Roulette World

1015 The identity of the hunter

Perhaps because of the language, Harmandan was startled for a moment before he understood what Ye Zhongming meant.

His face changed drastically, he opened his mouth, and his eyes wandered around for a while, only to realize that those seemingly sloppy Genting female fighters had completed the siege of Harmandan's team at some point. As long as Ye Zhongming gives an order, it is estimated that Harmandan's men will be killed.

Although the number of Genting fighters is not as many as Harmandan, and the encirclement seems extremely sparse, he has no doubts at all that his men are not opponents.

"Ye, what do you mean? I sincerely cooperate with you. Since I was in China, I have given you the star sand and the 'door' of time and space folding. After coming here, my hospitality to you It also represents my sincerity."

Harmandan said, his mood stabilized slightly.

"Could it be that you want to go back on your word? Don't keep our agreement? Ye, that will be punished by God!"

Ye Zhongming smiled and looked into the distance. Over there was the way they came.

"People will change, especially in the last days, and they will change very quickly." Ye Zhongming held the tablet connected to the 'Jingjue' floating ball in his hand, and said while looking at the information on it: "I It is undeniable that you really wanted to cooperate at the beginning, even when I went to your base as a guest, you still planned to cooperate with me, and the things you gave me illustrate this point."

Harmandan listened silently, and then said: "Let's say no."

"However," Ye Zhongming didn't care about this, "when you arrive at the holy city, or in other words, when you find that the star spirit has been taken back by the star mother disk, you will change."

"No, no, you misunderstood, these are all your own conjectures." Harmandan denied, shaking his head with a helpless expression.

"I'm right, I'm more sober than anyone else, because your interests have changed, so you have changed." Ye Zhongming still looks at the computer from time to time, and he doesn't know why.

"Originally we agreed on something, suddenly there is an accident, everything has to be re-determined, and your heart has changed."

"You were afraid that we would renege on our debts and leave, so you came up with the method of coming to the holy city to seek the help of the prophet. You made the position of the star elves very vague, in order to let us follow you to the holy city .Actually, when you saw that mutated sand-type beetle, you knew where the star elves went."

Harmandan's face finally changed, but he still tried to calm himself down, "What you said are all your guesses, without any evidence, you can't take your suppositions as facts."

"Don't you find it ridiculous to talk about evidence in the last days?" Ye Zhongming shrugged, "However, if you want evidence, I can give it to you."

Ye Zhongming pointed to the distance, "Tell me, if you wait a moment, an army from your holy city appears here, can it be used as evidence?"

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Harmandan couldn't control the fear in his heart any longer, and let out a soft cry. Although he realized his gaffe and quickly forced himself to calm down, he still said in a trembling voice: "Everything can be Unexpectedly, you can't just say that I'm designing to frame you, what reason do I have to frame you, we have an agreement, it's good for both of us, I'm not wrong, am I right?"

"It's not wrong." Ye Zhongming put down the computer, his expression became serious, "But if we die, you can get more, for example, hundreds of sets of green equipment, several pieces of blue 'color' equipment, for example, the space equipment on my body."

Gunshots sounded at this time, and blood began to burst out.

It was some West Asians who knew that the situation was not good and wanted to take the opportunity to make a surprise attack and bring back the current situation.

But the Genting fighters instantly told them what is delusion, what is gap, and what is powerlessness.

In just two rounds of continuous shooting, Harmandan's team has been killed and injured.

There is no way, the evolution level of Harmandan's subordinates is already lower than that of the Genting fighters,

The equipment is even several grades different, and the magic crystal weapon is irresistible to them.

This is when there are dozens of fighters guarding the Thunderstorm Tower.

Harmandan's face was bloodless. He knew that if there was still a ten-thousandth hope to reach an agreement with Ye Zhongming just now, then the two sides must be enemies now.

"Greed is the original sin." Ye Zhongming looked at Harmandan and said: "Many people say this like farting, yes, I admit, it is true, but sometimes you think about it, when you are facing death and desperate Sometimes, the reason for this is greed."

"Believe it or not, it's really a misunderstanding, Ye, think about it, if I really broke the agreement, why didn't I do it in the holy city, which is my father's territory!"

Ye Zhongming nodded, "Yes, this seems reasonable, but the reason is not difficult to guess. First, our team is strong. If you want to eat us, you will have to pay a huge price. You are not willing."

"Secondly, because of this." Ye Zhongming pointed to the back, "None of your people want to clean up the mother disk of the stars, because they are afraid of damaging their own strength. Now there is a strong team to fight against." Come here, how can you bother? Of course, it will not appear until after we make a move. No matter whether we win or lose, you can pay a very small price to get what you dream of, including our equipment. How good it is to kill two birds with one stone!"

Harmandan wanted to say something more, but Ye Zhongming had no patience to listen to him continue to weave lies, and suddenly stretched out his fist and hit the West Asian man in the heart.

The fist passed straight through his chest.

With Ye Zhongming's current strength, facing an evolutionary whose evolutionary level is lower than his own and who is not equipped with any good equipment, it is completely instant kill.

"You must be wondering why we didn't do it earlier, because I need you to come here too, your flesh and blood, those sand monsters will like it very much, and your team from the holy city will also like it very much of these monsters."

Pushing Harmandan away, Ye Zhongming waved his hand, and the soldiers of Genting began to pack up the corpses, and the blood and flesh pieces were thrown to the other side some distance away, and it stretched far away. The direction was exactly where everyone came. road!

Some nearby sand monsters smelled the smell of blood, rushed over from there, and immediately found the delicious food on the sand, these monsters immediately went crazy, and began to look for food along this road of flesh and blood.

Ye Zhongming looked at the screen of the human army that was advancing not far from here on the computer, calculated the time to meet the sand monster, and then waited quietly as a hunter.

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