The news mentioned in this master's inheritance book can be said to have allowed Lin Qing to vaguely touch the origin of this game.

She was silent for a long time, unable to calm down.

After all, there's a lot at stake.

Unexpectedly, the origin of this game is actually related to a group of "gods".

These dungeon worlds, as well as the players who are forced into the room survival game, are all involved because of the game played by these gods.

Lin Qing did not ignore that this letter stated that the existence of these copies was in different times and spaces. In other words, these copies were real.

Although Lin Qing had a vague sense of the truth revealed in these copies, it was difficult for people to accept its truth in this cruel living world.

Whether facing the dungeon boss or the aborigines inside, Lin Qing prefers to treat them as NPCs in ordinary games.

Just like in a battle game, players will not pity the dead soldiers and monsters, nor will they regret the game NPCs who died after being implicated.

But this letter directly brought Lin Qing back to reality, and she had to face the reality.

Truth means cruelty and irreparability.

The competition between players and the survival challenges in the dungeon all mean that once you encounter failure, you will be lost in a different world.

These things are all seen by the so-called gods.

However, they are aloof and know everything. They just watch the fights between players, and even stir up the nerves of copy monsters among humans, and take pleasure in doing so.

This is really incomprehensible

For some reason, Lin Qing felt a surge of resentment in her heart.

Perhaps because humans were her kind, she couldn't just watch them die.

After all, according to Captain Jiang’s news, the number of players entering this game is increasing on Blue Star.

This means that Blue Star is no longer safe and is considered part of the game by those things.

Whether it was her mother or Lin Ning, Lin Qing couldn't bear that they would be involved in such a thing.

Regarding Jiang Ling, she was also reminded.

This means that it is not just simple young people who are entering the world now, but there is even a trend of expanding the age group.

Lin Qing has not forgotten that Captain Jiang once said that players who enter this game will be assimilated by those close to them.

Because Lin Ning entered this game, Lin Qing felt that it should be safe for her mother for the time being.

But Jiang Ling's case is obviously an example.

It won't let anyone go.

Thinking that even her mother was targeted by this game, Lin Qing felt that this was an unforgivable thing.

She took a deep breath, letting her emotions slowly calm down, and read the end of the letter.

After all, only when you become stronger can you have the power to decide all this.

The last two lines of the letter read:

[My ability is a kind of language, which can also be understood as speaking according to the law. This is a magical power that can materialize reality. This is just a part of that god, which is enough to shock people. I really don't know how terrifying this complete power is. 】

[Okay, now, you can accept this power. Although I have left, my child, I still wish you good luck in the future! ——Master Lagman stayed]

Seeing this, Lin Qing knew the name of this master, Master Lagman.

Unexpectedly, even a prop master of this level is no longer around.

Lin Qing looked solemn and bowed towards the letter, which was considered a thank you to the master.

"Thank you, Master Lagman."

At this moment, the simple letter paper suddenly began to twist and deform, turning into a dark yellow light powder, condensing into a ball of unstable-looking golden balls.

Lin Qing felt an indescribable power from this small ball. Her pupils flashed with bright light and she murmured: "It seems that this is Master Lagman's ability."

She stretched out her hand, trying to touch the ball of light.

There seemed to be a very violent energy explosion in the center of the light ball, but it did not harm Lin Qing. Instead, it gradually stabilized and became a small golden nucleus in Lin Qing's palm.

Just when Lin Qing thought that this was the ultimate form of his ability, the golden core suddenly exploded. At a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, the light and shadow condensed into an afterimage and flew into Lin Qing's heart.


Lin Qing took two steps back and covered her heart.

She felt that the heart of her body was filled with some powerful force, but it was closer to a state of numbness caused by electric shock. Large drops of sweat appeared on her forehead, and even her body began to be unable to move.

She even vaguely felt that her "soul" had even begun to float above her body, looking at her obviously embarrassed self from a strange perspective.

It's not that Lin Qing didn't have this experience. When she accepted Quincy's so-called offering, her "soul" had drifted to the world of the vampire manor and experienced all of this.

Fortunately, this process did not cost her any more time.

When Lin Qing's body was covering her chest, covered in cold sweat, and she had to rely on her other arm and kneel on the ground to keep herself from falling, Lin Qing's consciousness suddenly returned and she could clearly feel the surroundings. of all this.

"Master! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

The little bear anxiously circled around her and even asked for help from Cuckoo Chicken, "Cuckoo Chicken, come and see what happened to the master this time?"


This time, the Cuckoo Chicken was not too anxious. It just flapped its wings and continued to incubate the eggs under its butt.

Lin Qing closed her eyes, and then regained the feeling of controlling her body. She grabbed Little Bear's hand and said, "Little Bear, I'm fine."

"Wow, wow, that's great, Master!"

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Little Bear didn't panic so much. Following Lin Qing's strength, he helped her to the sofa again, making her sit more comfortably.

"Master, are you really okay?"

The little bear still had a worried face. After all, it seemed to him that in the last world, something was causing trouble and almost entered their room.

It also thought that this would still be the case this time, and was almost scared out of its wits.

"Well, I'm fine. It's just that this prop worked."

Lin Qing shook his head and explained softly.

She touched her chest and heard her heart beating violently inside, knowing that the ability to accept it had been completed.

She took a deep breath, stretched out her tactile hand, and a light golden power condensed on her fingertips.

This is the ability of Master Lagman, which is the so-called power of speech and spirit.

Hey guys, I’m a little stuck, so I’ll update one chapter today. Next chapter will be posted later

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