Roulette World

One thousand and three chrysanthemum clouds

1003 Chrysanthemum cloud

"Two in one, tomorrow will explode~~"

The red-haired chest instantly sank.

If you were a human being, even an evolutionary, you would probably die right now.

But she is not a human being after all, but a mysterious life that even Ye Zhongming, who created her, can't figure it out.

As the bone bird rammed over, a group of skeleton warriors behind the red hair shattered instantly, and their soul fire quickly floated into the red hair's body, making her seriously injured body still support.

Even if it's the 'spiritual' storm launched by red hair at the cost of vitality, the oppressive force on beings like bone birds and bone dragons will soon pass, and once they return to their full strength, such lives will tell red hair, What is the top undead.

So she had to do it quickly.

He held the soul fire in the bone bird's body with his hand, but the extreme pain began to hit the red hair.

She first felt the burning pain, as if the next moment her palm would be ignited by the soul fire and then burnt to ashes.

Then came the shock from the soul.

For red hair, to a certain extent, she is somewhat similar to the life of an undead, and her rebirth is directly related to the soul orb.

In her life, there is also soul fire.

There are two ways to kill undead life, one is to smash them into pieces cleanly, and the other is to directly extinguish the soul fire in their bodies.

What Hongfa is using now is undoubtedly the second one.

With her strength, she is not qualified to use the first method to kill these two undead beings who were top-level existences before and after death.

However, it is not easy to absorb their soul fire. Although the red hair is definitely considered a top existence on the earth, but here, there is a huge level difference with the bone keel bird.

Wanting to leapfrog to absorb other people's soul fire is also the source, so how can it not be backlashed.

The red-haired man knew that he couldn't do anything, so he could only "stand up" and keep his mind clear, which also ensured that his soul fire would not be absorbed back.

The torment began, and the two sides seemed to be hugging each other intimately. Although it looked weird because of the huge difference in body shape, what they did was the most dangerous thing.

This is a war to seize the origin, and it is true that it is not you who die or me who live.

The bone dragon next to it took a look here, but didn't come to help. First, a strange chair was 'harassing' it, and second, it didn't think that the bone bird of the same level as itself would fail.

That life that makes them confused but very uncomfortable doesn't have the ability to defeat the Flame Divine Phoenix in this way... even if it is dead.

The bone dragon's attention was shifted to the bone dragon seat, and the similar aura on the surface made it a little 'confusing' at first, but now when it is really faced, its soul eyes are full of contempt.

What kind of breath of the same kind is just a fake dragon.

Even though the way the chair is put together is interesting, it's still low-grade stuff.

The cloud of black mist sprayed by the head of the chair fell on the body of the bone dragon, and the bone dragon felt uncomfortable. He thought it was related to the attack of the "spiritual" storm. It didn't move, and it didn't make any movements. After a while, he shook his body, shook off the skeleton warriors who surrounded him again, and at the same time cleared the black mist from his body.

For it, these things are nothing.

But then, when the bone dragon wanted to flick its tail to 'swipe' the flying bone chair away, it suddenly felt powerless!

Undead life, will not be exhausted, feel powerless, there is only one possibility, the soul fire is injured!

The bone dragon couldn't believe it, how could a low-level undead weapon cause harm to itself? !

It held back the discomfort, and jumped towards the Skeleton Dragon Seat. The Skeleton Dragon's idea is very simple, if it doesn't understand you, it will destroy you.

But suddenly there was a mental wave of the bone bird from the side, asking for help from it, Gu Gu looked sideways, and saw that it was a bone bird of the same level as it, and at this time the energy in his body was actually increasing rapidly. Flowing into the body of that life!

As the top existence on the hillside of the undead,

The bone dragon must go over to help, but the bone dragon seat took the initiative to fly over and hit the bone dragon.

The bone dragon was furious, its giant claws grabbed the dragon seat at once, rammed it into the ground, its huge body jumped in the air, and stepped on the surface.

The original sturdy dragon seat was immediately 'handled' so that many bones were broken, and two of the four corners of the chair were directly broken.

But when the bone dragon thought it had solved this guy, the bone dragon seat flew up from the ground again, and the faucet of the chair sprayed out thick fog like a rope, entangled in the bone dragon's body.

This time, the bone dragon really couldn't bear it anymore, this guy actually wanted to be like its master, trying to absorb his own soul fire!

The double horns of the bone dragon were cut on the dragon seat, and the bones on the surface obviously couldn't match the double horns of the bone dragon, and a large piece was cut, and the back of the entire chair was almost divided into two.

With a bang, the bone dragon bit off the dragon seat's dragon head. It has been displeased with this fake-looking thing for a long time.


The sound is very small, very subtle, and can hardly be heard in the 'chaotic' battlefield. The bone dragon's body trembled violently, and it looked at the position of the soul fire inside its body in disbelief. There, there was a snow-white His hand grasped its lifeblood, the sound just now was the sound of the bones around the soul fire being squeezed apart.

Bone Bird!

The bone dragon realized something, it looked back with some difficulty, only to see that there was no bone bird, and its companion had turned into a pile of real bones, and some skeletons were scrambling to install its bones on its body!

And the life that looked dying just now is now wearing a fiery red energy color coat, riding on his back, with a murderous look on his face!

The bone dragon roared silently, and the impact of energy turned the surrounding skeleton warriors into bone powder in an instant. The red hair on the back was fluctuated by the impact of the energy colored clothes, as if they were about to fly away at any time.

But, in the end, the red hair still firmly grasped the bone dragon's soul fire, and was pulling it out little by little!

This is impossible!

Bone Dragon never thinks that this life has such strength, even if she just didn't know how to absorb the Bone Bird's soul fire.

However, the redhead did it.

How she did it, the bone dragon will never know, because its soul fire has been completely pulled out of its body by the red hair, and it exists in the world with another life, but it still becomes a skeleton.

The red hair jumped off the dragon's back, lifted the broken bone dragon seat aside, threw it on the bone dragon's body, and then separated some from the soul fire in her hand, and her own seat immediately began to undergo a divine transformation, not only quickly Restored, the body of the bone dragon shrunk several times and was still wrapped around the seat, and the dragon head replaced the previous dragon head!

The skeleton dragon seat has become the real dragon seat.

Swallowing the soul fire into his body, the red hair walked down the hillside of the undead, followed by a flying chair, and after being baptized by two top undead beings, only ten thousand strong skeleton warriors remained.

After walking a few hundred meters, the red hair turned back and saw Po Zhi, dozens of beings of the same level as the bone keel bird floating there, looking at her with anger.

With a stiff smile, the redhead turned around and moved on.


Harmandan looked at the empty 'exquisite' floating ball with envy on his face. He had already expressed his intention to buy it several times, but Ye Zhongming refused all of them, and attracted the glaring looks of the soldiers of Xia Bai's team. .

Because in the last bid just now, this guy from West Asia actually added a hundred clean and beautiful women!

Isn't this going to be an enemy of the entire Genting!

Harmandan didn't care at all, even in the original peaceful era, his eyes had no status, let alone now.

He just kept thinking about how to 'get' this piece of equipment.

Photos taken by 'Jing' Jue Float kept coming. Under the leadership of Yunding, the whole team took a hunting road.

When not doing anything, Harmandan's subordinates inevitably looked down upon the soldiers of Genting. Although these are all beautiful but cold women, their equipment is luxurious, and everyone has war beasts, even though they are young Period, that is not easy to do.

But some people still underestimate their strength.

Perhaps "female" and "sex" are inferior to others in their eyes.

But when the soldiers of Genting entered the fighting state, the discipline, tacit understanding, toughness, and bloodthirsty they showed when they took the initiative to attack made these West Asians silent.

They no longer dare to despise these 'women' even a little bit, because they realize that as long as people want to, they can be killed as easily as slaughtering children.

This is the difference in equipment and the difference in average level, but in the final analysis, it is a difference in psychology.

These 'women' are not afraid of death!

They all understand that when fighting, the more afraid of death, the faster they will die, but the reason is clear, but if they are really asked to do it, these West Asians can't do it, and he doesn't want to be "forced" into a desperate situation. Desperately.

So, they watched the Genting people use high-tech equipment to find sand-type monsters, watched the Genting fighters slaughter these mutated lives they were afraid of, and harvest those sub-magic crystals they coveted.

"Ye, we can fly without talking. Your weapons are all equipped with magic crystals. If you sell them to me, the price will definitely satisfy you."

Ye Zhongming was a little impatient with the royal family of West Asia who wanted to buy everything they saw. He looked at Harmandan and said, "With all due respect, Mr. Harmandan, with your current financial resources, I don't think so. You can afford this kind of equipment from me, and I am not going to sell it. When one day, you recover your strength and have enough magic crystals or other good things, we can discuss how to replace those old ones. Products are sold to you."

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Harmandan was not angry at all, but found a business opportunity in it.

"Ye, how about this, let's talk, I know I can't give you the corresponding reward now, but it doesn't mean I can't in the future, as long as I have your help, I will become the king of this land, the king of West Asia."

Ye Zhongming was stunned for a moment, and the horse reflected.

This guy probably came up with this idea after seeing the strength of Yunding.

This is actually not surprising. In history, there are countless examples like this. Even in previous lives, there were many people who became strong by relying on others.

Many strong people in the previous life were actually very happy to do these things, because this kind of thing that pays first can be rewarded, and the rate of return is often high beyond expectations.

This is also the reason why nine-star powerhouses such as Killing Rose have their own control range. How can one person, one force, control such a large area? Rely on, mostly this kind of cultivated 'puppet'.

However, the most important thing about this kind of thing is the candidate for the 'puppet'. No matter what Ye Zhongming thinks, he doesn't think Harmandan has the potential to be a puppet. My own order is still separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, so it may not be a big deal.

However, since there is a "door" to fold time and space, maybe my own hand can really reach out to West Asia.

Ye Zhongming pinched his chin and thought, there was another battle ahead, Ye Zhongming didn't make a move, Xia Bai didn't make a move, the team members dealt with the hundreds of sand-type monsters.

While cleaning the battlefield, a camel team appeared nearby. Under the monitoring of the alert float, Yunding quickly grasped the information and quickly surrounded the camel team.

"Hamandan? Is that you!"

The camel team was originally afraid of chaos, but when they saw Harmandan, one of them made a sound with a few surprises.


Harmandan glanced at it for a few times before yelling in uncertainty.

Now that we know each other, everything is easy to talk about. Hamanda talked with this man named Sani, and Ye Zhongming understood.

This Sani used to be a friend in the peaceful era, with a prominent status, and a person with a similar status to Harmandan in neighboring countries.

The two haven't seen each other since the apocalypse began. Now that they met for the first time, at least outwardly they are very happy with each other.

But Ye Zhongming is not interested in the long-lost reunion. It is estimated that if the two sides meet without him, perhaps the first thing for Harmandan is to run away, so as not to be robbed by his friends.

He walked over to synthesize a magic crystal, woke up along the way, and produced another seventh-level magic crystal, but it was a long way from the ninth level. Fortunately, the sand-type monsters were only cleaned up less than half of it at the beginning of the journey. .

When Hamanda and his friend had the same talk, Hamanda happily came over and told Ye Zhongming that his friend planned to go with him, and hoped that after the incident, he would ask Hamanda to help him find something.

Ye Zhongming was not interested in the agreement between them, and he listened to it without paying attention, but when he heard something, he immediately showed great shock, which surprised the soldiers in Yunding.

The thing that shocked the boss so much is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Ye Zhongming had already grabbed Sani's collar at this moment, squinted his eyes and asked coldly, "Does the matter of Ju Yun you mentioned really exist?"

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