Roulette World

Nine hundred and ninety seventh, the roulette of reproduction

"Yesterday was still too sleepy~~~"

No matter how extravagant Harmandan is now, Ye Zhongming is patient and listens to this guy tell what he has encountered. After that, the slight anger and depression disappeared, and he fell into deep thought.

He found himself in a dilemma.

The Harmandan Rashid in front of him is not really what he looks like on the outside. This guy probably has already made up his mind to pay attention to him from the moment he knew he was here.

The choice Ye Zhongming is facing at this moment is given to him by Harmandan. If he wants Star Sand, then he must help Harmandan.

The various forces in West Asia are more complicated than those in China, and this has a lot to do with their historical political situation and beliefs.

The chaos and disorder of the last days have given this kind of organizational form that relies on blood, doctrine, etc., a good soil for survival.

As a former royal aristocrat, Harmandan easily got his current position and became the leader of a huge team.

It's just that no matter how terrible the habits and spiritual world are, the end of the world is the end of the world after all, and there are some things that cannot be controlled after all.

With the deepening of the last days, more and more people began to establish themselves as kings, and their beliefs were gradually collapsing.

However, the occurrence of two things saved the situation that was about to get out of control.

One is the appearance of the elves of the stars.

Just like the spirits of the earth, the spirits of the stars provide the people here with the national specialty of star sand, which can save people's lives from danger. As materials, they can improve the level of equipment and obtain special powers.

It's one of the best things about the end times.

And it was the entire royal family who got the Star Spirit.

This made the unstable situation suddenly settle down.

Because the royal army and masters who got Xingchensha have greatly increased their strength, and they are no longer afraid of the large-scale, direct and bloody conflicts with the same clan that they have been avoiding before.

Those forces that were ready to move were afraid, so they naturally became quiet.

The second thing is that a special roulette has appeared, or to be precise, this roulette is a national specialty roulette, which is the birth roulette of the star elves.

However, after the roulette task was started, the West Asians did not complete it completely, and the situation at that time could not be completed completely. As a result, what they got was only the temporary control of the star elves, and the national specialty roulette did not disappear. Instead, it spread itself in an unbelievable situation.

Up to now, according to Harmandan, the elves of the stars have become unstable, and may be "sucked" back by the national specialty roulette at any time.

Harmandan said that the situation is not good, not only including himself, but also including the entire West Asia region, because the national specialty roulette has become a kind of plague and spread throughout the region. zero ↑ ​​nine △

Even Ye Zhongming and others have seen it before, it is the fake roulette they encountered!

That is only derived from the national specialty roulette, or in other words, bred.

"This kind of roulette is very 'confusing' and 'confusing'. Survivors who don't know the situation will turn them. After that, various sand-type mutated life forms appear, which in turn eat up those who turn the roulette. People provide energy for their evolution, and these fake roulettes absorb the energy of the magic crystal to ensure their own evolution, and then reproduce more fake roulettes."

Harmandan talked about the problems he encountered with all the evolutionists in West Asia, feeling depressed, opened a bottle of wine on the table, poured a glass and drank it down.

"At the very beginning, these fake roulettes just started to appear. No one knew what they were. Survivors kept turning them, causing a large number of mutant life forms of the sand system to appear, and many camps were breached. Later, when the news gradually spread , the survivors don’t turn these fakes that are easy to distinguish, but every once in a while, these roulettes will automatically generate monsters, which is really a headache.”

Speaking of which,

Ye Zhongming remembered some rumors he had heard in his previous life, saying that it was a very rare special roulette that would grow like a life in a strange way, and eventually become an extremely terrifying existence.

Of course, this is just a rumor, at least in his previous life, he had never heard of such uncontrollable things happening in China.

The group of hundreds of zombies they encountered at the beginning was probably the life born by this kind of roulette itself.

Ye Zhongming asked about other information about this kind of roulette, and learned that when the national specialty roulette of the star elves bred the fake roulette, the location did not have any rules, and it spread outward all the time. There are already such roulettes around, and the automatically generated sand-type monsters are all over there, and humans can no longer enter. Therefore, the various forces in the West Asia region cannot conduct secondary exploration of this country's special roulette at all.

And because of the continuous reproduction of this mother disk, the living space of the survivors in the West Asia region has been greatly compressed. The 'gate' of time and space is actually the fringe area under control. It is also for this reason that Harmandan moved the camp to out of there.

"Why don't you join forces to solve the mother disk?"

From Harmandan's mouth, Ye Zhongming knows that the current situation in West Asia is somewhat similar to a loose alliance. The Star Spirit was obtained before, when the royal family had better control, it was these royal family members who obtained the elements together. The elves are temporarily approved, so they can have the elves of the stars in turn.

In this case, they should be able to unite again to solve this problem.

Harmandan smiled wryly: "Ye, you don't understand those of us who have had the royal power in this land for generations, maybe we can unite, but it will not be put on the agenda until the star elves completely disappear." , otherwise... everyone will just muddle along."

Ye Zhongming pursed his lips, he had a thorough understanding of the nature of these West Asians.

To put it bluntly, they just want to preserve their strength, and they don't want to consume their evolutionaries in the fight, so that they can dominate this land in the future. Perhaps Harmandan thought so too, but because of several casual actions, this guy suffered heavy losses, was overtaken by other forces, and then snatched away the star elves, and was suppressed one after another, so now there is only one In the underground base, there are only a few thousand people under his command.

After understanding these things, Ye Zhongming calmed down a lot. If Harmandan plotted against him, there is no such thing. At most, this member of the royal family is betting on the importance of Xingchensha to Ye Zhongming. If it is important enough , then Ye Zhongming had to cooperate with him, and he could put forward some conditions to restore the current decline.

Of course, if Stardust Sand is not very important or urgent to Ye Zhongming, then there is no way to do it. It can only be said that Harmandan is unlucky.

Ye Zhongming knew that he might really have to cooperate with this guy, because even though Harmandan said so much, he didn't reveal any specific information such as the location of the national specialty roulette, the power of the star elves, etc. 'dew'.

Seeing Ye Zhongming's expression, Harmandan took out a box as if by magic, and said with a smile: "If we cooperate, then you will completely win my friendship."

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