After entering the coordinate points, the chariot rushed on at full speed.

Because of the restrictions on small exotic pets, Lin Qing was not worried that Aaron would rebel and allowed him to hitch a ride to the Holy Land on the Sea.

Although Aaron had doubts about Zhang Lan and Mianmian on the chariot, he kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything more. He adjusted his seat and prepared to rest.

After all, I just entered this dungeon, and the first day was filled with the shadow of radiation. I was scared, but I could finally relax my tense spirit.

Lin Qing also squinted on the seat for a while.

Before sunrise, the chariot arrived at the coordinate point shared by Lemon and No Carbonic Acid.

Barbara’s reminder came from Lin Qing’s headset:

"Driver, we have arrived at the coordinate location you set. The chariot is currently in stealth mode. Do you need to lift the stealth restriction?"

Lin Qing was already awake when the first words came out of the headset.

Although she knew she was safe inside the chariot, she slept lightly.

As soon as Lin Qing opened her eyes, she saw out the porthole——

At the edge of the dimly lit desert, or at the end of the beach, is the endless dark blue ocean.

At this time, the wind and waves were beating against the beaches and rocks on the shore, leaving foam in the turbid sea water, but she did not see any seabirds or reptiles on the shore.

There is only a rusty iron tower not far away, indicating that this place may have been a relic of human civilization somewhere.

"Don't cancel the stealth mode yet. Find a place with a wide view and stop. But you must be able to notice this coordinate point and see what happens next."

Lin Qing calmly ordered Barbara.

"Okay, driver."

The chariot floated at low altitude, changed its direction, and finally stopped on a high slope five hundred meters away.

The view here is excellent, and you can definitely see the location of the coordinate points.

Lin Qing looked at this coordinate point thoughtfully.

An obvious problem is that this coordinate point is not a real sea oasis, so it means that Lemon is lying about not eating carbonic acid.

What did he want to do after he deceived so many people into coming to this place?

Another problem is that Lin Qing is not close to this coordinate point, and it took nearly two and a half hours to drive the Almighty Chariot.

And the players who entered this dungeon must be not far from the coordinate point, so where did the first people who arrived go?

Or is there another mystery to the coordinate points?

At this moment, Aaron woke up in the back seat, opened his eyes and saw the sea, and was very surprised, "Oh my god, boss, where are we?"

Hearing Aaron's exclamation, Zhang Lan and Mianmian, who were sleeping, also woke up.

It was probably the first time for both of them to see the sea. They looked at the scenery outside the porthole in shock, with slight shock on their faces, but they still asked softly, "Sister Qingqing, are we at the beach?"

"That's right." Lin Qing nodded, confirming the doubts of the three of them, then turned around and said, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"Boss, aren't we going to the Holy Land on the Sea? There's not even a trace of a person here. Are you sure this is the place?"

Aaron was a little uncomfortable seeing Lin Qing so relaxed.

After all, in a survival game, no one will have such a relaxed state of mind except for being able to take a moment to breathe in their own room.

But thinking about this awesome-looking tank, it went smoothly without any obstacles in the wasteland world. This should also be the source of the boss's fearlessness.

At this time, Lin Qing answered his question, "The location of the coordinate point is right here. This should be the clue left by the player for us. Let's wait and see."

"So that's it." Aaron instantly understood what Lin Qing meant. The boss wanted to wait and see.

At this time, Aaron suddenly smelled the smell of roasted chicken, which was fragrant and tender.

His eyes widened in an instant, looking at the plate of roast chicken that Lin Qing took out casually. In the other hand, there were small desserts, breakfast milk and coffee.

The roasted chicken is torn into bite-sized pieces, and you can even see the sizzling oil drippings.

The small dessert is a small cake with caramel chips, and you can even smell the sweet aroma just coming out of the oven.

Lin Qing placed the food in front of Zhang Lan and Mianmian, "Let's eat something first. It will probably take some time before we reach the Holy Land on the Sea."

Zhang Lan's eyes widened when he saw the food brought out by Lin Qing.

This kind of delicacy would only be given to the survivors by the leader once a month when he gave a blessing, but now this lone traveler could easily take it out.

Zhang Lan looked at Lin Qing, and then at the vehicle entering not far away, but at the same time he was respectfully giving way to the lone traveler, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

However, thinking that she could take them to the Holy Land on the Sea, Zhang Lan finally swallowed her words and decided not to say anything more.

"Thank you, but this is too expensive."

Zhang Lan lowered his eyes and saw Mian Mian, who was also full of expectations. He swallowed hard and finally couldn't bear to refuse.

She took the roast chicken and small desserts, fed them to Mianmian first, and then kept them for herself.

At this moment, she noticed a strong gaze staring at her. She looked up and saw that it was the man named Aaron, nibbling a piece of dry bread with eager longing in his eyes.

Zhang Lan hesitated for a moment, glanced at Lin Qing who was dealing with something not far away, then handed the plate to Aaron and said, "Do you want to eat too?"

Although Aaron was extremely eager in his heart, he immediately waved his hand. Who knew if this was a test from the big boss.

Although Aaron was chewing a piece of tasteless bread in his mouth, his heart was full of desire. This was the third-ranked boss. It was said that he rarely formed gangs and recruited younger brothers. Now he finally got on the boss's thigh, and there was still a lot to come.

Although the first impression in front of the boss was broken, it could still be made up. Now was the time for him to repair the first impression.

Aaron waved his hand, forcing himself to withdraw his eyes and said, "No, I'll just eat this."

Seeing this, Zhang Lan couldn't figure out the details, so he also took back the plate.

Although Barbara was monitoring, Lin Qing finished breakfast, while slowly drinking a cup of coffee to warm her stomach, while watching the coordinate point on the sea not far away.

Just then, she saw a new person.

On the road where the chariot was driving, a dilapidated pickup truck drove along the highway sign and stopped about 200 meters away from the coordinate point.

Barbara reported: "Driver, there is a man and a woman in the new pickup truck. They should be very alert. After seeing that there is no one at the coordinate point, they are ready to wait nearby."

Sure enough, as soon as Barbara finished speaking, the owner of the car drove the car to the hillside where Lin Qing was, apparently wanting to find a commanding height to observe the situation.

As the pickup truck got closer and closer, Lin Qing also saw two people in familiar clothes in the car window. They turned out to be the players Lin Qing met in the underground town, Golden Sun and the woman beside him, Aman.

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