As night falls, the sea breeze is salty and slightly cool.

On the first day of survival, Lin Qing harvested 3 wooden treasure boxes, 1 bronze treasure box, and an extra sea snake. Taking advantage of the low tide at night, she also picked up some stranded crabs and small fish.

Lin Qing did not choose to continue exploring and returned to the small thatched cottage.

There may be unknown dangers at night on a desert island. Even in a novice world, Lin Qing chose a safer approach.

After entering the door, she pushed the only small bed to the door and held it against the door. Then she clicked on the regional communication channel and quickly scrolled through the messages after seeing them:

"Oh my God, where have you all been? This is a tropical rain forest. I can only hide in a leaky thatched hut and shiver."

"It's okay over there, but it's freezing and snowing over here. I have a small thatched house alone in the cold wind. I'm still wearing summer short-sleeves, and my nose and tears are flowing together. It's so cold that I cry."

"Yes, is there a novice protection period? There is a python here. If I hadn't run fast, I might have been entangled. It's really scary."

"My side is a swamp, so I haven't encountered any danger, but the sky is dark and there are strange crows staring at me coldly. However, I found two wooden treasure chests and got food and water. It's not like that today. Not bad.”

"My area is an abandoned mining area. The terrain is weird. We have obtained antibiotics. Does anyone have extra food and water? I'll trade medicine for your food. I'm really starving to death after running around for a day."

Most of the people in the group were complaining, some were injured, and a few refused to leave their rooms, not even seeing what the outside world looked like.

Some people found the treasure chest and obtained water and food, but they were in the minority after all.

There are also people like Lin Qing who dive and observe in the group to see if there is any useful information.

Finally, Lin Qing saw a familiar ID start to speak again. This player named Qingfeng Zhan provided a lot of suggestions at the beginning. The situation Lin Qing encountered was basically correct.

"Everyone, I got a bronze treasure chest here. There is a bow and arrow in it, which can be used to hunt prey. There are more rewards than the wooden treasure chest."

"So, it seems that treasure chests are also divided into levels. Wooden treasure chests are the lowest level, and the materials they can produce are limited and even useless. Bronze treasure chests are starting to have a guarantee and can produce necessary materials needed at present. I recommend that everyone go to the thatched cottage to observe more. If you get a more advanced treasure chest, you will definitely increase your chance of survival in the later stage.”

"Wow, it's Mr. Qingfeng again, thank you! I went out as you suggested, found two wooden boxes, and opened a bag of butter buns and a bottle of water. At least I don't have to go hungry today."

"Will it really get harder and harder in the future? Now in such an unknown place, the surroundings are not safe. It is already very difficult for me. Woohoo, how will I survive later? Is there anyone who can help me? Help me."

"Help me, how can I help when everyone in the group is not in the same place? It's all about individual survival. Seeing as everyone is adults, can't they even take care of themselves?"

"That's right, but have you noticed? The number of people in the group displayed in the upper left corner has changed. It has changed from 1,000 to 991. Does this mean someone died?"

As soon as these words came out, the speech in the group paused for a few seconds, and soon another comment flooded the screen.

"My mother, what can I do? Anyway, I will die if I go out, and I will die if I stay in the house. I will stay in the thatched hut and never go out."

"Fortunately, I didn't go out and hid in the house. If I had gone out to hunt for treasure, my account might have been wiped out."

"What do you think, Mr. Qingfeng? Isn't this the novice stage? Why are there so many deaths?"

When Lin Qing saw this piece of news, his heart skipped a beat.

She thought of the big sea snake entrenched on the bronze treasure chest. If the prompt system hadn't reminded her, and how prepared she was, she might have ignored the danger because she was greedy for the materials in the treasure chest, and had become a dead soul in the mouth of the big sea snake.

After all, this sea snake has venomous fangs that contain terrifying neurotoxins that can cause death. Ordinary people would be killed in one blow without even having time to react.

When she realized this, Lin Qing planned to turn off the screen, and happened to see a message about material exchange.

"Please give me food, as long as you can eat it. I will give you an iron pot in exchange! Family members, the child is starving to death, please give him something to eat!"

This person's ID name is a mouthful of food and a mouthful of water. His gender cannot be determined, but Lin Qing is very interested in his supplies.

A large iron pot that she can use to cook precious sea snake meat.

Precious sea snake meat has the effect of strengthening the body. In this uncertain environment, quickly improving one's physical fitness is also the key to survival.

In addition to upgrading the thatched cottage, she also wanted to add an extra layer of protection for her adventures.

So, Lin Qing clicked on the player's contact avatar:

"Hello, I have a steamed bun in my hand. Can I exchange it for your big iron pot?"

After Lu Yan sent the message in the group, he didn't have much hope.

After all, this is the first day of survival, and many people have not provided food. Even if there is food, who is willing to exchange it for a useless big iron pot.

When Lu Yan saw this news, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay, okay. We can just exchange through the trading system."

After waiting for a while, Lu Yan saw a steamed bun in his hand and almost cried with joy.

He immediately unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of steamed buns, and drank a sip of mineral water.

Benefactor, this is definitely his benefactor.

After eating and drinking, he saw the ID of the exchanged items, and became rich overnight.

A very unique online name, it seems that these strange chat IDs are indeed casually created by this group of players.

After Lin Qing got the big iron pot, she used a bag of bread to exchange antibiotics with another player. After all, preventing illness is also important, and she has to prepare for herself in advance.

In the remaining time, Lin Qing took out the firewood she picked up from the space backpack and made a simple bonfire.

Then put the big iron pot on, poured a bottle of water, and after boiling the water, she used a dagger to cut a piece of precious snake meat into thumb-sized pieces and put it into the water.

She had no seasoning on hand, so she only opened a pack of instant noodles and planned to sprinkle some noodles on it later.

After about 20 minutes, the water in the iron pot gurgled, and the white snake meat kept rolling on the water, emitting bursts of meaty fragrance.

Lin Qing picked up a piece and tasted it curiously. It tasted a bit like boiled chicken breast, and it was barely edible.

The effect of precious sea snake meat is very significant.

Soon Lin Qing felt a clear breath rising from the dantian, and the whole body instantly became hot, as if the cells in the body were stimulated.

Lin Qing clenched her fists and felt that her hands were strong, as if she could break wood with one clench.

She tried to do a few push-ups again. She usually could only do 4 or 5, but she didn't expect to do 15 in a row this time. Lin Qing was a little surprised.

She opened the personal panel of the bracelet and checked the attributes:

[Speed: 3/10]

[Strength: 5/10]

[Agility: 4/10]

[Sanity: 100/100]

[Life: 100/100]

[Satiation: 100/100]

[Note: The player's physique is improved, and the chance of survival is increased]

Lin Qing looked at her slightly bulging arms with surprise and exclaimed: "It's so powerful. I didn't expect it to directly improve my physique a lot."

Just then, the sound of crackling rain came from outside the thatched house.

Now that she was in the hut, she didn't have to get wet in the rain, and she had a full meal, so she felt quite comfortable.

However, Lin Qing still vaguely heard a burst of hurried footsteps, which stopped not far from the hut.

She immediately became alert and reached for the dagger she carried with her.

What was out there on this deserted island?

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