Roulette World

One thousand and five: the wise master

"Second update, today's Mother's Day, I wish all mothers in the world a happy holiday~~"

Seeing the scene of the 'Jing'jue floating ball being passed back, Harmandan watched for a long time without saying a word. .:.

The star elf who robbed him, occupied his base, suppressed him all the time, and took away most of his men, is actually Harmandan's brother. In a state of competition, not very friendly.

But seeing the live broadcast, Harmandan remained silent for a while, because everyone could see that the situation of human beings is not very good now, and many people have already begun to break through from all directions.

It can also be said that he is running away.

The struggle between people in the last days may survive in the end. As long as you are willing to give something, whether it is dignity or soul, with a little luck, you may be able to continue living, regardless of whether you will live like a human or a dog in the future.

But in the face of mutated life, survival has become a luxury. These beings will not accept surrender, they will only eat you and turn you into energy for their evolution.

Now, in the target's camp, this is the case.


"I won't save."

Ye Zhongming interrupted Harmandan, he knew that Harmandan wanted to let the soldiers of Genting take action.

Now there are at least tens of thousands of sand-type monsters besieging the camp. For this number of mutated beings, Yunding Villa can defeat them, but it needs to pay a big price. Ye Zhongming doesn't think there is anything here that can make him do this. This kind of decision, even the elves of the stars can't do it.

What's more, the person who has the star spirit will definitely die at the end. At that time, it is not too late to make a move.

Harmandan pinched his fingers and said in a low voice: "But these people are my best subordinates, they... I know you may not understand our customs, but the fact is that these people are actually my subordinates. "

Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows and continued to look at the screen.

This means he rejects the offer.

What is most lacking in the last days is people, and what is least lacking is also people.

Even to a certain extent, Ye Zhongming didn't treat people who were not his subordinates particularly as human beings.

This may be some sequelae of living for ten years in the previous life.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming didn't speak, Harmandan sighed in his heart. He knew that the things he gave Ye Zhongming before were already his limit, and the rest that he could get out were all things for his own life. He couldn't be here at this moment. Without paying anything, he got Ye Zhongming's promise to take action.

He could only send people around to collect those fleeing routs, hoping to preserve as much strength as possible.

There are a lot of people in this human camp. Even if it is not known when it was attacked, it has shown a trend of collapse, but the number of human beings who can still be seen in the battle is more than 5,000, which is only the average evolution level. No, it is impossible to compete with these sand monsters.

However, humans who also know that there is no compromise with mutated life, once they find no way to escape, the counterattack energy that erupts in the last stand is also extremely powerful. They are using their lives to give these The enemy caused huge casualties.

Looking at the image, Ye Zhongming felt suspicious.

Why are these sand monsters attacking the camp? Instead of zombies or other mutated life forms?

Didn't Harmandan say that these sand-type monsters will not actively move in the desert? What Ye Zhongming encountered before also proved this point.

But what is going on now?

Because of the appearance of sand-type monsters, the West Asians had already avoided those fake roulettes when they established the gathering point, which means that there should be a certain distance from these monsters, but why were they attacked?

Ye Zhongming thought for a moment, and had a vague guess in his heart.

It can't be... the master disc of the wheel of the stars, right?

If so, then... this particular roulette is intelligent?

This guess made Ye Zhongming feel a little shuddering,

Not even the extremely high temperature in the desert can withstand it.

"It's Haji..."

Harmandan saw a familiar figure in one part of the picture, surrounded by thousands of soldiers, protecting him and breaking out in one direction. Obviously, this person is Hamdan's brother.

Ye Zhongming's eyes also locked on this person, because on this person's shoulders, like him, was an elemental spirit with an energy body floating.

Compared with the spirit of the earth, the spirit of the star is much more colorful. It has a light blue color as a whole, but it has purple and light yellow colors on its body. There are no shields under the elves of the earth, but a three-dimensional five-pointed star on top of their heads.

Although this star spirit is more colorful than the earth spirit, Ye Zhongming always feels that it is not as spiritual as his little one.

It is estimated that it is the difference between a permanent recognition of the master and a temporary recognition of the master.

The sand monsters are constantly blocking the team's escape, or in other words, they don't care about other people at all, just keep attacking the team.

The distance from the center of the camp to the edge of the camp is only a few hundred meters, but this distance is full of human and mutant corpses. The team protecting Haji has grown from thousands of people at the beginning to Only about a thousand people.

Ye Zhongming stood up suddenly and ordered the team to prepare for battle.

He knew that it was almost done. Humans and sand-type monsters had been fighting for a while, and now there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. If the fight continued, it would be a one-sided massacre.

The Genting fighters immediately completed the attack formation in the shortest time, and then began to move towards that side on the sand dunes.

Just for a while, the number of people around Haji continued to drop sharply, from more than a thousand people to only three hundred people. He was already desperate.

Suddenly, he saw a completely unfamiliar team appearing in front of his eyes. It was a team all wearing green equipment and holding strange firearms.

He was immediately overjoyed, but regardless of whether the team was a friend or an enemy, he rushed over in a hurry.

But how could the sand monsters let him go? Hajiben was the only target today.

Many mutated beings have already started to attack one after another, not caring about their own safety at all. In just a moment, there are less than a hundred people around Haji.

These people are all masters he has carefully cultivated.

At this time, Haji's team was only a hundred meters away from the Genting team, but at this moment, a huge sandbag suddenly arched on the ground between the two sides, and a mutated sand-type beetle jumped out of it, like a As soon as the small building-like body appeared, the two long tentacles on the top of the head stabbed towards Haji like lightning.

Several subordinates stood in front of them. They wanted to hide, but the speed of the tentacles was so fast that they pierced through their bodies in an instant.

And although Haji had an instant reaction time because of these subordinates, he also made a due response, protecting a green rock shield in front of him, but the tentacles still pierced straight through, directly Penetrated his 'chest'.

Then, the mutated beetle rumbled into the ground again, dragging those people on the tentacles down together.

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