When Lin Qing left the room, the giant had already arrived at the display stand.

He is a giant with a long and thin face, thick eyebrows and a sinister expression.

At this time, he was chasing some dolls that ran out of the doll house, and a weird laugh came from the corner of his mouth.

"Hehehehe, catch them!"

"Get 'em! Get 'em!"

This time around the giant, there was a circle of circus performers hanging in the air, with crazy and excited expressions, responding unanimously to the giant's words.

They formed an oval team, either riding unicycles or straddling fire rings. There were also little men in black tuxedos, and a flock of white doves flew out of their top hats like magic.

The group of puppets fleeing in front were trembling and their limbs seemed stiff. They were quickly surrounded by this group of circus villains.

At this time, the giant with a long and thin face leaned down and grabbed the group of puppets in his hands with a smile, "Can't run away, hee hee, can't run away!"

He gave these dolls a hard grip and broke their limbs into pieces. The heads and limbs of the dolls were scattered on the ground.

"Hey hey hey!"

The slender-faced giant had a sinister smile on his face. He seemed to be stimulated by what he had just done, and his actions became even crazier.

He waved his hand and ran quickly, blowing away many dollhouses and falling to the ground with a clatter.

"Go on! Go on!"

The crazy giant seemed to have completely released his shackles. More circus villains crawled out of the shadows and surrounded him. They responded with weird and crazy laughter, "Continue! Continue!"

Lin Qing hid behind a dollhouse with display cabinets.

I was also shocked by this scene.

Unexpectedly, this giant is even crazier than the round-faced giant just now!

She needs to get out of here.

At this time, Lin Qing finally realized that the seemingly simple task two was actually more difficult than task one.

"I don't know if there will be other giants tonight. According to the system and Qingfeng Zhan, it is safer to stay in my own room. I have to go back quickly!"

At this moment, a circle of clowns on a unicycle moving in the air suddenly spotted her for some reason.

They all threw the flaming fire rings in their hands, as if they wanted to drive Lin Qing out.

She was obviously in an invisible state, but the position they threw was extremely precise, and it seemed that they were sure she was here.

"not good!"

Lin Qing jumped out of the way and narrowly avoided their attack.

Soon, the group of clowns on wheelbarrows saw that it didn't work, so they didn't get angry. Instead, they summoned more fire rings from the darkness, and they rained down on her like balls of fire.

"Damn it! Why are you still here!"

Lin Qing turned around and saw this scene, no longer caring whether to dodge or not, and ran forward with all his strength.

She was able to see through these two discoveries.

The invisibility effect is useless to this group of puppet villains. Her invisibility uses the color-changing effect to hide in the environment. It is optical invisibility, but they do not use their sight to capture the enemy.

So it's useless to them.

There was a lot of movement here, even sparks and smashing, which quickly attracted the long-faced giant's attention.

"Hehehe, there is a strange villain!"

He discovered Lin Qing.

He seemed very interested and ordered all nearby puppets to come over, hoping to use the advantage of the crowd to surround her.

At the same time, he stretched out his giant hand, trying to sweep down the obstacles on the display stand and ambush her in advance.

However, how could Lin Qing get what he wanted?

She immediately took out the freezing gun, found the right moment, and a ray of ice blue light flew out and hit the giant's big hand directly.

The giant screamed. The moment he was hit by the ray, dense ice patterns immediately appeared on his giant hand, sticking him to the board of the display stand.

Seeing that the freezing ray successfully stopped the giant, Lin Qing looked happy.

At the same time, she used a giant crocodile whip to hit the clown on a wheelbarrow who was chasing her.

The clowns were attacked and were quickly thrown out of the unicycle. They fell to the ground and were unable to stand up.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Lin Qing immediately changed his escape route.

Jump to the lower level of the display rack, climb down to the lowest level, and then use the shadow on the bottom to run to the farther display rack.

Soon, Lin Qing heard the giant's angry voice, and the ground being shaken by his heavy running.

It seems that the effect of the freeze gun was limited and the giant got rid of it.

Lin Qing had long expected this situation, so he chose to escape from the bottom.

In this way, the group of puppets in the air would not be able to use their air supremacy to threaten her.

Hearing the loud sound of display cabinets falling to the ground one after another behind him, Lin Qing had no intention of stopping.

However, she took the opportunity to take out the magic powder and recited the spell using the method given to her by Lian Ling.

Soon, the guiding magic powder flew into the air, using the shining powder to guide her back to the room.

Under the influence of the guiding magic powder, Lin Qing ran away according to its instructions. After a while, she came to a familiar display cabinet.

Lin Qing waved his whip, wrapped it around the attachment on the display shelf, and quickly climbed up with the help of inertia.

When she returned to her room and closed the door tightly, she noticed that she was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Phew, it's really thrilling."

Lin Qing couldn't help but sigh.

However, Lin Qing has not tried whether the room can block the group of giants.

Before she was sure it was completely safe, she still raised her guard and paid attention to the movement outside the door.

After she climbed up, the other monsters did not catch up, so it was quiet outside the door, but the angry roar of the giant came from farther away.

After a while, Lin Qing saw the round-faced giant she met for the first time passing by through the crack of the door.

The little guard beside him beat the small drum and cleared the way for him in the air.

The round-faced giant was bored and seemed to have lost interest. He only squatted down occasionally to look into the door or window of the doll house to see if there was anything inside.

Soon, he was getting closer and closer to the room where Lin Qing was.

Lin Qing's heart immediately rose to his throat.

He was afraid that after he opened the door, the giant would stare at him with his eyes.

The round-faced giant did stay at her door for a moment, but he raised his hand to open the roof of a small villa next to her.

After seeing that there was no doll he wanted to see inside, the round-faced giant threw the roof out and left in a daze.

Listening to the sound of the group of guards going away and the heavy footsteps of the giant going away, Lin Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She was almost discovered.

It was really thrilling.

After closing the door tightly, Lin Qing confirmed that the giant would not suddenly lift her roof, and she felt relieved.

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