There is danger!

Lin Qing's first reaction was to leave the basement and reunite with A013 as soon as possible.

Soon, she found A013's vigilant person in a piano room on the third floor.

It was a doll girl holding a dagger in both hands.

She was wearing a waist-length silver dance dress, light golden slightly curly long hair, and a pearl veil on her face, revealing a pair of watery blue eyes like the sea, looking pitiful.

Originally, she was frightened by A013's threat, and Lin Qing's arrival made her wave the dagger in her hand at a loss.

"What do you want to do? I, my companion is coming soon, he is very powerful!"

Seeing the threat of the pearl veil doll, A013 also made an attacking move.

"Wait, A013."

Lin Qing hurriedly stopped him.

This was not because she was so kind, but because the sound of the prompt system just appeared.

"Ding, the key figure of the main quest is detected nearby. It is recommended that the host can get along well with the doll so that the main quest can be triggered as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, the main quest of this world has been settled so quickly.

Lin Qing was not surprised to hear this news.

In her opinion, turning into a doll and being in such a weird environment is already weird enough.

This shows that survival is a big problem.

Then the main quest triggered so early will not be that simple.

However, even if the prompt system does not remind her, this doll girl is the first doll she has met, and she will try her best to get along well with her and get information.

This time, with the halo of a key figure, Lin Qing smiled more kindly.

A013 stepped back, Lin Qing put away the freezing gun, raised his hands and stepped forward, indicating that he was not a threat.

"We are just exploring this castle, and we have no other ideas. This is also my companion. He is a little impatient. I hope he didn't hurt you."

The curtain doll was hesitant and cautious in his eyes. Seeing that Lin Qing was indeed not in an attacking state, he relaxed his vigilance a little, but did not put away the dagger.

"Really? You didn't lie to me."

The face curtain doll looked at A013 again with caution, "Why is he wearing a mask? What if he is on the side of the evil doll?"

Lin Qing: I didn't expect A013 to make things worse for her.

She waved her hand and asked A013 to take off his mask to show the face curtain doll.

"Well, A013 is a pet zombie doll. He wears a mask because he doesn't want to scare people, but he is very well behaved."

A013 took off the mask, his eyes were blood red, his teeth looked extremely sharp, his face was pale blue, and there were faint black bags under his eyes.

The doll with the face curtain reached out and touched him, then touched Lin Qing's hand, and was obviously relieved.

"Great, there is no polluted smell, it is not an evil doll."

The doll with the face curtain put away the dagger, and seemed a little uneasy, looking at the two curiously: "Why have I never seen you before?"

Lin Qing coughed lightly and avoided her inquiry: "I don't know how I got here, but why are there toy houses and dolls here? What's going on?"

After hearing her words, the doll with the face curtain suddenly realized: "I know, you are dolls from the outside world. No wonder you are so reckless, barging in the doll house, and you don't know anything."


Lin Qing grasped this key word and immediately asked: "Are there many puppets from the outside world here?"

"Yes!" The face curtain doll nodded briskly, "They claim to be players, helped us a lot, drove away many monsters, and are also our companions."

Speaking of what happened here, the face curtain doll showed a trace of fear in his eyes:

"There are evil dolls in this world. They hide in the darkness of the doll house during the day and come out at night. They will destroy our core and tear our bodies apart. It's so scary."

"My brother is now unconscious because he was scratched by a monster, so I want to come out to find a magic potion for him."

Speaking of this, the face curtain doll seemed to be in fear, patted his chest and said:

"By the way, my name is Lian Ling. Since you are our companion, that's great."

Lian Ling blinked her blue eyes, looking very innocent and easy to deceive.

"Yes, I am your companion."

Lin Qing agreed without thinking, "My name is Lin Qing, this is A013, my companion."

Lian Ling nodded, "Hello, Lin Qing, and A013."

Unexpectedly, this doll girl revealed important information so quickly, which saved Lin Qing a lot of trouble.

"What about your other companions? Aren't they with you?"

Lian Ling shook her head, "Because the doll house we are in will change its position every once in a while, and I accidentally got separated from them."

The doll house will change its position?

Lin Qing's face suddenly changed when he learned this information unexpectedly.

"How often does the doll house change its position?"

Lian Ling thought for a while, "Probably half a day, sometimes not necessarily. Because of the change in the doll house's position and the existence of monsters, everyone will often get separated, so we will try to live together now, and we can also fight monsters together."

Half a day, if calculated according to normal time, is 6 hours.

But Lin Qing is not sure whether the time the doll said is the same as the time she knows.

"So you can't find your original companions now?"

Lian Ling nodded, "For now, but I have this, so it may take some time to go back."

She took out a bottle of crystal-colored powder from her crossbody flower-shaped bag and introduced:

"This is magic powder, which can guide me home."

Lin Qing: ? ? ?

Is this still a magical world?

"But unfortunately, one of my wings is broken, and now I can't fly in the sky. The dollhouses nearby also change frequently. Well, I got lost."

Lian Ling touched the tip of her nose and said guiltily.

Lin Qing: I can see that you are most likely a naive person.

She said generously: "No problem, leave it to me. I have a car and can definitely take you home."

Hearing this, Lian Ling looked grateful with starry eyes: "Wow, Lin Qing, you are such a good person!"

"Hahaha, we are all dolls!"

Lin Qing laughed, "Is there any limit to the use of your magic potion powder? Because I don't want to leave my doll house, it would be bad if I get lost."

"No problem, I'll give you some. Wait until I find my companion, she is a wizard and can make new magic potions!"

Soon, with the help of Lian Ling, Lin Qing mastered the method of using magic potions.

She decided to take it back to the cabin to try, in case she couldn't get back.

After walking out of the castle, Lian Ling was a little confused: "Lin Qing, where is your car?"

Lin Qing took out a bicycle from the space backpack generously, patted the back seat and said: "Come on, I'll take you!"

Lian Ling: ? ? ?

"Is this the car you were talking about?"

"Yes, a bicycle is also a car. It saves energy and exercises the body, killing two birds with one stone."

Lian Ling hesitated for a moment, but still sat sideways on the back seat: "Okay!"

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