Unexpectedly, after the dormitory administrator put down his harsh words, he turned around and left.

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the monster leave.

Although she has a defense system that can temporarily contain the boss, if it persists outside the door, even Lin Qing will have a headache.

Fortunately, she could finally take a good rest after exploring for such a long time.

At this moment, the channel chat became lively again.

"I was just cleaning my head, why didn't I say anything?"

"I'm offline, even my nickname has turned gray."

"Did you get your lunch box so quickly? What kind of world is this? Why do people encounter this kind of thing just after they go out?"

"Isn't that right? From the information revealed by the player just now, it's just a trip to bump into the boss."

"A moment of silence for this unlucky child. May God bless us all and not go to such a high-risk world."

"Where's the player boss just now? Can you tell me what's going on in this world?"

"Well, I'm not a big boss. But I can talk about the world I'm in now. It's similar to a school dormitory. The dormitories inside are basically empty. Even if there are students who show up, they are basically surrounded by a black silk-like monster. These monsters basically live in the abdomen and burst out of the chest very quickly, so don’t be merciful to them.”

"Once players take them lightly, they are likely to be attacked by those monsters. They are extremely fast, which would not be good."

"Listening to what you said, it is indeed dangerous. After all, we need to go out to find the treasure chest. If we accidentally get caught by a monster, we will be dead."

"Okay, boss, I took out my notebook and wrote it down. Do you have any more?"

"The dormitory administrator will come to check the room at night. Before that, a broadcast will be made, so you must return to your room before the monster comes. No! I won't say it first. It seems to have come to my floor. First Be careful and stop chatting.”

"Okay, okay, thank you, boss."

"Damn it, there are actually people who dare to jump out in this world. A few players did not follow the rules and stole my keys to other floors while my brothers and I were opening the treasure chest, causing me to lose money. There are quite a few people. I’m going to put down my words here. If we meet, we will fight to the death.”

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there will be another wave of excitement and excitement to watch."

"What's going on? Why did someone suddenly declare war again?"

"Hahahaha, who knows? I feel like I'm crazy."

"Hahahaha, that's true. Under the torture of this highly tense world, how can anyone not go crazy?"

In order to check if there was any new news, Lin Qing watched the regional channel for a while.

I vaguely felt that the tone of this spokesperson's words was a bit familiar, and it felt a bit like Chen Jun.

Her ID name is Military Commander?

Lin Qing scratched her head and looked like a very strange woman.

With Chen Jun's strength, Lin Qing felt there was no need to worry about her surviving the night.

As for the other person, I don’t know whether it was Brother Wang or Lan Ting from the two gangs. It seemed that they had indeed lost a lot of manpower.

But in that situation, even a normal person would think it was abnormal.

Only because they refused to give up the decomposition materials of the black stone treasure chest were they attacked by the parasitic monsters.

In short, he is not a good person.

However, it seems that we should try not to meet these people tomorrow.

After suffering such a big loss, they will definitely not give up and want to find someone to express their bad temper.

Just when she was about to close the chat channel, she suddenly found a new private message in the chat box.

It showed that it was a person named Murderous and Punishing Heart. Lin Qing clicked on it out of curiosity.

"Suddenly rich man, I am one of Black Mamba's men, called Killer Zhu Xin. He has a man named Brother Wang who works for him. In that dormitory world, I seem to have heard about you and know that you are there too. So let me reveal it to you.”

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a tipster.

Lin Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing whether this person was sincere or fake.

She said this on the channel because she wanted to know the whereabouts of the Black Mamba. This person came to remind her, seemingly for her safety.

But how do you know she is in this world?

She thought about it. When she went out, she was wrapped tightly and didn't have many obvious features.

Except for Chen Jun who knew she was here, no one else would know.

Could it be that Chen Jun betrayed her?

Lin Qing frowned, feeling that this person was not like this.

Or did this person follow Black Mamba's instructions and deliberately get her a smoke bomb, hoping to expose her?

Lin Qing is not sure yet.

Although she is not afraid of these people, she is also worried that they will be tricked by others. In short, being cautious is not a bad thing.

So I didn’t reply to his message and planned to check it out tomorrow.

Then, Lin Qing took the opportunity to count the harvested materials.

During today's exploration, she harvested a total of 6 wooden treasure boxes, 2 bronze treasure boxes, and an additional copper treasure box.

The room upgrade materials obtained by decomposing it include a total of 12 planks, 4 bronze ingots, and an additional 4 copper.

There were also some materials found in the treasure chest, and more importantly, the copper treasure chest. Even after the three people divided it up, the quantity was much larger than before.

Although it is still far behind the resources for upgrading to level 6 rooms, progress has been made after all.

She was still quite happy.

What Lin Qing cares about more is the protective gear he got.

This is a vest-like piece of clothing, light and comfortable, with exquisite workmanship. It looks like a wearable item, a bit like a bulletproof vest.

Lin Qing checked its information:

[Name: Protective vest]

[Level: A-level]

[Number of uses: three times]

[Function: After wearing this equipment, it can resist a fatal attack for the player. After three uses, the protective vest is damaged and cannot be used.]

[Note: Protective vest, available at World Merchant 113, welcome to consult and buy! ]

Lin Qing carefully put away the vest, which looks like a good item.

I didn't expect to get a small reward from this trip.

So it's not bad.

I was tired all day today. Although the dormitory manager just left, I don't know if he will come back.

So Lin Qing took the time to make himself a bucket of bone soup flavored instant noodles, added braised eggs and grilled sausages, as a dinner snack.

After all, time was running out, and she didn't know how long she could rest, so she had to fight for every minute and every second to win more time for herself to survive.

However, this time when Lin Qing was eating, she saw the cuckoo chicken suddenly flap its wings and fly up, and also brought out several flax-colored chicken feathers from the chicken coop made of the incubator.

"What's wrong? Cuckoo chicken."

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