When leaving, Lin Qing almost forgot an important thing.

A013 was still thrown outside.

His head and body were in a half-dead state. Lin Qing found some pins from the convenience store and barely put his head on.

At this time, A013 finally showed signs of coming back to life.

However, without the crystal core, his intelligence obviously declined a lot. He couldn't speak and could only walk unsteadily.

Lin Qing could still accept it. After all, he was chopped up by her yesterday. It was good to be a human bodyguard.

Besides, A013's breath could make ordinary zombies around dare not approach. She had made a fortune.

Lin Qing rode on a small bicycle, followed A013 slowly, and began to patrol her territory.

Because of the pollution of the water source, the residents of the town basically did not escape, and the sight was full of desolation.

In addition to looking for treasure chests, Lin Qing also planned to search the town and bring back some useful supplies.

There were still a lot of things left from yesterday's convenience store. Lin Qing didn't take them all, and her heart was bleeding.

She went back to search again and took everything she could carry. She finally felt relieved.

Then she cut down trees and got wood.

Under Lin Qing's supervision, A013 started logging.

The tool used was a low-power electric saw from a resident's home. It was not as powerful as hers, but it was enough for cutting trees on the mountain.

While A013 was cutting trees, Lin Qing used the title of second-level zombie controller to find two zombies who looked stronger in the surrounding area and find boxes for her.

Then she could rest.

Before noon, the two zombies dragged a treasure chest to her, one of which was a bronze treasure chest.

The zombie who dragged the bronze treasure chest looked even more tattered.

Lin Qing estimated that it was the monster guarding the bronze treasure chest who did it.

"I wonder what's in the bronze treasure chest?"

Lin Qing opened it with great interest.

There was still an unopened bottle of mineral water, a basin of fresh strawberries with dewdrops, and the weapon was actually a fine steel saber.

This saber looked very sharp and was very useful to Lin Qing.

She could replace the worn-out machete.

After all, she needed a useful weapon, but not as powerful as the chainsaw of the killer.

She would not use this item unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Good job!"

Lin Qing gave it a thumbs up and praised it, and issued another order, "See if there are any more, keep looking."

The tattered zombie walked away, and the zombie who dragged back the wooden treasure chest also left again.

Compared with the bronze treasure chest, the supplies opened by the wooden treasure chest this time were obviously a bit pitiful.

There was only a roll of medical gauze.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Lin Qing still accepted it happily.

After decomposing the two treasure chests, A013 was still chopping trees, and the wood was already piled on the ground.

However, because Lin Qing did not give him the order to end, he continued to chop.

After eating some strawberries for lunch, Lin Qing finally felt that staying in the room was a bit boring.

Decided to go out for a walk, preferably to find some medicine.

However, this time she brought A013 again.

With A013, the zombies nearby basically avoided them.

Unknowingly, one person and one zombie came to a place similar to a small town park.

There is a large lake here, and the water surface is sparkling under the sunlight.

However, a closer look reveals that this piece of water is very strange.

Because there are no living creatures living nearby.

But occasionally you can see dark shadows floating under the water.

These are aquatic animals that have been transformed into zombies.

Because of A013, all nearby water systems are contaminated by the zombie virus.

As long as no solution is found, this place will always be a place of death.

"I don't know how far Gu Yin's research has gone. This virus that can survive in both water and hot springs must have such a strong vitality."

"And the water flow is cyclical. In addition to this town, the outside may also fall."

Lin Qing sighed infinitely.

She herself was able to save her life because of the serum guaranteed by the system, and she didn't know what the people in this world should do.

Just when she was feeling deeply moved, the prompt system sounded again:

"Ding! A black stone treasure chest was detected on the lake island in the northeast direction. There is a universal elixir in the treasure chest that can bring back the dead, but there is a zombie giant crocodile guarding near the treasure chest, which is dangerous. Do you want to go and get it?"

"It's actually a black stone treasure chest that I have never seen before."

"It can be a universal elixir that can bring back the dead."

Lin Qing recited it again, and his eyes lit up, "Isn't this equivalent to a life-saving elixir?"

This is equivalent to having one more life than others!

Take it down, must take it down!

Lin Qing looked to the northeast and found a small island in the middle of the lake, but because of the dense vegetation, it was impossible to see where the giant crocodile guarding the treasure chest was.

Lin Qing also considered the zombie giant crocodile.

Those who can guard the black stone treasure chest must not be ordinary monsters.

She has to prepare in advance!

But how should she get there?

Lin Qing took a quick look and noticed that there was a sightseeing boat for tourists on the other side of the small river not far away.

"A013, get a boat over there!"

Lin Qing pointed him over.

After receiving the command, A013 jumped into the water expressionlessly, immediately attracting a wave of zombie fish.

However, these fish sensed the same zombie aura and quickly dispersed.

A013 swam in the water and successfully pushed the sightseeing boat on the other side.

"Well done!"

Lin Qing gave A013 a thumbs up.

It looked more haggard than before, its hair was wet, and its white coat was covered with blood and water, no different from the zombies wandering on the roadside.

Lin Qing got on the boat and rowed towards the island in the lake with A013.

"It's strange, there are only zombie fish in this area of ​​water, no other creatures?"

"Even if it's a zombie giant crocodile, there should be traces?"

Lin Qing muttered to herself on the boat, and A013 sat opposite her, looking at her expressionlessly.

At this moment, the water surface not far away suddenly had slight ripples.

A black hardwood that was originally floating on the water was silently and quickly crossing the water, rushing towards the only small boat on the water.

Lin Qing always paid attention to the surrounding environment and saw the hardwood rushing towards her.

Her heart skipped a beat instantly.

She realized that this was not a giant tree at all, but a zombie giant crocodile under the water!

It was not on the small island in the middle of the lake, but had been lurking under the water, waiting for an opportunity to act and hit its prey hard.

"Oh no! The underwater is the home ground of crocodiles, I have to get ashore quickly!"

Lin Qing's heart tightened and she sped up the paddling speed.

And in just a dozen seconds, it was here!

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