However, Chen Jun still looked hesitant and looked at the man behind her who was dragging a female corpse.

"Who's behind you?"

Lin Qing almost forgot that A013 also came out this time.

After all, his movements were silent, and it was easy for people to ignore his existence.

"This is my companion, A013."

Lin Qing briefly introduced him and didn't plan to say more.

After all, no one would have thought that she would bring a zombie with her.

If A013's identity was exposed, it would not be good for her.

Through the helmet, Chen Jun only vaguely saw that this was a man.

She vaguely had a guess: I didn't expect that he would become rich overnight and form a room with other players.

She just thought that the relationship between the two was ambiguous, and the man was the kind of indifferent and taciturn, so she was very tactful and didn't ask any more questions.

Soon, the two found the stairwell to the third floor at the end of the corridor.

However, although the window in the stairwell was there, Lin Qing tried it, and the door and window were sealed and could not be pushed open by hand.

There was also a vast white fog outside.

It seems that the player can't escape.

Lin Qing had an idea in his heart.

Chen Jun next to him also looked thoughtful.

Through the dim stairwell, the two came to the third floor.

Lin Qing found an empty room and asked A013 to throw the dragged female corpse into it, which was considered to be the end of the corpse.

Chen Jun's face obviously flashed a little strange, but she didn't show it in front of Lin Qing.

She coughed lightly and explained: "My room is on the third floor, 302. I was chased down by a parasite just now, so the third floor has not been explored yet. We can start from here first."


Lin Qing nodded, she looked around, "Now that the group of people haven't appeared, we can explore separately, so the speed is also fast. As for the method, I suggest that each person stays on one side and keeps a distance of 3-5 rooms, so that we can not only meet close to each other, but also help each other if there is danger."

"Okay." Chen Jun also nodded briskly.

After all, the strength of both of them is good, and it is more than enough to deal with these monsters.

And explore separately, this can also speed up the exploration progress, and there is no need to argue about the distribution of treasure chests. It is a good suggestion.

"Well, I'll start from the dormitory room here."

Lin Qing chose the room on the right, and Chen Jun also chose the dormitory he liked. The two pushed open the door of the dormitory one after another.

A013 was responsible for guarding the door, and Lin Qing walked into the room.

The view in this dormitory room is still dim, and you can vaguely see the upper bed and lower desk, as well as the bathroom and washbasin at the door, and the open balcony farther away.

This time, without trying, Lin Qing also knew that the door on the balcony would definitely not be pushed.

There is no one in this dormitory, and it looks like a place where four people live.

The bedding on the upper bed is neatly folded, and there are piles of textbooks and homework books on the desk below. It looks like the students just went to class and haven't come back yet.

"There is no one in this room."

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little surprised.

So where did the people in the dormitory go?

After a simple check, Lin Qing didn't find anything.

She tried to put some small items on the table into the backpack space, and this time she put them in easily.

She decisively collected some small items that she could carry with her, intending to leave them for making bombs for the little bear.

In another dormitory next door, the layout was still the same, with a dim vision.

The difference this time was that she saw the wooden treasure chest in the middle of the dormitory at a glance.

But this time, she did not choose to put away the box immediately.

Because unlike the previous dormitory, this time there was a slight sobbing and crying sound in the bathroom, and there was a faint sound of water.

The scalp of the person who heard it was numb, which was not a good sign.

"After the change, are there still normal people in this dormitory building?"

Lin Qing muttered, and knocked on the bathroom door cautiously.

It was quiet inside for a while, and soon there was a faint question from a girl, "Who is it? Who is outside?"

"Is the rescue team here?" The person inside asked in a low voice, sticking to the door.

The voice sounded normal.

However, Lin Qing still subconsciously took two steps back and hid in the blind spot of the bathroom door.

Soon, there was a rustling sound from inside, and the person inside asked several times: "Is it really the rescue team outside? Don't scare me, I'm scared."

"Or is it the dormitory manager? Woo woo woo woo, auntie, I won't go out, don't punish me."

After these two sentences, there was silence inside for a while, and soon Lin Qing heard a creaking sound, and the wooden door of the bathroom that had been fumigated by water vapor for a long time was opened from the inside.

She was surprised to see the face of the girl in front of her.

Her face was blue and purple and blurred, her body was fat, and it looked swollen for a long time. The blue veins on her skin were visible to the naked eye, as if something was holding her up and was about to break out of her body.

There was even a faint smell of decay wafting from her body.

"Oh my god, what on earth is this?"

Is this also considered a human?

A trace of doubt flashed through Lin Qing's heart.

But if it is a parasite, it looks completely different from the female corpse she had seen before.

What was going on?

Lin Qing only slightly exposed her body, and the girl in the bathroom seemed to have noticed it.

She slowly moved her dead fish-like eyes and slowly moved her sight towards Lin Qing, "You, who are you? No, not a student of this school."

Lin Qing would of course not admit that she was not.

So she explained: "Of course I am a student of this school, but I just took some precautions. I just came back from outside the school, how come there was no one in the dormitory building, where did they go?"

The number of students here is obviously not enough, and it looks quite strange.

Although this girl looks even weirder, she is at least a little rational, and Lin Qing decided to ask her.

"Fa, what happened?"

The fat and swollen girl slowly moved her head down and hugged her body, "I, I don't seem to know what happened, where did everyone go? Why did I leave alone, I, I am so scared"

Her eyes, which were originally rolling up, were narrowed, and a string of tears flowed out, looking very sad.

However, this was not Lin Qing's original intention, she planned to increase the dosage again.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you hiding in the bathroom? Why don't you go out with your classmates? Or are you staying in the dormitory because you are sick?"

Lin Qing's words seemed to have some effect, and a certain word touched the girl's nerves.

She said intermittently:

"Woo woo woo, sick."

"Sick and hiding in the bathroom."

"Woo woo woo woo, I seem to be sick. I don't know why my stomach is inexplicably swollen."

"Woo woo woo, my classmates have all gone out. It seems that they were called away by the dormitory aunt to do something."

"I, I was sick, hiding in the bathroom, and didn't want to go out. The dormitory aunt didn't find it."

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