Roulette World

One Thousand and One Thunderbolt Sand Monster

The 'door' of the room was knocked open, and Xia Bai, who saw this scene, immediately closed it again, although the 'door' was already dilapidated.

Harmandan, who came over after hearing the noise, felt deep malice. Allah witnessed that he really wanted to sleep.

Through the 'door' of the room, he saw the situation inside, and the shock hidden in Harmandan's heart became stronger, and he felt more and more that this person could help him accomplish those things.

After the soldiers in Yunding blocked the room with their bodies, the movement in the room gradually decreased, the monster made of sand gradually disappeared, and the sawdust that had been on the roof also fell down, and the whole room was in a mess.

But Ye Zhongming was very happy, because he knew that his bloodline had been greatly improved.

Previously, the bloodline of the junior hell messenger was considered an explosive bloodline, which could improve physical fitness in a short period of time, and would summon a hell life at regular intervals.

In the early days of getting the bloodline, it was indeed very useful for Ye Zhongming, but later, as his evolutionary level increased, in addition to improving his physical fitness, the ability to summon hell life seemed a bit weak.

After all, the life level of the summoned hell will not be too high, and the time is not fixed.

But now, after the integration of Sha Shou, both aspects of the bloodline have been improved.

First of all, in terms of improving physical fitness, a brand new ability has been obtained on the basis of the previous one, that is, when the bloodline is activated on the sand, the effect is increased by 20% more than that activated on other substances In other words, the desert has now become Ye Zhongming's home field.

Secondly, the most special summoning function of this bloodline has been changed due to the fusion of sand hands. In addition to continuing to summon hell life without any rules, it can also summon the "Thunder and Lightning Sand Monster", which is the monster that appeared just now.

Don't underestimate this thunder and lightning sand monster that was formed by sacrificing the elementary thunder and lightning technique and the intermediate summoning technique. The strength of this life itself is very powerful when it first appears. Big 'hole'.

What made Ye Zhongming even more happy was that, perhaps because of the summoning technique, this thunder and lightning sand monster would appear immediately with the activation of the bloodline, or even appear continuously.

Another point, even Ye Zhongming, who has already obtained such a good thing as the sea king's crown and earth spirit, has to be tempted, that is, the thunder and lightning sand monster can be upgraded with a skill upgrade scroll!

Perhaps this is the benefit of integration.

Undoubtedly, this gave Ye Zhongming an extra gold medalist who could be summoned at any time.

The bloodline upgrade this time is not very complicated, but it is a big improvement for Ye Zhongming's strength. After all, after the bloodline is activated, the improved physical fitness is calculated according to a percentage. The larger the base, the greater the degree of improvement. big.

However, Ye Zhongming was a little puzzled. During the battle, the thunder and lightning sand monster would inevitably be damaged or even killed. If he died, then this guy wouldn't be a one-off, right? Even if it's not a 'one-off', if you use an upgrade scroll for it later, it won't be invalid after death, right?

Although he felt that he was a little unfounded, Ye Zhongming was still a little uneasy. It seems that in the future, he can only be verified through fighting.

Afterwards, Ye Zhongming took out the disk and put the sub-magic crystals in his hands into it for fusion. In the end, except for some scattered magic crystals that could not be synthesized to the next level, Ye Zhongming got a seventh-level magic crystal. Second magic crystal.

It seems that it is really not an easy task to finally synthesize a ninth-level sub-magic crystal.

At dawn the next day, when Harmandan came to meet Ye Zhongming for lunch, he got a proposal to leave, which was a few hours earlier than the previously set time.

But Harmandan had no objection, and after an hour of preparation, the team set off.

"That, Ye, it's not that I don't trust your team, they are very strong, I can see that."

on the way,

Harmandan approached Ye Zhongming and said: "But after all, we have too few people. Our target is very powerful now. There are tens of thousands of soldiers under him, and there are more'servants' and servants. There are slaves, and together they are enough to swallow us."

Ye Zhongming nodded, did not answer, but asked where the target was.

Harmandan hesitated to speak.

"Don't be afraid of my repentance. I want to know the answer from you. In fact, I have other methods, such as 'forcing' you to speak out, but I didn't do it. Then you should know that I have a bottom line."

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Harmandan subconsciously distanced himself from him.

"You are a seven-star evolutionary, which is very good, but your subordinates are not strong. As long as I think, we can finish you in five minutes."

"This..." Harmandan's face changed, and finally he had to admit that what Ye Zhongming said was true, so he had to tell the target's location.

Ye Zhongming didn't express anything when he heard this, and just kept going, which made Harmandan's heart flutter, but half an hour later, a soldier from Genting Villa took out a tablet computer and handed it to Ye Zhongming. Harmandan glanced sideways. It was a map with a red line drawn on it.

"Start now, let us lead the way!"

After Ye Zhongming looked at the map, he said to Harmandan.

"No, my dear friend, the desert is dangerous. There are sand-type monsters everywhere. Only our people can find the most suitable route."

Fake roulettes are everywhere now. I don’t know how many sand-type monsters are wandering in the desert. Harmandan doesn’t want to suffer heavy losses before reaching the destination.

"You don't need to worry about this. The path we chose is the path with the most sand-type monsters."

Amidst the protests of Harmandan and his men, Yunding Villa changed its route and seemingly recklessly broke into the territory of the sand-type monsters. However, these West Asians soon discovered that these Chinese had been prepared for a long time. They cleaned up the sand monsters. The efficiency of monsters is very high!

Ye Zhongming is naturally not stupid, and he will not change the route at will when the situation is unclear. He is doing this now because he has already made the route clear, and he even knows the situation of half of the desert. 'Cooked.

Before returning to the room yesterday, he sent two 'fine' floating balls from China to conduct a large-scale survey of the surrounding desert. To some extent, Ye Zhongming doesn't really need Harmandan anymore.

In his heart, Ye Zhongming never thought of relying entirely on this West Asian.

Special roulette, it is a national specialty roulette, how can he let it go... rw

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