"Hello, I'm Qingfengzhan. These players are my companions. They were also captured with me. Fortunately, you came to rescue us, otherwise it's hard to say what will happen next."

Qingfengzhan didn't see the rescuer clearly in a hurry.

Now that he saw clearly, he was stunned for a moment.

"You just got rich overnight?"

The mysterious player who was in the limelight in the regional communication group but always insisted on not speaking was actually a very young woman.

Lin Qing nodded and admitted his identity, "Yes, it's me!"

Qingfengzhan looked similar to his ID, a young man with a refined face, looking quite gentle.

Lin Qing glanced at the rescued players, "Why are you trapped in that cylindrical glass all the time? What happened here?"

"The story has to start from when I entered this world."

Speaking of this, Qingfengzhan sighed.

"The worlds I experienced before were all relatively real worlds, but I didn't expect that this world would be so weird. You should also know that we players are no exception. Whether it is the room or the body, it will become toy-like and subject to many restrictions.

"Fortunately, I triggered the main task and helped the persecuted puppets here solve some problems, so I got the task reward, and met several players in this world, and did the task with everyone."

Here, he paused, "However, soon, our behavior was targeted by other hostile forces of these puppets. They attacked our safe house while we were not paying attention, and brought us here. It's probably what you see now."

Combined with Lian Ling's previous words, Qingfeng Zhan said it was almost the same.

Lin Qing nodded and believed his words for the time being.

However, she still had a question, "I saw that you wanted to break from the inside just now, but failed. Is it also the limitation of this world? ”

Qing Feng Zhan nodded: "That's right, most of the props or weapons we used in the cylindrical tank are ineffective, so we can only use the most primitive method to climb out, but it's really weird here. Often when we are almost halfway, there is a mysterious force blocking us from getting out. "

Lin Qing understood the situation, just like an ant trapped in a glass bottle, unable to get out because it limits their abilities.

"Hello, my name is Yuan Pang, and I'm also a survival player."

The fat man who came out last walked up to Lin Qing in a familiar manner, "Thank you so much, big brother. I didn't expect that although this world is extremely dangerous, I didn't expect to meet two big brothers at once."

"Really." The thin man also walked up to her, and he and the fat man were arm in arm, looking like a good brother.

"This time there are two big brothers to lead the flight, it seems stable. "

Lin Qing just nodded slightly.

The other two girls, who didn't seem to be in the same group as them, were discussing something in the corner, looking over here from time to time.

However, Lin Qing didn't care, it was just one of her tasks.

When rescuing Qingfeng Zhan, they were also taken along.

Soon, the two girls seemed to have come up with a conclusion, and took the initiative to walk up to Qingfeng Zhan and said:

"Brother Qingfeng, we plan to quit this mission and return to our rooms. It's too dangerous here. We can't eat or drink after becoming puppets, and we are very restricted. Even if we can find treasure chests, we have to guard against monsters' raids. "

"It's better to stay in your room for two nights, and then come out to explore the next world after this period of time. "

After hearing what the girls said, Qingfeng Zhan didn't look surprised, he nodded slightly,

"Okay, I respect your decision. I said at the time that if you regret it, you can quit at any time. "

The two girls looked relieved, "Great, then we'll hide in this toy house for a night and go back tomorrow. "

Lin Qing didn't pay much attention to the agreement between them.

Now that the mission was completed, she also planned to separate from this group of people.

Just then, outside the two-story cabin, a strange sound of music suddenly sounded, getting closer and closer to them.

When he heard this sound, Qingfeng Zhan's face sank and signaled the people in the house not to speak.

However, this didn't seem to be of much use.

This strange drum sound seemed to be coming towards them, and the drum beats became more and more dense, almost ringing in their ears.

The players in the house hid behind the cover instantly, looking terrified,

"No, that group of monsters found us, what should we do?"

"How did they know our location, how did it leak out?"

"Oh my God, what can we do, Boss Qingfeng, do you have any other transfer props? Can you take us to another place?"

The two girls also looked pale, and their eyes seemed full of fear.

Lin Qing didn't speak either. He saw the situation around him and sent him a message alone like everyone else: "What are you going to do now? "

The transfer item just now, 6 pieces were used at one time, it looks extremely precious, it should be a task reward, and it is also very restrictive, otherwise the group of monsters would not be able to catch up with them so easily.

But Qingfengzhan may not have it.

Since this person is still a good match, Lin Qing asked him politely.

However, the other players brought by Qingfengzhan seemed to be completely unconvinced.

"Brother Qingfeng, you must save us."

"We are all doing the mission together, you can't leave us and escape alone!"

As the sound got closer, Qingfengzhan's expression became more and more tense, "Don't panic, they may not find out this time."

At this moment, the drumming team was completely attached to the wall, almost right next to the window on the wall.

Everyone in the room covered their ears.

This huge noise soon shattered all the glass in the wooden house.

The glass on the window poured down and scattered all over the ground.

"Hehehe, a little doll!"

At this time, Lin Qing noticed that there was a huge eye on the window outside.

In front of the curtains floating in the breeze, the original transparent glass was completely shattered.

The eye was motionlessly spying on the players hiding on the second floor, with a hint of greedy strange smile.

"Little man, a little man."

His lips moved, and the huge voice shook the player's ear.

"Oh no, it's the giant of this toy world."

When Qingfengzhan saw this eyeball, his expression suddenly changed.

"Let's get out of here."

When the others fled in a hurry, Lin Qing had already prepared himself and entered the invisible state.

The next second, the roof of the second floor of the cabin was lifted up by a pair of huge hands, revealing everything in the house.

At the same time, a huge round-faced giant also looked in.

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