After opening the cabinet door, Golden Sun and Aman were a little surprised.

Inside was a woman wearing a black combat uniform. She was about 20 years old, with short golden brown hair. Her face, which had been exposed to the wind and sand of the wasteland for many years, was stained with a touch of vicissitudes and the ferocity of years of fighting.

She was holding the assembled gun she had just designed, and other weapons on her body could be vaguely seen.

Because Golden Sun used special props, the people inside could not move.

So much so that the woman's eyes revealed a fierce killing intent. If she had not been restrained from moving, she would have pounced on them and bit off a piece of flesh and blood.

"Bah, a running dog of the Holy Land!"

After being scolded for no reason, Aman looked at Golden Sun innocently, spread his hands and said: "Although, what's going on?"

After all, the two of them just picked a rest area at random, and they didn't expect to encounter such a big surprise.

Judging from the equipment on the woman, they were obviously second-hand weapons assembled in this wasteland. She was obviously an aboriginal.

However, compared to the well-dressed aborigines who were invited in, this woman should have entered the cruise ship illegally.

At this moment, the carved mahogany door of the lounge was knocked, and the uniform and calm voice of the black-robed man came,

"Excuse me, guest, is there any accident here?"

Hearing the voice outside, Golden Lieyang and Aman looked at each other.

The sound of the previous shot with the woman obviously attracted the attention of the black-robed man.

The woman in the closet changed her face, because of the result of imprisonment or being discovered, her face was livid, and her teeth were clenched. It was no surprise that the two despicable people in front of her would betray themselves.

At this moment, Golden Lieyang winked at Aman, and Aman immediately realized what he meant, quickly closed the closet door, and moved to the blind spot of the vision from the direction of the door.

At the same time, Golden Lieyang also slowly walked to the door and opened it.

The man in black robe stood in the corridor, "I heard gunshots in your lounge. What happened here? Are there any suspicious people?"

Golden Lieyang smiled, and a crudely assembled gun appeared in his hand, "I can't help it. You know, I made a mistake, and my girlfriend is a little jealous. This is just a little interest between the two of us."

Man in black robe:

Aman was lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, with only his face exposed, complaining unsatisfiedly, "How can there be any suspicious people? There are only two of us here."

Golden Lieyang blocked the door and blocked the way of the man in black robe.

So, the man in black robe couldn't see what was really happening inside.

The black-robed man explained, "Sorry, a group of restless elements from the wasteland have sneaked into the cruise ship. The leader has been subdued by us. There may be some restless elements wandering in the cabin. If you find any suspicious people, please contact us as soon as possible. For the safety of the guests, we will eliminate the remaining restless people as soon as possible."

"Resistant elements?"

Hearing this word, Golden Lieyang also frowned slightly and said seriously, "Okay, if we meet them, we will definitely notify you, please rest assured!"

The black-robed man nodded, and then glanced inside hesitantly. Seeing that he did not find anything unusual, he left embarrassedly.

At this time, Golden Lieyang locked the door from the inside to prevent the black-robed man from making a comeback.

Aman had opened the cabinet again and dragged the woman out. Before the limit time of this low-level prop ended, he tied her up tightly again, and then smiled and said, "Speaking of it, big sister, who are you?"

The woman whose hands and feet were trapped was obviously surprised. Although the two men restricted her personal freedom, they did not sell her out, which was obviously beyond her expectations.

She glanced at the calm but easy-to-talk Golden Sun again, and then lowered her head in frustration: "I am a member of the resistance, my name is Aniya."

"A member of the resistance?"

This was the first time Golden Sun had heard this term since entering this world.

Aman was also puzzled.

After all, in the shabby wasteland world destroyed by radiation, there were only some survivors in some settlements and some gangs. The civilized order of the world had long collapsed. What else was there to resist?

Resist radiation and sand?

Seeing the doubts of the two, Aniya gritted her teeth and showed a hint of hostility.

"I know that you are a group of travelers from another world. You and the people of the Holy Land are in the same nest, and you are also our enemies.

Golden Sun smiled slightly and said, "This may be a misunderstanding. We were only invited to board the ship to complete the mission. We are not familiar with the Holy Land, and we don't even know the existence of the resistance."

Aman blinked: "Yes, Lieyang is a very enthusiastic person. We don't have much information about this world, and we don't even know what these people want to take us to do. Maybe we are not enemies and can help each other. "

Oman's words obviously made Aniya lower her vigilance. After a moment of hesitation, the Golden Sun said gently in a deep voice:

"Yes, if you are willing to provide us with some information you know, I can help you escape, or even find your companions. First of all, you have to tell me what the rebels are and why you want to board the ship to the Holy Land on the Sea?"

Hearing this, Aniya was obviously moved.

As for the purpose of their boarding the ship to the Holy Land, Aniya clenched her fists tightly and was extremely excited.

"The legendary Holy Land on the Sea, the only pure land in the wasteland, are all a bunch of bastards who suck the bones and marrow! "

Although we know that the people of the Sea Holy Land will not have any good intentions towards players.

But when Aniya told the information she knew, Golden Sun and Aman were stunned and realized that this would be a big problem.


Several years ago, before the catastrophic event that swept the world, no one would have expected that this resource-rich planet would fall into such a bad situation.

First, the civilized city was destroyed. When the surviving humans hid in the shelter, they saw the city in ruins when they came out again.

Then, a large area of ​​dust containing radioactive substances, like a silent rain, wrapped the gray earth in sight.

A dead silence.

Some survivors who hid in the shelter in advance hoarded food and water, but there were more confused humans. They didn't understand why it happened, why they died, why there was severe pain deep in their intact bodies

And why strange abilities, or superpowers, were born among a very small number of humans.

However, this is obviously not a good start.

After the disaster, the surviving beasts also mutated in some strange and irreversible directions. Even the "plants" in some areas have gained wisdom and consciousness, which continuously reduces the survival point of human beings.

Disordered civilization, cities swallowed by desertification, and humans suffering from disasters.

In a country without rules and checks and balances, malice breeds, and the survivors can only rely on the group to keep warm and rely on the remaining supplies to survive.

And in the third year of the disaster, an organization called Eden appeared, claiming to provide assistance to the survivors in the name of God.

At the same time, it is said that there is a paradise-like place on an island somewhere in the sea, where there is no pollution, civilization and order are preserved, and humans who land on that island will get the final salvation

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