"I was in the dungeon before, but I met many players who were not real bosses. It seems that they don't have much ability even when props are banned."

The blond man was still talking about his theory, but even though he said so, he and Chen Jun still helped Lin Qing to a chair.

Chen Jun looked cold: "Teammates like you would have been killed if there were no conditions that restricted the player's survival."

At this time, William moved his mouth to indicate that he should close his mouth.

Although Lin Qing was feeling unwell, her mind was always awake.

She was not surprised when she heard Chen Jun chatting with the blond man.

As she slowly regained consciousness, she opened her eyes and her vision changed from blurry to clear, and then she felt calm.

She figured something out.

So when she returned to normal, she immediately posted a message on the channel.

Just now, the players Xiao Qiao, Jiang Ling's son, and William died one after another, which at least proved that what they said was true.

At least under the premise of the dungeon requirements, these players can still be trusted and will protect their teammates and not kill each other.

"Now, everyone, listen to me."

"First of all, what I am going to say next must not be said out of your mouth. Talk to other players. If you have any questions, communicate directly in the team group. All our previous conversations have been known to those bugs. They have a The command brain, which is comparable to humans, has regarded us as prey.”

After seeing this news, Chen Jun immediately looked up at her, with incredible shock in his eyes.

Then he quickly asked in the group: "Suddenly rich, how do you know?"

Lin Qing looked calm and then sent a second message on the channel, "I just came back from the future half an hour later. Our mission has failed. The death toll is less than three people. After entering the experimental area, we encountered Encirclement and suppression of the Zerg."

"As for the reason why I came back, it's because I used a prop that can reverse time. This prop only has one chance. If we fail again, we will directly GAMEOVER."

Xiaoqiao Liushui: "Oh, oh, oh, don't scare me, rich man. I'm too timid."

Military General: "If you want to get rich suddenly, I believe you. But what should we do now? According to you, even if we don't enter the experimental area, it will still be the same danger?"

Chen Jun directly grasped the key point and heard another meaning in Lin Qing's words.

According to her, players like them are now directly under the surveillance of the Zerg.

Could it be that their every move now is already known by the monster?

The blond man thought of something, and immediately sent out a message with an angry face: "Has the artificial intelligence of the space station also rebelled?"

Xiaobashi Liusui: "The artificial intelligence rebelled? Are you saying that there is something wrong with Barbara? Indeed, if it really wanted to help us, it probably wouldn't have directed us to the experimental area. It's so disgusting to think about it now!"

Get rich overnight: "No, I don't think Barbara rebelled."

General: "What do you mean? Could it be that Barbara is good and we mistakenly blamed her?"

Get rich overnight: "Do you remember, Barbara said, it is the intelligent system of the space station, but even an intelligent system is created by people. If someone deliberately designs this space station to become a Zerg Where is the hatching trial ground?”

X-Superman: "You mean, Barbara is indeed on the side of humanity, but on the opposite side? It's still bad."

General: "You mean, someone is controlling Barbara behind the scenes?"

Get rich overnight: "For us, we are indeed in a hostile position. We can regard Barbara as an enemy for the time being. But I think it is also contrary to the position of the Zerg."

Xiaoqiao Liushui: "Wow, sir, I've been completely confused. Please tell me the result directly."

Get rich overnight:

"You should have heard from Barbara that a drastic change occurred in this space station. During this drastic change, basically all the experimental personnel of the space station were sacrificed."

"Based on what we found at the weapons depot, some kind of fusion mutation occurred among the humans there. This mutation happened suddenly. Someone should have specially induced it."

"Now it seems that the initiator of this purpose has not completely succeeded. He is even still alive, doing experiments one after another in some form."

"The names we used when we first entered were called lander by Barbara, which proves that the artificial intelligence knows that we entered the space station from the outside. The identity we took is the identity of the investigators investigating the incident on the space station."

After saying so much at once, Lin Qing's thoughts were slowly cleared up, and he roughly understood the current purpose of the person behind it.

"He wants to kill us, or completely control us. Being transformed into a Zerg should be an easy way. After all, all Zerg will be controlled by the King Zerg. This kind of group is best at obeying the leader, and will not betray."

Chen Jun seemed to understand what Lin Qing meant, and said in the group: "You mean, the person behind everything is a human who has been transformed into a Zerg?"

hero "

Xiaoqiao Liushui: "What should we do now? Will I be discovered by the bugs wherever I hide? Think about it, their sense of smell is indeed different from that of humans, maybe more sensitive. Are they watching me in secret? It's scary to think about it!"

Wujiang: "Indeed, the only way to solve the situation now seems to be to catch the person who controls the bugs behind the scenes. But he must be hiding behind and refusing to come out. But we can't find him, but he can figure out our whereabouts. Even with the weapons of the space station, it can't stop the enemy from hiding in the dark. Baofu, do you have an answer?"

Lin Qing took a deep breath, "There is indeed a way now. A way. But I need you to believe me and play a play with me. I can't tell you the reason for this for the time being, but only in this way can we successfully survive 36 hours and find the truth about the space station. "

Chen Jun nodded and said in the group: "Okay, Baofu, I believe you. No matter what you do, I will do my best to assist you. "

x hero: "Okay, although I think you make sense, if it's too unexpected, I don't know if I can accept it. "

Xiaoqiao Liushui: "Wait, wait, Baofu boss, do you know what happened before I died? Did I die suddenly, or was I caught by a bug? What do I need to do now?"

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