"Doctor, the production of gene replicas has been basically completed, and they will soon grow into a new batch of adult worms."

In the underground laboratory, the voice of artificial intelligence rang in the doctor's ears.

"Okay, good job."

After the test items were kidnapped, the doctor seemed to have regained his calm attitude.

She was even in the mood, put on a new dress, and even hummed a blues while making the final adjustments for Barbara.

At this time, the woman's voice was very gentle: "Barbara, look, mother did it for you. These newly born bugs are your most loyal supporters, and they will take you to the throne of the new gods." ”

"No one will disobey you, and no one will hurt you. They will be your most loyal knights, defeating the rebels for you and regaining our glory."

The little girl in the hospital gown was still pale, and there was no visible adjustment.

But there was no part of her body below the head that belonged to her.

She is a splicer.

Barbara tilted her head slightly, her eyes still blank, "Okay, Mom."

The doctor gently kissed his daughter's face, "I knew that Barbara was the best. You are my mother's most obedient child."

"Come, now you can order your army to wield the butcher knife against the rebels. They will wipe out everything for you."

Barbara nodded.

However, at this moment, the warning sound of the space station's intelligence suddenly came again, "Warning! Doctor, there was an accident on the genetic replica. The group of bugs suddenly appeared out of nowhere and broke into the incubation room."

Hearing this, the doctor's expression changed, "What's going on? How could these bugs know our plan?"

The space station intelligently said: "Doctor, it's those bugs that have snooped on the news, and there is a new bug mother. It should be that bug mother who takes the lead and attacks our clones."

After hearing this explanation, the doctor stood up directly and scanned the items on the table, "Damn it, where did this insect mother come from, and why did it appear in a human body?"

The intelligence of the space station did not give an answer: "Doctor, the newly hatched clones there should be very weak. What should we do now?"

At the same time, it is also transmitting live video of what happened over there:

Those replicas lying in the nutrition cabin have just woken up and are undergoing the awakening operation. At the same time, the carapace on the surface of the replicas has not yet completed hardening. It is as soft as a hard-boiled egg, but it was cut off directly by foreign insects. It pierced the throat and was even torn into pieces and eaten.

Those cunning bugs seemed to be poking at her heart, and even some embryos that were not fully grown were not completely alive.

"Damn it!" The doctor said with anger on his face, unable to control his anger at all.

She was originally the controller here, but she didn't expect that just because she was a human, this place was completely out of her control.

Even the bugs, the monsters she hatched originally, listened to her and even helped her eliminate many explorers who landed on the space station.

In this ghost space station, secrets should always be kept.

But at this moment, the little girl who was sitting suddenly spoke: "Mom, not only those, but also some bugs came here. They know we are here."

After hearing this, the doctor began to smile instead of being angry, "Okay, I didn't expect it. It turns out that the fun is yet to come."

Just before she finished speaking, a giant mobile insect more than three meters high suddenly bit through the basement ceiling and rushed down from above with the insects.

The doctor sneered and saw a normal-looking woman sitting on top of the giant bug. However, since she was not contaminated by the bugs and did not use other means, she firmly controlled the spiritual network through which the bugs communicated.

This is the source of rejection from the control of Barbara's mental network.

The woman jumped off the giant insect, with disgust in her eyes, "It smells really disgusting. The existence of this kind of fusion can actually pollute the body of God."

The doctor sneered and retorted: "Are you the false god? You can fool those bugs, but you can't fool me. I don't know how you disguise yourself as the mother bug, but I warn you, once these bugs find you Deceive them, and no matter where you go, they will retaliate!"

The woman didn't seem to hear what she said in her heart, "You don't need to worry about this."

She just snapped her fingers slightly and did not give any instructions to the bugs behind her. The other bugs swarmed forward, wanting to tear the enemy in front of them to pieces.

But at this moment, the doctor and the little girl suddenly disappeared into the air.


The woman was thoughtful, but at this moment, a bug's voice suddenly came: "Mom, run, there is a bomb in danger."

In an instant, the woman's expression changed and she immediately ran away towards the gap.

But at this moment, the sound of explosions began to explode, centered in the botanical garden.

Everywhere he went, there were explosions of fire.

Even the woman didn't expect that this kind of human being would actually plant so many explosives when escaping. There was just an explosion in the botanical garden. Once too much explosives exploded, even the space station would disintegrate, but the doctor didn't seem to... The consequences were not considered.

If Lin Qing himself were here, he would definitely consider this consequence.

But the newly born insect mother doesn't seem to have much knowledge or experience, and only relies on instinct to do things.

"Mom, run!"


The insects behind him ran out one after another, taking over the impact of the aftermath of the explosion, blocking the woman's attacks one after another.

There were explosions and fire all around.

The doctor seems to have considered this kind of thing and arranged an absolute escape route for himself.

It wasn't until he ran out of the botanical garden that the aftermath of the explosion gradually subsided.

But the doctor who escaped has disappeared somewhere in the space station base.

The woman looked calm and urged the remaining bugs to investigate again.

Now that we let the enemy go, they don't know what kind of danger they will do.

But at this moment, a small voice came from the spiritual network. It was different from the voices of the insects, and had the aura of a mother insect.

The woman realized that this was the news from the fake that had just been fused.

A soft little girl seemed to be cautiously saying:

"I'm very, very sorry. I didn't want to do this either. I know what my mother is doing is wrong. Please forgive her."

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