Roulette World

Nine hundred and ninety nine: Harmandan's Gift (Part 2)

Ye Zhongming also saw the last thing in the box, and sighed inwardly.

Is there such a stupid person who gives gifts before things are done?

Naturally, there is no such thing, but Harmandan did so, what does that mean? It means that what he wants Ye Zhongming to do must be very difficult.

Only by presenting the things that tempt you first, can you be unable to refuse when you say the conditions next.

I have to say that Harmandan does not look very reliable, but it is still very beautiful when doing things.

However, through this incident, Ye Zhongming had a new understanding of the West Asian royal family.

This person is far from being as simple as it seems.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that his second thing is the disc that synthesizes the sub-magic crystal, which is a glaring trap.

No matter how good Harmandan said about the disk, how precious it was, and how superb the technology was, it couldn't change the limitation of that thing, that is, it only used one synthetic secondary magic crystal. And if you want to synthesize a sub-magic crystal, you must have a sub-magic crystal, so the question is, how to have it?

There is only one way, to kill those sand monsters.

But those sand-type monsters are very dangerous, Ye Zhongming already has a deep understanding of this, especially the mutant cactus, the final attack is almost impossible to guard against.

If you want to kill these monsters a lot to get the second magic crystal, you are doomed to pay a price.

And don't look at Harmandan sending out this kind of synthetic disc that only someone in the royal family can make, and a very small number, and even promised to let Ye Zhongming exchange it at will, for what? In the final analysis, the purpose is to clean up the out-of-control sand monsters and those fake roulettes for these West Asians through the hands of Ye Zhongming!

What's more, if Ye Zhongming wants to exchange for good things, he has to clean up all the monsters on the master disc of the star roulette.

But there, now is dead.

It can be seen from this that Harmandan's gift is not so easy to accept.

And this third thing, Ye Zhongming recognized.

It was an ingenuity.

Intermediate ingenuity.

"I found out that you are an excellent craftsman when I was in Neptune, so I think this item is what you need. This is ingenuity, which can improve the level of manufacturing occupations and permanently increase the success rate of manufacturing."

Harmandan didn't say much about this piece of equipment. First, there is not much to introduce about the item itself. Two sentences are enough to sum it up. Second, he feels that the simpler it is, the more it can highlight the value of this item.

Improve the level of the manufacturing profession, which is equivalent to a very precious career promotion scroll. Permanently increasing the success rate means canceling a large amount of materials, and these, accumulated, represent unimaginable wealth. In more common terms, these are evolutionary potions, which are life.

This thing is indeed precious, very precious, but why give it away like this?

Ye Zhongming knew it clearly!

It must be because this guy has no elementary ingenuity.

Is Intermediate Ingenuity so easy to use? Obviously not! Strictly speaking, this is actually an upgrade item that can only be used by those who have obtained the primary ingenuity. Harmandan took this out not because he is generous, but because he definitely does not have the primary ingenuity.

In fact, just look at the things he gave Ye Zhongming, are they precious? It is indeed precious, but whether it is an auxiliary crystal like Sha Shou, or a synthetic equipment like Yuanpan, they are not the only ones, or in other words, extremely difficult to obtain.

There is no sand hand in China, but it is a specialty here. It may be difficult to get it, but with Hamadan's identity and previous strength, it is not too difficult to get it.

And the disc is just a kind of artificially manufactured item.

For Harmandan, the only precious thing is probably this middle-level ingenuity, but this thing has limitations.

It has to be said that Harmandan is very careful when choosing gifts, and he is very good at catching people's needs, which is why he impresses Ye Zhongming with these gifts that he can afford to give out.

"Something I saw,

Tell me what I have to do to get these things. "

Ye Zhongming said this straightforwardly, he didn't have time to go around with this West Asian.

Harmandan was not at all embarrassed by being punctured, but smiled and said: "Then I will say it."

Ye Zhongming signaled, Harmandan drank the wine and started to say something.

After half an hour, Ye Zhongming clearly knew Harmandan's conditions.

The first is to help him take back the base, which has been taken by others. The second helps him recapture the Star Spirit. This is actually the same as the first condition, because the person who occupied his base was the person who took away his star elf, but because taking the star elf requires that person to be alive, it is listed separately.

The third, if you can, help him sit on the throne.

Of course, if Ye Zhongming can help him fulfill these conditions, he will also have to pay, such as taking Ye Zhongming to find the mother disk of the stars, such as providing Ye Zhongming with a sufficient amount of star sand, such as paying the rest, who can A reward equivalent to what Ye Zhongming did.

After asking about some matters of concern, Ye Zhongming agreed, and he had no choice but to agree.

Things are tricky, but it's better than having no clue.

"I need some time to prepare and leave tomorrow morning."

Leaving this sentence behind, Ye Zhongming gave a few orders to his subordinates, and then returned to the room where he was prepared to rest.

Now that you have obtained something good, you must immediately become a part of your own strength to feel at ease.

The first one Ye Zhongming used was Intermediate Ingenuity.

Just eat this thing.

As expected, the effect not only raised all of Ye Zhongming's craftsmen by one level, but also increased the permanent success rate from 15% to 30%.

This is a rather scary value, because this is an increase on the basis of the original success rate. For example, the original 100% success rate is still 100%. If it is 70% success rate, then it is also 100%!

Even if the success rate is only 1%, it can be increased to 31%! That is to say, as long as the success rate is not zero, no matter what Ye Zhongming does in the future, he can obtain at least a 30% success rate.

If you think about such heaven-defying manufacturing as Jiashangyin, you can know how much intermediate ingenuity has helped Ye Zhongming.

Perhaps, even Harmandan himself would not have imagined that Ye Zhongming is a person with primary ingenuity.

After calming down his excitement, Ye Zhongming set his sights on another item that could be used, the auxiliary bloodline, Sha Shou.

After thinking about it, he decided to use the skill of Elementary Lightning Technique as a sacrificial skill.

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