable that she actually owns a copy?

Judging from the explanation of the system, it turns out that there are still side benefits.

She was almost dizzy from this series of good news, and even her head was a little dizzy.

However, after calming down for a while, Lin Qing was obviously stunned by the sudden joy.

Still clearly noticed a fact.

Although she has the key to the castle's treasure room, she only gained this identity because she was recognized by this demon.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing looked at the demon in front of him who seemed to know everything.

His eyes did not fall on the projection of her bracelet, and he did not seem to hear the information from the survival system, but his determined expression seemed to have known everything in advance.

"Why did you choose me?"

Lin Qing didn't like beating around the bush and chose to ask direct questions.

Although you may not be able to hear the truth, it is still good to get a glimpse of the truth.

Quincy seemed to have been prepared for Lin Qing's question.

He said cordially: "Of course I want to follow you and serve you. As a devil in the castle, I should also choose a better master for myself."

When Lin Qing heard the word "excellent", it was quite helpful.

However, since the devil didn't want to talk, she didn't continue to ask.

It’s free labor, no matter what its purpose is, as long as it’s useful!

Thinking of this, her eyes shone a little, as if she saw a fruitful scene in the future.

The terrain here has wilderness, water sources and grassland. It is a very fruitful place, which is very good for growing vegetables.

This is much larger than the planting area in her small room.

There are also local NPCs, which are her proper subordinate subjects.

No matter you are farming or doing anything else, it is very useful!

Thinking of this, Lin Qing couldn't wait any longer.

However, she still did not forget the business at hand, which was how to settle the missing girls lying in the secret room.

Since they are all her subordinate subjects, these girls are the future flowers and they must be treated properly no matter what.

She thought for a moment and waved to Quincy, "Take your men and take those girls trapped in the secret room out and find a comfortable place to put them down. Their families will be here soon. Also, be gentle and don't hurt them again."

"Okay, Master!" Quincy agreed.

After a while, Lin Qing saw Quincy commanding a group of gray fog, and there were countless pairs of eyes flickering in the gray fog. They were like black clouds, carrying the girls in the secret room on their backs, and then floating up the spiral staircase.

Among them, Lin Qing also saw Anna who had woken up.

The freckled girl seemed to be frightened and wanted to cry but didn't dare to.

After seeing Lin Qing, tears flowed out and she looked at her for help.

Lin Qing almost forgot about her.

She held her hand and comforted her: "Little Anna, it's okay. I have surrendered these guys. They won't hurt you now."

At this time, Quincy stood up and said, "Master, you can leave these to me."

His kind face seemed very confusing. He said something to Anna in her ear. Anna seemed to be moved to tears and kept saying thank you to him.

Lin Qing:.

But I have to praise that this guy is quite capable.

Quincy was also conscientious and did not forget the reason for coming to Lin Qing this time. He reminded her, "Master, what should we do with that player invader?"

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