Not knowing when the two corpses that had just gone out would come back, Lin Qing planned to hurry up and open the box.

At this time, the prompt system suddenly reminded:

"Warning! There is a trap treasure chest in the water, and on the left hand side of the broken body is a treasure treasure chest. It is recommended that the host do not open the trap treasure chest. There is a group of blood-sucking corpse worms inside, which are extremely toxic."

Good guy, it is indeed not a good sign to have two treasure chests appear at the same time.

Lin Qing opened the treasure chest on the left hand side, and inside was a string of Bodhi Buddha beads.

She decomposed the bronze treasure chest, collected the materials, and then dug into the crystal coffin to see if there were any clues inside.

The moment she pushed open the coffin, a rapidly spreading ice mark silently climbed onto her palm.

Lin Qing was frozen.

The closer she got to the crystal coffin, the heavier the coldness in her body felt.

Lin Qing quickly checked and found that there was only a butterfly-shaped jade pendant on the broken body, which was worn on "his" chest, and it looked very precious.

At this moment, a series of footsteps came from the passage again, and it sounded like the two corpses had returned.

In a hurry, she grabbed the butterfly jade pendant and took another trap treasure chest with her.

As soon as she finished doing this, the two corpses rushed over.

Seeing the coffin being opened, the two corpses were extremely angry and waved their black claws around the coffin, but Lin Qing had already hidden far away.

Just when she wanted to take this opportunity to leave the cave through the original passage, she suddenly saw something more at the exit of the passage.

It was the clay sculpture of Miss Lin that she saw on the second floor of the opera house.

I don’t know when, the clay sculpture has come.

“She” obviously didn’t have a painted face, but Lin Qing inexplicably felt a breath of anger and sadness from her.

Then, a burst of opera sounds came from the inside of the clay sculpture, as if complaining about something in grief.

“No, there’s something wrong with this sound.”

In the sound of the opera, she seemed to have a sudden dizziness. Seeing that there was no shelter around, she could only jump and jump into the nearest pool.

The sound weakened a lot in the water.

However, a strange smell spread in the water. Lin Qing quickly sank to the bottom with the help of the water ghost's coat.

She found that there was a passage at the bottom of the pool, which should be the underground water flowing between the mountains.

Not knowing whether the two corpses behind would catch up, Lin Qing thought about it and swam towards the underwater passage.

After Lin Qing jumped down, the clay sculpture of the original entrance of the passage stood by the pool.

Her eyeless face stared at the pool, and seemed to crack a smile.


After swimming out of the mountain passage, Lin Qing landed in a garden-like lotus pond.

"I didn't expect that this place was connected."

She wrung the water on her clothes, which were a little wet.

"Let's go back and change clothes quickly."

Entering the invisible state again, she turned around twice nearby and confirmed the direction she came from.

As soon as she entered the courtyard door, Lin Qing felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"What's wrong?"

She entered Qi Sheng's original room and found that the faces of the people inside were not quite right.

There was one person missing.

Qi Sheng explained, "It was Meng Shan. After you left, she and Feng Shuo had a quarrel over the ghost girl's marriage, and then ran away. Unexpectedly, she never came back after running away."

Tu Peng slammed the table heavily, "Damn it, isn't this causing trouble? He's still running around in this ghost place, and he doesn't even know how he died."

Lin Qing walked over and frowned.

Feng Shuo looked the ugliest, "What should I do? I looked around but couldn't find her. Now it's almost the agreed time."

Before she finished speaking, the maid stopped outside the door with the sedan chair.

She glanced around and confirmed that there was no problem with the number of people, "Please dress up and get on the sedan chair to enter the bridal chamber!"


The bright red wedding sedan chair was shaking.

Soon, the sedan chair stopped steadily in a separate courtyard decorated with festive decorations.

But Qi Sheng and Feng Shuo just now disappeared completely.

"Strange? Can this female ghost split herself?"

"She didn't even kowtow to heaven and earth. It seems that she is in a hurry to get married."

Lin Qing thought about it for a while. This was slightly different from her plan.

However, it was not a big problem.

The dark night was silent, and the wind blew.

After Lin Qing opened the door, he walked two steps inside and saw the ghost bride sitting on the edge of the bed.

She was covered with a bright red veil, wearing a red phoenix pattern wedding dress, and a pair of red embroidered shoes.

Hands with red nail polish on the fingertips and white hands folded between the knees, looking like they had been waiting for a long time.

Lin Qing directly took out the evil-repelling peach wood sword, pointed at the bride on the bed, and sneered:

"Miss Lin, we should have met each other before, and there is no need to be mysterious."

"I have also guessed some of the truth about the Lin Mansion and the purpose of your marriage."

"Really? Xiaomo?"

"Or, Lin Mo?"

As soon as Lin Qing finished speaking, suddenly, lightning and thunder suddenly flashed over the Lin Mansion.

A chilly wind blew in the bridal chamber, the red gauze curtain fluttered, and the candle flame flickered.


"Sister Lin, how did you know it was me?"

The pair of fingers with red nails slowly lifted the blood-red veil, revealing a handsome and beautiful face of a familiar person.

Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her eyes were like autumn water. Just sitting there, she looked like a painting of a beauty.

This was just as Lin Qing had guessed.

"Xiao Mo" is just a painted skin of a beauty zombie. She hurt her, but she didn't retaliate later.

This is very surprising.

Lin Qing didn't answer her, but asked: "You do so many tricks, singing and getting married, just to collect the same items of someone. All parts of the body are made up of these people. It seems that he should be your lover."

After hearing her words, Lin Mo raised her eyebrows unexpectedly and smiled.

She crossed her legs and slowly swung her red embroidered shoes, looking calm.

"It's almost right, so what? With the peach wood sword in your hand, or the broken yellow talisman, you can't hurt me. Hehehe."

This female zombie seems to have done more than just this one thing, and she treats everything with ease.

Lin Qing also laughed, "What if I destroy the body you are about to put together?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo's face immediately changed, her nails suddenly became longer, and she appeared in front of Lin Qing in a flash.

"What did you do to him?"

"Ding." Lin Qing clenched the peach wood sword, blocked the attack of the female zombie, and smiled slightly: "Guess, this kind of evil spirit trained by the dead needs to be properly preserved, but what if I put some food for living people in his mouth."

The two of them fought with their weapons, and with the cooperation of the peach wood sword, one person and one zombie were more than enough to fight.

"I will kill you!"

After hearing Lin Qing's words, Lin Mo went crazy instantly, like a boss mocked by hatred, and directly pulled up the full attack power.

Soon, taking advantage of Lin Qing's failure to defend, Lin Mo slapped her against the wall.

Lin Qing was hit hard from behind and vomited blood.

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