Accompanied by cheerful singing, the spinning ponies rose up and down and began to circle around the pillars.

Soon, the lap was over and Lin Qing jumped off the platform.

The guide bear seemed very happy, "Guest, how are you doing?"

Lin Qing nodded: "Very good, not bad."

"Downstairs, second stop, bumper cars."

This time, the guide Bear took the initiative to hold her hand and walked to the bumper car area.

However, this time, Lin Qing did not see any treasure boxes in the bumper car area.

She played with it casually, and then it was over.

Little Bear seemed to notice her perfunctory behavior and was a little confused, but he didn't say anything.

He continued in a brisk tone: "Next stop, the haunted house. If the guests are scared, you can hug the bear~"

The monsters in the amusement park are all for children and have little horror elements. As for the haunted house, they are just some small plastic toys.

Lin Qing still walked this section of the road without changing his expression.

After coming out, the toy bear seemed a little disappointed, and his tone was a little lower: "The next stop is the roller coaster. The bear guide provides full companionship, so guests don't have to be afraid, the bear will also accompany you on the ride."

Lin Qing: She's not afraid of swinging a whip around, but she's still afraid of this roller coaster that's only as high as her two heads?

However, the little bear still looked very excited.

Lin Qing guessed that it couldn't hold it in any longer and was about to take action.

However, coming down from a roller coaster is very different from the real experience.

Lin Qing has no problem.

On the contrary, a lot of cotton was thrown out of the guide bear, and it was the rose core that was specially protected by its paws that kept it from falling off.

It stuffed cotton into the gap, and this time there was an inexplicable hint of frustration in its tone.

It’s like being sad about not completing a task.

Lin Qing didn't know how to tell the emotions from this expressionless toy head.

However, she remembered the black stone treasure chest, "Where's the next stop? Is it almost over?"

As soon as these words came out, the little bear seemed a little happy: "Yes, yes, the next stop is to advance bravely."

Just like that, Lin Qing followed it and completed another project.

If you ignore the obviously broken equipment, there is also this inexplicably enthusiastic teddy bear.

Lin Qing thought he was hanging out with normal friends.

But as time passed while playing the project, although the toy bear monster never took action, three wooden treasure boxes were found.

These few times, she put away the wooden box and did not specifically avoid the bear.

But in front of this guide bear, even though Lin Qing opened a treasure box and put it in his backpack, he acted like he didn't find anything.

So Lin Qing was still confused as a monk.

But it took a lot of time, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

After all, it was almost a circle, and she didn't even see the appearance of the black stone treasure chest.

So after finishing the project this time, I asked directly: "There are several more projects in the future. Where is the black stone treasure chest?"

After hearing her words, Little Bear was obviously stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head, "There is one last project, which is the Ferris wheel over there."

"Okay." Lin Qing urged it and walked directly over there, "Let's go quickly."

This Ferris wheel looks older. Even the boxes are green. A lot of paint has fallen off, exposing the rusty iron sheet underneath.

Lin Qing was very doubtful whether this dilapidated Ferris wheel could really survive one lap.

After all, it sounds squeaky, and it seems like even the screws can loosen at any time. It's hard to doubt whether the boxes of these Ferris wheels will fall off.

As the box they were sitting in went up, they reached the highest point of the Ferris wheel.

Lin Qing felt that if she stood up and stretched out her hand, she could even touch the shelf on the upper display shelf.

"Okay, now that I have completed these projects with you, tell me the location of the Black Stone Treasure Chest."

Lin Qing looked at the broken little bear and spoke to it seriously.

It was obvious that the little bear wanted to sit in these projects more. Compared to what he expected, Lin Qing felt that she was more like a tour guide who came here to work.

If it weren't for the difficulty of finding the black stone treasure chest this time, she would have frozen and tortured this little monster who deliberately wasted her time.

However, Lin Qing's intuition told her that compared to the monsters guarding the treasure box she encountered before, this time the bear was special.

Even if she threatens it, this toy bear may not be able to tell the location of the black stone treasure chest.

"Okay, okay." The little bear rubbed his paws awkwardly, looking very embarrassed.

After sitting down, another piece of cotton on the leg was exposed, and it quickly stuffed it back.

"But can I make one more request?"

The little bear looked very shy.

"What kind of request? Don't go too far."

Lin Qing said subconsciously.

"No, no, it's not too much."

Little Bear hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head.

Lin Qing looked at it. Now that he's here, he might as well see what this little monster is doing, "Tell me."

"I want to see your human appearance. Just for a while, I will be satisfied."

After saying that, it hurriedly added: "I can take you to see the black stone treasure chest first, and then you decide whether to agree or not."

This time, Lin Qing raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, "Let's see if it's true. You said that after completing a round of projects, you would take me to find the treasure chest. You can't just keep your word."

Having come this far, how could she still be controlled by a doll.

"Okay, okay." The little bear said more awkwardly.

After getting off the Ferris wheel, Lin Qing followed it to a rest garden for tourists.

Next to the garden seat, in the green vegetation covered by the trash can, the little bear dragged out a black stone treasure chest with some effort.

Lin Qing checked it and found that it was indeed a black stone treasure chest.

In the treasure chest, there were three bottles of plant nutrients and a silver-gray long board-like speed prop.

Lin Qing checked its contents:

[Name: Speed ​​Flight]

[Level: A-level]

[Number of uses: unlimited]

[Function: Wearing speed flight, you will increase your speed by 200%, and you can even glide for a short distance. ]

[Note: The specific speed is determined by the player's personal physical value]

Seeing this explanation, compared with the other props, it is quite satisfactory.

Lin Qing collected the materials from the Black Stone Treasure Box, proving that it was also a real prop, and then looked at the stuffed bear standing beside him.

It seemed that it had already developed its own consciousness, and it looked significantly different from other monsters.

Seeing that it still did not attack, Lin Qing believed that it had no ill intentions, but still asked curiously: "Why do you want to see the human form?"

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